When it comes to self-love there are a ton of ways to practice it! But by far, the simplest way and has zero cost attached to it is meditation. And, if you’re about to ask, well, how do you cultivate self-love with meditation?
Then, I am glad you asked as today’s post is all about that!
First, I want to talk about how cultivating self-love is a personal responsibility.
In life, I learned that as a person if you don’t take your personal happiness into your own hands, then I can almost guarantee you that no one else will make your own personal fulfillment their priority.
And, please know that I am not saying that there aren’t good people around who do make us feel happy. Good people still exist and I am sure we are all grateful that they are still here!
But, in this post, I am talking about a different level of happiness. It’s a level of happiness that stems from self-love and awareness that we as human beings are in charge of our own destinies.
My life started to shift dramatically when I started to give myself the love and acceptance that I sought from others.
And trust me when I tell you that from all aspects of life, if there is one factor that can mean a world of difference when it comes to your personal joy and fulfillment, it is… Self-love!
Self-love in my opinion is the primary expression of life energy.

Before we go any further to learning why and how you want to cultivate self-love with meditation, I want to address a question that gets asked a lot!
It’s a question that I asked myself when I began my healing journey following my near-death experience back in 2013. And the question is…
Can Meditation Really Help with Self-Love?
Short answer is, YES! But let me elaborate!
The average person gets exposed to 50,000-60,000 bits of information a day. And given the fact that our brains are evolutionarily wired to give greater weight to negative events.
The odds are our brain will recognize more negative stuff than good. This phenomenon is called negativity bias, and you can learn more about it here.
So, as you can see, as humans, we’ve got a desperately convoluted mind!
And, one of the best ways to re-train the mind is to meditate. Even though meditation in and of itself is pretty simple, most people overcomplicate it when they start.
Not today! In this post, I’ll do my best to make the process as easy as it can be for you!
But before we dive into the actual self-love meditation, let’s go over why cultivating self-love using meditation is such a fantastic idea!
Read More: 5 Awesome Benefits of Meditation
Why Should You Cultivate Self-Love with Meditation?
The sad truth is, we live in a world that thrives on negative self-image.
Daily, on TV, on social media, and via commercials we are reminded that we are missing something to make us complete.
We are being influenced to feel that we need this car to feel complete, or that skincare product to feel beautiful. There are too many examples to list, but I think you get the gist of what I am saying.
This leaves the average person comparing themselves in tons of different ways to tons of different people.
Unfortunately, this hurts more people than it helps.
In short, society definitely doesn’t help you or I to love ourselves!

That’s why we really need to cultivate our self-love with meditation and positive affirmations.
Self-love is a key aspect of embodying your higher ideals.
On top of that, cultivating self-love helps you become more mindful of your life and surroundings. In other words, self-love is essential to achieving a state of bliss and mindfulness.
Naturally, both bliss and mindfulness are essential ingredients for a happy and fulfilling life. So, in conclusion, cultivating self-love is super important. Now, how do we do it?
Cultivating Self-Love with Meditation
To cultivate more self-love, meditation is by far the best tool to recommend.
However, if done alone, meditation cultivates mindfulness more than self-love!
So what can you do to cultivate more self-love with meditation?
The secret lies in using affirmations while you meditate.
The combination of positive affirmations and meditation is unstoppable.
The process would go a little something like this:
- Sit down in a dark space comfortably with an affirmation track playing (stick around for my recommendation!)
- Relax your body
- Take deep breaths in tune with the affirmation you’re listening to
- Watch as your self-love increases as if by magic!
Read More: 5 Positive Affirmations for Inner Peace and Joy
Great! you just went through the process, but unfortunately, there’s a little caveat…The hard part is finding those affirmations.
Although you could look online and find a lot of affirmations out there, the truth is most of them just don’t work.
The reason they don’t work is, simply put, they aren’t engineered to communicate a deep thought to your subconscious mind…
Communicating with your subconscious is the real purpose of this whole experience!
Wouldn’t you want to have affirmations that work?
Believe me, I’ve tried my fair share of affirmations and guided meditations, and there aren’t many I would wholeheartedly recommend, but there is one track I absolutely NEED to tell you about!
Give it a try for a few days and watch as your life begins to unfold, full of gratitude and self-love!
So my dear friend, in life, you gotta prioritize yourself if you want to live your best life. And one way to prioritize yourself is to do things that help you feel more loving and compassionate towards yourself.
Affirmation based meditation is a wonderful way to cultivate more self-love. Make sure to start today!
P.S. I actually use the Grateful Morning Meditation I’m sharing with you every day, too! I talk the talk and walk the walkđ
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