Always Be Grateful And Watch As Every Aspect of Your Life Improves!


Gratitude is like a force of nature. To be grateful is an absolutely empowering trait! When you cultivate that trait, everything changes and I’m going to explain why!

Gratitude changes things. Yes, it’s that simple!

Being grateful, even when you don’t feel like it, is one of the best things you can do for yourself. Without a doubt, and here’s why!

Gratitude Literally Makes You Happy!

I don’t want you to just take my word for it, but even the Harvard Medical School backs that claim.

As straightforward as it sounds, this couldn’t be more true!

You might have heard this saying before…

“Count Your Blessings”

But… Why?

Why is it actually beneficial to your soul to count your blessings?

Being grateful builds happiness!
Everything seems brighter and more clear when your heart is full of Gratitude.

Because it builds happiness and lays the foundation for personal growth. 

If you’ve ever considered yourself lucky “if you’re still breathing then I feel you should feel lucky”, this could change everything for you. The reason gratitude builds happiness is… Well, let me explain…

So, by being grateful, you’re acknowledging the gift of life you’ve been given, right?

Now, in doing so, whether consciously or not, you’re also acknowledging the incredible potential you have to accomplish anything! Because that’s what it means to be alive.

Gratitude is a key aspect of a mindful living.

Even if you’re not in the best spot in your life, you can still accomplish anything you set your mind to when you have a grateful heart!

This attitude gives you the ability to strive for the greater purpose you’re meant to achieve, regardless of what’s going on in your life.

So it pays great dividends to be grateful!

Read more: 8 Ways to Stay Happy Even When the Sky Is Falling

Ok, now that you’re more aware of how gratitude works, you’re ready for the next level!

Are you ready to jump to another level; a Metaphysical level?

Let’s dive in!

Gratitude And the Law of Attraction

Being grateful allows you to commit to manifesting the life you deserve.
Are you attracting the experiences you want?

The metaphysical aspect of gratitude is incredible.

It almost blew me away when I discovered what it was all about… But it all made sense and clicked with me!

Remember how I said gratitude is a key aspect of a mindful living?

Well, let’s talk about that… 

Since gratitude leads to a happier you, then cultivating an attitude of gratitude will aid in raising your vibration. 

Your state of vibration is what determines what you get or not get in life!

Literally, EVERYTHING in your life is determined by your state of vibration. 

If you want to take a deep dive to learn about how your vibration affect your life, please watch this Vid I created for you:

Your Vibration Affects Your Reality!

Ok let’s continue with learning how gratitude can affect your life!

The law of attraction states that negativity attracts more negativity into your life, and likewise, positivity and happiness attract more of themselves into your life!

What an incredible concept, right?

Picture it…

Being grateful makes you positive, and positivity brings you more positivity!

In turn, the more grateful you become, the more you invite positivity into your life and…

The cycle continues.

Be grateful, for everything, and wonderful things happen.

In short, gratitude brings something great…

Being Grateful Brings Optimism!

Gratitude brings you into the  “glass is half-full” attitude.

Being grateful not only supercharges your happiness and manifesting abilities, but it makes you into an overall pleasant, optimistic person to be around!

Pessimism, on the other hand, leads to nothing but sadness and unpleasant manifestation! 

To quote the incredible Jim Rohn:

“The poor pessimist looks out the window, doesn’t see the sunset,
he sees the specks on the window!”
-Jim Rohn

Strive to see the sunset!

Optimism is an incredible mindset, you’re going to love it and everything it brings to you!

Now, to conclude everything… What are some habits you can get into to express gratitude?

Read more: Mindful Living: 5 Ways to Add More Mindfulness To Your Day

Grateful Habits

High Performance Planner You have the chance every single morning to make that change and be the person you want to be. Brendon Burchard

Your daily habits can make you or break you! To be more grateful and cultivate an attitude of gratitude, here are a few habits to keep in mind!

Let’s keep it simple and effective, the best combination!

1. Be Conscious of What You Feed Your Brain

In a way, the mind is like a copy machine, what you get is a direct result of what you put in.

That’s why, it’s essential to only put in the good stuff!

Make it a habit to watch what media you consume, things like modern news strive on making you feel negative. 

Don’t believe me, just turn on your TV to any mainstream media channel and notice the difference between how you feel when you started vs. after one hour of watching the news. The crazy part is, most people start their day by tuning into the news.

From my experience, I can assure you that it’s nearly impossible to become truly happy when you start your day with so much negativity! I mean, how can you be grateful if the world around you is crumbling, right?

Well, the reality is that we’ve never been better.

More and more people are waking up to the fact that they are Divine Beings of Light and that they are meant to live an abundant life. They are realizing their sovereignty and starting to heal their wounds and traumas through forgiveness and compassion.

I feel that the entire world is going through an awakening of some type. Can you relate?

From my personal experience, I can confidently tell you that when I tuned the news out and started to focus on what I can control in my life, everything shifted.

So, I picked up the habit of watching educational training instead of watching TV. Also, I switched from the News to Podcasts from trusted sources that align with my values. That helped me to stay informed but not overloaded with negativity. My favorite podcast at the moment is The School of Greatness By Lewis Howes.

The world is still beautiful! You might have to look a little bit harder, but there’s still lots of beauty out there.

Feed your brain goodness and you can’t help but feel more grateful!

Grateful Morning Guided Meditation MP3

2. Keep a Gratitude Journal

Nothing builds an attitude of gratitude more than having a gratitude journal.

Hear me out…by keeping a gratitude journal, you’re consciously choosing to spend your time looking for things that are good in your life.

I have made it a daily habit of mine to write three things I am grateful for in my journal right before I retire to bed. That way, the last thoughts I had were positive ones.

Simply incorporate some form of writing what you are grateful for and you’ll be amazed at how that alone will change your happiness level.

3. Create Daily Rituals

Another incredible gratitude-building activity is daily rituals. 

By developing daily rituals that allow you to feel good, you’re going to have a great time! When you have a great time, you raise your vibration and allow things to manifest at east.

Here are a few ideas:

  • Morning Routine
  • Evening Routine
  • Daily Walks/Stretches
Remember, we’re all blessed beyond measures! We’ve all been given this incredible gift called “life”.

We’ve got to use it wisely, but keep in mind that the Universe/God/Spirit has your back.

Be grateful, be at ease and live your life to fullest!


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