How Do You Truly Trust the Universe?


Okay, hold on for a second… Before I get started, let me say that none of what I’m describing in this short little guide is easy. On the contrary! Learning to truly trust the universe with every fiber of your being can be super difficult. I won’t lie to you, there really is no overnight solution (that I am aware of) to a lack of trust in the divine.

With All That Said, There Is a Wonderful Flip Side to the Coin!

Although it’s not easy and not instant, learning to have faith in God (or divine intelligence or the universe, use whichever word resonates the best with you), is very doable!

As a matter of fact, absolutely anyone can learn to trust the universe.

Nothing is more important than this to get the law of attraction to work for you. Of course, it takes time and a certain degree of commitment, but it’s pretty simple, keep on reading and you’ll see.

Now, it’s key to keep the notion of divine timing in mind as you read… So let’s go over that first!

What Is Divine Timing?


When it comes to learning to trust the universe, we’ve got to understand why before we understand how.

It’s just like learning anything else, the real practical tips in this article will only work if you follow these three steps:

  1. Fundamentally understand the benefit of having trust in the universe.
  2. Deeply grasp the idea of divine timing and “thought swapping” (I’ll cover this more soon, keep on reading!)
  3. Solidify permanent neural pathways by connecting points one and two.

If Any of This Sounds Complicated, Don’t Worry!

Now you might be thinking; “Peter, aren’t having faith in divine timing and having faith in the universe the same thing?”

Great question! The answer is a solid sort of.

Here’s what I mean by that… Divine timing and having trust in the universe undoubtedly go hand in hand, but they are different aspects of the same universal force. Check out this article by Zane about trusting Divine Timing specifically!

Think about it this way; there are two fundamental, parallel truths that Divine timing and having trust in the universe present:

First, having faith in the universe means that everything happens for a reason. Everything, without exception, happens because of something else in an intricate system of cause and effect.

Second, divine timing dictates that everything happens when it happens for a reason. In other words, whatever needed to happen happened at that time for a reason.

Hopefully, that clarifies the distinction a little bit, all you really need to remember is that you’ve got to understand that whatever happened to you occurred specifically when you needed it on your journey.

On a side note, if you’re interested in creating a deeper, spiritual bond with the divine and the Angels that watch over you, join the Divine Angel Circle today! You’ll absolutely love it if you’re interested in Angel readings especially.

Now, Let Me Address This: Does Trusting the Universe Mean We’re Powerless?

What About Free Will?

Before getting into the nitty-gritty functional steps, there is something to be said for manifestation.

It can be easy to shift blame away from ourselves when we cause something negative, saying “it had to happen.” Now, I truly, deeply, believe that our exercise of free will constantly has an impact on the intertwined web of cause and effect that surrounds us.

In other words, you directly have a great degree of control over what does or does not happen, as well as what your ultimate “purpose” is. Now, this might seem like a contradiction, but just think about it this way: Free will lets you choose what you need. Divine timing brings what you need when you’re ready.

Read More: The Secret to Manifestation – What Nobody Tells You

Quote: "Blessing can't and won't come until you are ready to receive."
You Must Be Ready!

As a human being, you’ve got a huge degree of control over your “readiness to receive.” This is unfortunately why so many people live their entire lives never really living to their highest potential…

You have lots of control, including over your own destiny, but things will happen to guide you towards the ultimate “goal” you’re manifesting.

There are countless possibilities of ways you could get to your destiny, but you will get there in this lifetime if you have faith in yourself and the universe!

Now the question is…

How Do You Trust the Universe?

There are a lot of different ways one can practice having faith in the universal forces. But before I explain the three practical steps you can take, let me appeal to the logical side of your mind with a statement:

When you don’t trust the universe, you’re really not trusting the divine within yourself.

Let me explain; trusting the universe is equivalent to allowing whatever you’re manifesting to appear in perfect divine timing. If you fail to trust in the divine, you are therefore failing to trust in your own divine abilities to create your reality. Doesn’t that make sense?

So ask yourself this: Do you have faith in yourself? If so- Great! If not- Why not? I really recommend journaling your thoughts to reflect on them later. (More on that soon!)

As you reflect on your answers, keep in mind that you’re an inherently blessed being. As part of this wonderful existence, you are worthy of the best life has to offer, just by being yourself!

But the truth is; one has to trust the universe in order to allow the best in-store to manifest.

With that being said, let’s dive into the practical steps to trusting the universe!

3 Practical Steps to Trust the Universe

We’ve already sort of covered one of the steps, but let’s get into the nitty-gritty. These three steps will serve you in helping you allow inspiration to flow through you.

These are a great first leap into mindfulness in addition to unlocking the beautiful reality that awaits you when you fully trust the universe!

1. Journaling Your Thoughts

The first method that will gently guide you towards a state of ultimate trust in the universe is simply journaling! That’s right, I’ve found that recording your thoughts whenever you feel inspired has had an incredible impact…

Notably, putting your thoughts on paper really helps with the practice of “letting go!” This, of course, is key to trusting the universe. Remember, the goal here is to release your doubt and enter a state of blissful surrender to the divine.

Keeping a journal handy really helps. Even if just for a few minutes, give it a shot!

2. Mastering the Art of “Thought Swapping”

This is something I’ve been doing for a long time, but I’ve never really given it much thought. Maybe you’ve been unconsciously thought swapping too!

It’s pretty simple and happens totally in your mind. Thought swapping goes a little like this…

  1. A negative thought or memory enters your mind (this is perfectly normal!)
  2. You remember thought swapping and immediately create a distance between your thoughts and yourself because your thoughts are not YOU.
  3. In the distance you just created between your thoughts and yourself, repeat your version of this statement: Everything that had to happen for me to achieve my ultimate, wonderful purpose happened. I am on the right path and only have to trust!

That’s it! That’s thought swapping. If you can master this super simple skill, you’ll be able to drastically alter your state of mind whenever negativity tries to take over. Of course, feel free to personalize that statement in step 3 so that it resonates with you.

3. Meditation Practice

Quote: "The goal of meditation isn't to control your thoughts, it's to stop letting them control you."

Meditation is by far one of the most powerful tools at our disposal to master ourselves and learn to trust the universe and its divine timing.

This doesn’t mean you’ve got to dedicate an hour a day or something that intense. In fact, dedicating just a few minutes a day to meditation can be more than enough to help you develop that faith you seek in the universe.

In my honest opinion, there’s no better time to meditate than either right before bed or right after waking up in the morning. On that note, have you checked out our totally FREE Grateful Morning meditation?

I highly recommend you check it out and put it into use. Gratitude is by far the best emotional state to be in to allow a state of surrender to the divine to manifest into your reality!

After all, every experience comes with its lessons, right?

Parting Words on Trusting the Universe

In conclusion, remember to put the three actionable steps into practice. You’ll see results for almost no effort at all, it is an unbelievably simple way to enter a state of total trust in the universe.

With that being said, I want to give you a few little parting words of warning, don’t expect results overnight! Nothing great in this world comes without any effort put into it. Whatever you do, it doesn’t have to be very time-consuming or difficult, try to be consistent.

You’ll see! Achieving that state of surrender fills our souls with a sense of “oneness” and total peace. There’s nothing quite like it.

I sincerely hope you found my article valuable!


P.S. Make sure to pick up your totally FREE Grateful Morning meditation MP3!

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