Never Settle For Less Than Your Personal Mission In Life


In today’s post, you’ll learn why it’s essential to never settle for less than your personal mission in life?

Hi – Zane here and let me start by asking you some questions:

  • Have you ever wondered what your personal mission in life is?
  • Or felt the hunger to do something meaningful and impactful?
  • Maybe, you felt like you had to settle for less due to whatever reasons in your life?

If you answered “Yes” to any of these questions, you’re in for a treat.

In 2013, I had a near-death experience that sent me on a self-discovery journey.

Today, I want to share the most important lessons that helped me discover my personal mission in life and never settle for anything less!

1. To live a life of purpose, you must identify your personal mission in life

Why, you may ask?

Because having a sense of mission is what will allow you to keep on keeping on when sh*t hits the fan (excuse my French). Life is life, and in life, you’re bound to face some difficulties, but with a sense of mission in life, you’ll persevere.

This perseverance tool gives you more chances to succeed than those who don’t have a personal mission in life.

In addition, this one lesson have served me well over the years and I feel it can serve you too!

Now let’s go to lessons # 2, but before we go there, check out this little poem I wrote on Instagram:

Read More: How to Cultivate Self-Love with Meditation

2. The elephant of success

Don't settle for less than your personal mission in life

Let’s start off with the biggest elephant in the room… Success.

It definitely isn’t easy to define, right?

One person’s idea of success can be entirely different from another person’s. And that’s totally ok! Can you imagine if we all wanted the same thing…

In other words, success is really an intangible concept that is only defined by YOU!

For some, it might be becoming a champion. For another, it might be becoming the best mom or dad. The list can go on forever because there are billions of people around the world.

Besides each person will have different thoughts associated with the meaning of success.

In short, you get to choose whatever your ultimate personal mission in life is when it comes to success!

Isn’t that incredible?

3. Finding your personal mission in life

To figure out what your personal mission in life really is, please ask yourself these 2 little questions:

  1. What do you want to accomplish before you die?
  2. What will make you proud on your death bed?

I know, it sounds pretty grim.

But hear me out!

Asking yourself these super serious existential questions can feel like a buzzkill, but it’s a great shortcut to figuring out what you really want to accomplish.

Having lived most of my life in a war-zone in Iraq, I become more intentional when it comes to never settling for less.

In other words, having death always lurking in the background living in a warzone pushed me to discover my personal mission in life!

If you can’t relate to living in a war-zone, then please pick your copies of these two books:

1. Die Empty

This book by Todd Henry will light a fire under your butt to discover your life purpose and never settle for less than your mission in life.

2. Man’s Search for Meaning

This book by Viktor Frankl will make you think twice about why you’re here and what your life purpose is?

Guided Meditation For Clarity & Purpose

4. Never settle for less than you true potential

Once I learned the fact that anyone can accomplish their personal mission, I couldn’t help but ask this question:

If anyone can accomplish their personal mission in life, why doesn’t everyone do it?

The answer that I found might shock you!

The truth is, the biggest reason people don’t accomplish their personal mission is because they settle for less.

This shocked me! And also made me realize that most people settle for less than what they could TRULY achieve if they lived up to their TRUE potential.

It’s really sad!

Now, if you’re reading this article, you’re not most people! You’re an awakened soul who’s growing beyond the status quo.

Settling for less is not in your vocabulary!

And the reason you’re that way is that you’ve got yourself in the right mindset.

That’s right! Your mindset can make you or break you!

5. Have a growth mindset

Never settle for less than your personal mission in life by having the right mindset

The road to a satisfied life starts with your mindset.

So, instead of worrying about trivial things, focus on manifesting your personal mission in life, and you’ll see… You’ll never want to settle for less!

Now that’s great and all, but if you’re anything like me, you’re probably thinking something along the lines of…

How do I know what exactly I’m supposed to do?

Well, I’m glad you asked.

The reality is, most of the time it’s unclear whether or not you’re doing what you’re supposed to do.

And that’s ok! Life is a marathon, not a sprint.

Finding your life purpose and mission is a journey! So honor it and stay open to the possibilities. In addition, a book that TRULY helped me not settle for less is The Charged Life by Brendon Burchard.

Now while you’re trusting the process on your journey, remember to continue taking action.

6. Take action towards your personal mission

Even if you have no clue what you’re going to do in the big scheme of life, just get started NOW!!

Run with inspiration, be open to creative solutions, put your best foot forward, and Spirit/God/The Universe will deliver.

Don’t worry about the tiny little details at first, just do something.

But the reality is, uncertainty prevents people from taking action. Which in turn leads them to settle for less than their personal mission in life.

Keeping your eyes pealed on manifesting your goals into reality here. Accept that you WILL achieve what you’re aiming for.

Getting there will have its ups and downs, of course, but you will get there. See, it goes back to having the right mindset from the point before.

Read More: 5 Words that Can Change Your Life Forever

7. Follow this formula to live your personal mission in life and never settle for less

Tips to Successfully Achieving Your Goals In Life & Live Your Dreams
4 Steps to Achievement
  1. Clearly define what your personal mission is (Write it down!)
  2. Truly accept that you WILL achieve it!
  3. Manifest it into your life with effective abundance techniques!
  4. Take action to be ready for when it comes into your life!

And, there you have it, my friends!

7 lessons I learned that empowered me to live with purpose and have a sense of mission in life!

I hope that you’ll take my advice seriously and never settle for less than you deserve.

It’s your personal mission after all!


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