How to manifest is definitely a difficult topic to get into, right?
Especially if, like me, you were unaware of this one simple yet profound secret to manifestation…
It’s almost as if we’re constantly being taught by gurus what manifesting really means, but the truth is… People are more confused than ever before about how to manifest in the first place.
Manifestation, in its simplest definition, is the transformation of a thought into physical reality.
But, knowing what something means, doesn’t mean you know how to make it work!
And There Lies The Secret to How to Manifest!
That’s right!
There’s a secret to manifestation.
One that nobody really talks about, and one that most gurus don’t bother with.
But before we dive into that, let’s talk a little about a few prerequisites…
What You Need Before Manifesting?
There are a few things you want to keep in mind before you dive into manifestation.
Most, if not all, of these little tips, are all about getting you into the right mindset before you begin manifesting your goals.
Now I could go on for a while, but let’s keep it to three main points!
1. Write Your Goals Down

One of the biggest obstacles to manifesting is shifting your subconscious mind from a state of “lack” to a state of “abundance.”
And one of the best ways to accomplish this is definitely by writing down your goals.
Goals get a lot of bad rep because many think of this as a tedious task. Or even worst, some think goal writing and goal setting is a useless activity.
That’s so far away from the truth! Successful people always have clear and defined goals.
Now, when you write your goals, ensure that you write them in the present tense as if you had already achieved them.
It’s extremely effective at helping you visualize the life you deserve later, so don’t skip this!
The secret to manifestation is completely useless if you don’t first take care of the prerequisites, so write your goals down!
Read More: 4 Reasons You Need a Goal Journal
2. Practice Meditation/Mindfulness
The second of the three main prerequisites to successful manifestation is meditation.
Without a doubt, one of the more well-known practices that lead to a mastery of how to manifest is to know how to visualize with a calm mind. Meditation is super important to achieving that!
Although it might not be necessary to manifest things, at least having moments of reflection and peace makes a huge difference.
Meditation is taking those moments of peace a step further, diving deep into your mind in order to develop mindfulness and clarity.
That’s really the key here, clarity.
If you can keep a clear vision of the life you’re trying to manifest, the secret to manifestation will be much more effective. You can bet it’s going to be much easier to do!
Cultivate Your Clarity and Mindfulness With This Meditation MP3
3. Surround Yourself with Positivity
The final of the three main prerequisites to successful manifestation is to surround yourself with positivity.
Whether it’s doing more of what you love or spending time with good company, it’s essential to be surrounded by positivity.
Imagine trying to manifest something wonderful when all that’s on your mind is your friend’s complaints! Or your complaints, there is no finger pointing here, only awareness😃
When possible, it’s important to do your best to surround yourself with positive people.
If you lack a support system of positive people, please join the I am Unstoppable Free FB group where 19,000+ souls and I support one another on our transformational journey:
On top of having a positive environment, doing what you love more often (hobbies) can lead to a much higher vibrational frequency.
Of course, the higher your vibration, the better you are at manifesting!
Manifestation requires you to have a raised vibration. It’s impossible to be positive all the time, but try to stay positive as much as you can!
Read More: Clear Any Blocks That Are Affecting Your Abundance!
Without further ado, it’s time to reveal that mysterious secret I was teasing about…
The Secret to Manifestation
Before we jump into the big reveal, let’s summarize everything we’ve been through so far.
To successfully manifest, you want to:
- Write your goals down as if you already achieved them in the present tense.
- Practice mindfulness, preferably through meditation, in order to cultivate your receptiveness to the Universe’s infinite supply.
- Surround yourself with blooming sources of positivity and positive people that support and uplift you.
Remember the three points above, because they’re absolutely 100% essential!
Alright… Ready to finally discover what the real, deep secret to manifestation is?
..Be Yourself!
Yup, you heard that right! Be 100% unapologetically, authentically You!
What nobody tells you is that manifestation occurs as a consequence of being your truest self.
Although similar to mindfulness (being aware of your body, mind, and surroundings as they are), being yourself is a whole other step that is too often overlooked.
But… You Might Be Wondering… What Do I Mean by “Be Yourself?”
Great question! Answering it, however, is a bit more challenging! Because, well, “being yourself” means a different thing to you than it might mean to me.
We live in a uniquely diverse world and what might feels as “being myself” to me, would not be the same for you.
The truth is remaining true to yourself, and aligning your manifestation with a bigger purpose than the manifestation itself is the missing key.
Most people, either don’t know how vital this is or mess up the application of it when they learn about it.
This is the most important step towards successfully manifesting anything.
The general reason this is the case is that manifestation is much more than just “willing” something into existence.
It’s the embodiment of the manifestation itself in the present moment. Embodying your manifestation comes from the feeling that accompanies the manifestation process.

In other words, the secret to manifestation is to keep your manifestation aligned with yourself and what truly, deeply matters to you.
You manifest what you feel! Read this twice and let it sink in!
Let me give you an example.
Let’s say you want to manifest money.
That’s great, and you deserve it! But there’s a little bit more work involved than just saying “I want X amount of money by X day…”
How to Manifest Using The Secret to Manifestation?
Manifesting money is typically what most people want, the majority of the time.
But believe me when I tell you that if you just want money, well… You’re the last person money’s going to come to… Don’t worry, I’ll explain!
So, how do you really manifest money? Or anything?
Well, by using the secret to manifestation of course!
Align your desire for money with who you are and your inner driving purpose. Then let it all flow abundantly into your life as if by magic!
When you align your manifestation with your purpose, you tap into the feeling space of manifestation.
Read More: The Art of letting Go of Negative Money Feelings
So instead of saying “I want X amount of money by X day,” say “I want X amount of money by X day, and this is why.“
Drive your manifestation through purpose.
Maybe you want to have enough money to experience true financial freedom. Or, maybe you want to help your family or others in need…
Whatever the case may be, power your manifestation through a noble cause.
The fuel on which manifestation runs is purpose!
If you have a strong purpose and you apply the secret to manifestation properly by being your truest self… Well, just watch what happens. You’ll see!
Ps. if you want to expand your knowledge on manifestation, please check Mind Valley’s Goddess Christie Marie Sheldon Manifestation Masterclass below:
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