How To Navigate The Spiritual Awakening Process Mindfully?


Do you feel that you’re going through a spiritual awakening?

If so, how can you tell? How to navigate the process? And can you make the journey more graceful?

I am glad you asked because today I’ll share with you how to navigate the spiritual awakening process with grace and mindfulness.

Before I explain what’s the spiritual awaking meaning and process, I gotta address some myths!

The myths about the spiritual awakening process

When it comes to the awakening process, there are many myths and misconceptions.

Some people are even afraid of going through a spiritual awaking because of some of these myths.

Not anymore, and especially not on my watch! Here are some of the myths I found from working with 1000’s of people online and in person.

1 – Only traumatic events cause spiritual awakenings in people.

One of the biggest myths about spiritual awakening is that it ONLY happens after a traumatic event.

This one myth alone is probably the biggest turn-off for most people when they hear the topic of awakening.

The truth is to awaken to your divine spiritual nature, you can welcome awakening into your life gradually. You don’t have to experience trauma in order to awaken.

There are many things you can do to awaken on your own terms and certainly without going through trauma.

In rare cases, when a person goes through a major life-transforming event, it can trigger an awakening. That sure was the case for me!

In 2013, I had a near-death experience that awakened me. However, for most people, you can allow the awakening to occur naturally by cultivating an attitude of grace and intentionality about life. (More on that later).

2 – Only spiritual people can undergo a spiritual awakening

This one always makes me laugh hard😁

Isn’t funny, how as humans, we love to put labels on everything?

When I went through my awakening, I was the last person you can think of as “Spiritual”.

I lived in Washington, DC, at the time. Life to me then was all about six-figure salaries, hanging out with the in-crowds, and wining and dining at the most elite establishments.

I certainly wasn’t “Spiritual” and neither were the 100s of people that I worked with over the years.

Most people who undergo an awakening process are your everyday man, woman and human beings.

3 – Once you awaken you can’t live a normal life

While there is some truth attached to this myth. The reality is, you can lead a fairly normally life while being awake.

After an awaking, life becomes more vivid. Everything you experience becomes more alive.

So when you’re experiencing goodness, you ooze gratitude and good vibes. And when the bad stuff does occur, you retreat inward to replenish your spirit.

The little things that bug most people tend to not bother those who awakened.

Once you understand your true divine nature, the day-to-day icky-sticky stuff just doesn’t affect you the same. And wouldn’t life become much more fun if that’s the way you experience normal?

4 – You lose touch with reality when you awaken

Spiritual Awakening Meaning Remember,  you alone choose what matters and what doesn't. The meaning of everything in your life has precisely the meaning YOU assign to it.

Another myth is that after you awaken, you lose touch with reality and spend most of your time in la-la land.

This one is another funny one.😄

I can tell you that I didn’t become a la-la land permanent resident after my personal experience with awakening.

Quite the opposite is what occurred.

I became very intentional. Where I focus my energy became very important to me after my awakening.

Watching TV for hours or all-night partying with the gang lost its appeal. Don’t get me wrong, I still live life fully. I just stopped time-wasting habits.

More meaningful activities took their place. Having quality time with family and true friends, eating healthy meals, and praying & meditation became a regular in my life.

I don’t know about you, but living that way seems pretty real to me.

5 – Enlightenment becomes your only goal

The idea of shaving one’s head, wearing orange robes, and joining a monastery is another myth most people believe about awakenings. (We can thank Hollywood for that fake depiction😄)

Accompanying that misconception is the myth that one’s only aim after an awakening is to reach enlightenment.

While that might be the case for the rare few, it’s not the case for the majority of people.

Most people after an awakening become more mindful and focus their energy on doing meaningful things.

So don’t worry, you don’t need to travel the world and go to a far-off mountain peak after having a spiritual awakening.

You can still do all the fun human things while being awake! That’s how I live now, and that’s what I want to help you with, too!

Ok, now that you’re aware that spiritual awakening can (and should) happen anywhere and to anyone, let’s cover what is it!

What is a spiritual awakening?

To spiritually awaken is to return to your divine nature a spirit.

It’s been said that we are spiritual beings having a human experience.

My near-dearth experience certainly confirmed that. When I was out of my body, I couldn’t help but notice how vast I felt. That vastness came cause I returned to our true nature, which is Spirit.

I felt connected to everything around me. Whatever I thought of was there, instantaneously!

It’s a beautiful feeling. And no, you don’t need to almost die to experience that.

As I mentioned earlier in this post, you can facilitate an awakening by being purposeful and intentional. Also, later in this post, I’ll share with you how to accomplish that.

While a spiritual awakening usually occur at the least expected time, it’s still divinely timed.

It occurs at a time when a new beginning in life is needed.

A new beginning accompanied by a new mindset, a new vibration, and a new way of being.

To put it another way, a spiritual awakening is an event that you go through that completely changes your mindset and how you think about everything.

It’s a monumental shift in your perception of the world around you.

Often accompanied with a heightened state of awareness and mindful bliss.

The one somewhat unfortunate aspect of having a spiritual awakening is realizing that you can’t actually control anything. (As a human, you might have a false sense of control, but in reality, you have no control whatsoever.)

Going through a spiritual awakening also enlightens you that fulfillment and happiness don’t come from external things.

After awakening, you KNOW that happiness and fulfillment come ONLY from within.

On the bright side, a spiritual awakening shows that you don’t actually need to make that much of a considerable change in your own life in order to attract fulfillment and happiness because they come from within.

And once you learn that, you’ll realize how they’re actually much closer than you might think!

Alright, are you ready to dig in?

Let’s dissect the practical ways you can take right now to get closer to spiritual awakening. Or, if you’re already going through one, how to get the most out of it?

You see, most people have subscribed to the belief that life is hard and feeling terrible regularly is just part of it.

I don’t know about you, but I refuse to let that grim view of life lead my experince.

Throughout the years, I have learned that, as a human, you can create your own reality.

If you let fear, doubt, scarcity, anxiety and other low vibes to run your life, then that’s what you’ll experience.

However, when welcoming higher vibrational frequencies like love, gratitude, and kindness, your experience will reflect that back to you.

With that in mind, let’s explore 3 graceful ways to aid your spiritual awakening process.

1. Release your old thinking habits

Spiritual awakening begins with releasing old habits!
Let go of old thinking habits!

When it comes to spiritual awakening, we’re really shedding our old skin in favor of a new, more profound spiritual one.

This means that it’s less likely to awaken if you’re stuck in old ways of thinking habits. That’s why sometimes awakening occurs after major life events. Cause those events occur to shake our reality and open us to change.

Now, you might be wondering; what do I mean when I say old ways?

Let me explain…

Before having a spiritual awakening, for most people, habits seems to be running the show.

Things tend to go their own way! More going the wrong way than right. It’s feels as if nothings goes the way its supposed to go.

We try and try and keep trying but it feels as if the system is rigged.

The truth is, the system is not rigged, it’s just most people are not aware how the system works.

After an awakening, most people come to the realization that to live life fully, you gotta get with the rhythm of life.

The realization that you can plan for everything but you can’t control anything, gets real!

In essence, having a spiritual awakening is like opening your mind to a new potential.

When you go through such an event, you release the need to control everything, and thus, things tend to fall more into place.

That’s how the divine order works!

The key here is to develop awareness and release the desire to have total control over everything that ever goes on in your life.

And one of the fastest ways to accomplish that is to get rid of your old thinking habits.

My personal recommendation to accomplish that is to use guided meditations.

You can use guided meditations to develop a state of ease and flow to replace any old and controlling ways.

If you don’t have any guided meditation to get you started, please download a FREE copy of the grateful morning guided meditation below:
Free Guided Meditation

Guided meditations are exceptionally effective at penetrating into the subconscious mind.

As a matter of fact, I would even go as far as saying that they are the most effective method. So make sure not to overlook this simple yet effective way to ease your way into the awakening process.

2. Develop a mindful attitude

Mindfulness is key- and it has a whole lot of other benefits too.
Be Mindful!

Mindfulness is a state of awareness.

When you are mindful, you’re capable of absorbing everything around you as it is presently.

In other words, mindfulness is the ability to live in the present moment.

Can you see the connection between mindfulness and spiritual awakening now?

Becoming mindful is akin to opening the gates to the spiritual aspect of yourself.

Think about it this way: When you become mindful you are opening your mind, heart & soul to the Spirit of the Universe.

It’s as if you suddenly learned the language of the Divine!

With mindfulness, it becomes much easier to recognize old thought patterns. And with that realization, you can ease yourself into the awakening process without the need for triggers or trauma.

One of the best ways to cultivate mindfulness is to become aware of your breath. When you’re aware of the breath, you tap into the present moment.

It’s way easier to accomplish than most people think.

Focus on breathing intentionally, and you can’t help but become more mindful.

And, if you need help in this department, then you’re in luck!

Fortunately for you, I recorded this guided session to help you cultivate mindfulness!

I know you’re going to love it! It’s less than 10 minutes and totally FREE! Make sure you check out the recording here!

So, in short, welcome mindfulness and you’ll be well on your spiritual awakening way!

3. Get in alignment

Another way to create a wonderful space for awakening is getting in alignment.

If you’re wondering what I mean by that? Don’t worry, I’ll explain!

You see, most people live life on auto-pilot, and they are totally unaware of it. They go from task to task and from one thing to another, mindlessly.

When you live like that, you lose touch with your values and what is important and meaningful to you.

And we wonder why many have a mid-life crisis.

People are hardly aware of what’s going on. So, get back in alignment with the rhythm of life.

Learn to be present. Do what gives you fulfillment. Question things that feel off. The more you act from a space of being in alignment with your values, the better you become.

Here’s an entire session I recorded on the topic of alignment and value. Feel free to watch here👇

In summary, my dear, be mindful, allow things to flow, and get back in alignment with your values and you can’t help but feel more spiritually awakened.

So, whether you’re going through an awakening or yearning to have one, trust that all will work out in divine timing. Get back in rhythm with life and let life gracefully unfold before you!

That about wraps it up, I hope you found this article valuable.

Stay tuned for the next article where I’ll discuss the symptoms of having a spiritual awakening.

Till then, have a blessed day and thank you for reading this post!


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