How Can You Raise Your Vibration and Make It Stick?

If you want to change what you are experiencing, you must learn how to raise your vibration. There are hundreds of ways to achieve this worthy objective, but here's a list of the top 11 ways to get you started.


How to raise your vibration is such a hyped-up topic that many people get so turned-off when they hear about it.

Trust me, I know! Cause I was one of those people. But that doesn’t mean the topic itself is bad or unrealistic.

As a matter of fact, once I understood the topic and applied it in my life, everything shifted for me. (No woo-woo stuff, maybe just a little😄)

So, let’s learn how to be in a higher vibrational state without all the hype! Shall we?

Below, I’ll explain what the term means. And also, I’ll share with you 11 practical and down-to-earth ways to raise your vibes!

But First, what does it mean to raise your vibration?

Everything in the entire universe is made of energy.

Yes, everything! That means you and me, other people, plants, animals, objects, and anything you have ever known and will ever know. All that is made of energetic molecules that are vibrating at different vibrational levels (frequencies.)

And, if you’re wondering; ok, Zane! This sounds great and all, but how does that affect us, humans?

As a human being, you’re more than your body. You’re made of different energetic levels: physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. (I’ll dedicate a future post to explain these different levels. Please let me know if you’re interested in that in the comment section at the end of this post.)

Each of these levels has its own vibrational frequency. Those frequencies combined create your overall vibration as a human being.

When it comes to vibration, there are high and low frequencies within you and all around you.

To activate a life full of love, abundance, wellbeing, and success, you must learn how to vibrate at higher frequencies.

It is so important to pay attention to your vibrational level!

I cannot emphasize this enough – PAY ATTENTION to what level you are vibrating at! Here’s a graph of the different levels of vibrations that most humans experience at one point or another in their life:

Remember, “likes attract likes,” and if you go through life unaware of your vibration, then guess what?

You’ll be attracting things to you that are either:

  • Not what you wanted in the first place, or even worst,
  • You’ll attract highly undesirable events, people, and circumstances!

Either way, it’s not good!

But all hope is not lost, here is the good news!

You can influence your vibration to match up with what you want to create in life. Here’s a session I dedicated to this topic; please watch below:

Alrighty, now that you have a better idea of what it means to raise your vibration.

Now, let’s explore 11 ways that you can utilize today to raise your vibration. (Use one or all or a combo whenever your vibration dips low)

11 Ways to Increase Your Frequency and Raise Your Vibration Now!

1. Practice Gratitude

How to raise your vibration with gratitude!

Practicing gratitude is so underrated and so many people are unware of its magical powers!

Being more grateful is my number 1 go-to method to raising vibration whenever feeling low.

How do you start practicing gratitude??

Glad you asked!

Get a journal and start listing everything in your life that you’re grateful for.

Being grateful and practicing gratitude is such an amazing way to raise your vibration effortlessly.

If you’re feeling sad, mad, lethargic, depressed, or any other low vibrational emotions, grab a journal or a notepad and get a listing. Start listing anything and everything (Large and small) and see how you’ll feel afterward.

Need help with that? I got you! Download your FREE copy of The Grateful Morning Affirmations MP3 Here and combine that with your writing/listing session.

Be thankful and focus on the good, and attract more of that. And that, my friend, is one simple and easy way to get you and your vibration operating at the highest level that’s good for you and everyone around you!

2. Cultivate Your Spirit

Another way to raise your vibration is to harmonize your mind, body, heart and soul.

And, the best way to do that is by having a spiritual practice.

Here are few ideas:

1. Praying
2. Meditation
3. Affirmations
4. Relaxation

It really doesn’t matter which one you choose. Just do something that inspires you and makes you feel in harmony with life.

I personally practice a combo of affirmations and meditation at the same time. (2 for 1 treat😄)

And when I am feeling really fancy, I even play some ambient music to enhance my experience. (more on that later in this post)

3. Connect with Nature

how to raise your vibration with earthing/grounding
Nature heals you as it raises your vibration and your state of consciousness.

This is my 2nd “Go-To” method! Especially when I have extra time, or access to nature, or both.

Mother Earth is a vibrational being that is always vibrating at the highest available frequencies.

Also, Mother Earth always operates from a place of flow, abundance, love, and harmony.

So, whenever you find yourself low on energy or vibrating at lower frequencies, then it’s time to go all Nature-al (Pun Intended😄)

I love to walk barefoot on the grass or sand if I am by a beach.

Walking barefoot enhances your connection with Mother Earth. It also ground your energy and promotes overall balance & wellbeing. (To learn about the power of going barefoot “AKA Grounding,” please read this post)

If going barefoot is not your thing, then shoes are fine by me.😄 Simply spend time outdoors!

Explore nature’s never-ending gifts, whether it’s the mountains, the beach, the forest, or even the desert! Spend quality time in nature, and you’ll be re-charged and vibrating high in no time!

4. Honor Your Body

It’s been said that your body is a temple!

Honesty checkpoint! When was the last time you stopped to ask how are you caring for that temple?

If you take care of your body, and feed it life-affirming nutritious foods, then it will last for as long as you last.

However, if you neglect it and feed it crappy stuff, then you are almost guaranteed that it will breakdown sooner or later.

Your body is your home for life. Sadly most people treat their phones better than their bodies.

If you’re struggling with low vibes, start looking at your diet, hydration, and exercise level.

When you take care of your body by eating well, staying hydrated, doing physical and spiritual exercise, you raise your vibration.

How, you may ask?

When you input high vibrational frequencies through life-affirming foods and beverages, you’re increasing your own vibration.

But if you’re doing the opposite, then you’re lowering your own vibes.

Also, health and vitality are high vibrational states.

So, when you take care of your body, you are extending your health and vitality. And therefore, you are operating from a higher vibrational state.

Not sure how to fuel your body with the right choices? Read this post!

5. Practice Mindfulness

Mindfulness is an amazing tool when it comes to raising your vibration almost instantaneously!

When you practice mindfulness, you are allowing yourself to be fully present and in the moment.

By becoming mindful, you’re raising both your awareness and vibration.

Dwelling in the past or worrying about the future pulls you out of the present moment. Anytime you’re not present, you’re choosing to activate a lower vibrational state.

So ditch the clutter of the past, the worries of the future and BE MINDFUL today!

Here’s a mindfulness MP3 track to aid you with this vibration raising method:

Free Mindfulness Meditation Taught by Jon Kabat-Zinn

6. Get Musical

Music is a wonderful healer!

In my opinion, music can heal what medicine can’t.

So, if you’re low on energy for whatever reason, then get musical!🎶

Tune-in to your favorite musician and raise your vibration with sound.

With Spotify, Alexa and Pandora, you can find music for just about any mood. (Just ensure that you listen to vibration raising music and not sad or melancholy tunes as those will lower your vibes)

Here’s my favorite Spotify playlist that always does the trick to boost my mood:

If you’re looking for nature sounds or ambient music, then here’s my favorite channel on YouTube. They have a wide variety and you can find some amazing tunes there.

7. Practice Forgiveness

How to raise your vibration starts by climbing above the hurt of the past, forgiving yourself and others, and deciding to be happy. The choice is yours.
Forgive and rise above the low vibration of being hurt.

Forgiveness is a topic that I cover extensively on this website.

And I can’t talk about raising your vibes without giving forgiveness an honorable mention.

If you’ve been around for more than a day, I am certain you had your own experience where someone hurt you. Maybe even you contributed in your own way to that hurt.

That’s part of the human experience. What we do with that hurt is up to us!

You can choose to remain stuck in past hurts and let them keep you in a low vibrational state, or you can choose to forgive and move forward with grace.

Forgiveness is a process. Work with forgiveness at your own pace. Don’t rush it.

Start by forgiving yourself first.

Catch yourself when you start replaying negative situations/events over and over again in your mind. It takes awareness to realize when we are dwelling in the past—that why I encouraged you to practice mindfulness earlier in this post.

Don’t let your past hold you hostage. Everyone makes mistakes including you. Forgive yourself!

And when you’re able to forgive yourself, then it’s time to extend that forgiveness to others. Remember, forgiveness is for your own inner peace. You’re not condoning the actions of others by forgiving. When you forgive others, you let go of the hold they have on you.

So, forgive, move on and raise your vibration! You’ll feel better, I promise🙏🏻

8. Smudge Low Vibes Away

Smudging (aka clearing with smoke) is an ancient purification practice.

It’s found in many cultures and used by many across the globe for clearing lower vibrations away.

I come originally from Iraq, and I remember my mom using Harmala (Syrian Rue) to smudge.

She heated the Harmala seeds in a special pan, and when they’re smoldering, the smudge is wafted around the house to keep negativity away.

In my current practice, I use a bundle of sage to smudge as it’s easier to find than Harmala.

So if you’re feeling low or like a cloud is following you, light up your favorite smudging device and get clearing.

People use (sage, palo santo, sweetgrass, harmala, mugwort, juniper, and other plants) to purify people or spaces. Smudging is wonderful for cleansing negativity and raising the vibration.

9. Practice Self-Care

It's not selfish to love yourself, take care of yourself, and to make your happiness a priority. It's necessary if how to raise your vibration is your goal.

One of the main reasons for most people’s overall low energy is overworking. Burnout is caused by Being overworked.

In our very hectic world, everything is fighting for our attention. Never-ending to-do lists, work tasks, personal necessities, family issues, and many other demands leave even the sanest person feeling a bit jittery.

I want you to be brutally honest with yourself right now! When was the last time you took 5 minutes just for yourself?

Self-care is a MUST! Not just for raising vibration but for keeping your overall sanity.

When you make self-care a priority, you bring balance into your life.

Take time today to identify the different influences in your life. Get to know who you are? What do you want more out of life? And most importantly, what are your needs?

The more you know yourself, the more you’re able to take care of yourself.

Here are a few self-care ideas for inspiration:

  • When feeling extremely low, take a long salt bath.
  • If you’re dealing with jetlag, do grounding. Sit/stand 10-15 minutes barefoot on the Earth.
  • When feeling anxious or overwhelmed, meditate for 5-15 minutes.
  • If navigate thoughts are rampant for whatever reason, smudge or recite affirmations.

These are just ideas. Do what feels best for you to re-charge your batteries.

Take time for yourself today. You won’t let your phone go without a recharge, why would you let yourself get depleted?

10. Change Your Thoughts, Raise Your Vibration

If you’re not familiar with the concept of “change your thoughts, change your life.”, you’re about to!

Why would life change if you have different thoughts?

Because thoughts are energy! When you think of positive thoughts, you’re operating from a positive high vibrational state. And when you think of negative thoughts, you’re operating from a low vibrational state.

So if you find yourself thinking negative thoughts, or speaking negative things, immediately shift your attention to something positive.

Every situation, even the worst of them, must have a silver lining – it’s your job to find it!

So, I am hoping to be the human who coins this phrase:

“Change your thought, change your vibration and change your life.”

11. Work with Crystals to Boost Your Vibration

I truly saved the best for last!

Crystals are wonderful for raising the vibes. To dig deep into how to raise your vibration with crystals, please read this post that’s dedicated to that.

Crystals unlike humans have constant vibration. Each crystal has a specific unchanged vibration.

And in the field of energy, the constant vibrational field always entrains a non-constant vibrational field. It’s called entrainment. If you want to understand it thoroughly, please read this post.

To get you started in this post, here are 5 crystals to help you raise your vibes:

How to Raise Your Vibration using crystals – 5 crystals to raise your vibes!

And there you have it! 11 amazing ways to shift from low to high vibration!

Use them, re-use them and then re-use them a little bit more!

The more you raise your vibration, the more you attract things, events, and people to your life that add value, joy and pleasure.

So till we chat again, love openly, live largely and vibrate highly!


P.s. please let me know your thoughts in the comment section below, and always remember to share the joy🥰

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