The Sustaining Power of Faith Over Fear in Times of Uncertainty


Hello Divine Soul! Today’s post is very special to me as I am going to share with you how having faith over fear has saved my life.

Since I was a child, the topic of having faith and trusting in divine timing was instilled in my consciousness. However, as a child, I had a hard time believing given what I endured.

For those who don’t know my story, let me brief you quickly.

Faith over fear and healing childhood trauma

I was born and raised in Baghdad, Iraq. As I was growing up, my country has always been in a war with somebody (internally and externally).

Truthfully, I knew nothing but war and pain for most of my life. And while I am so blessed to have survived not 1 but 3 wars in my short life here on earth, but at the same time, I witnessed a lot of pain that broke my heart as a child.

Seeing so much pain and suffering didn’t help strengthen my faith over fear muscle.

But deep down in my heart, I knew that there has to be a reason that I went through all of that.

That reason was revealed to me in 2013 when I had a near-death experience. During that very transformative experience, it was revealed to me what having faith truly means.

Also, during that experience, I learned what my life purpose is and why I had to endure all the tragedies and painful events that I witnessed as a child and young adult in Iraq.

The experience that almost took my life, wound up saving my life after all.

When I was in between life and death, I was so blessed to experience the presence of God, the Angels, the Guides, and the amazing Prophets that came before us. It was a magical and very peaceful experience.

I didn’t see the angry and judgmental father-figure God that most mainstream religions caution us from.

In that experience, God wasn’t waiting for me to die so He can judge me for all my discretion. I grew up hearing of this mighty and powerful God who we are supposed to please and fear his wrath if we don’t do as He tells us. That wasn’t what I experienced when I almost died.

I witnessed a loving God! A God who was so inviting but at the same just and mighty.

When I was in God’s presence, I felt God’s peace in my soul. I felt as if I came back home.

Then, I heard a voice asking me, why am I here?

In my head, I was like OMG, here it comes! God is going to punish me now.

That’s when the Angels and Guides said to me, “Oh, dear child, that’s NOT what God is! You are a child of God. What you’re hearing is the Voice of God asking you why you’re here cause it’s not your time to die yet”.

That’s when it registered within me that I am having a near-death experience in the Spirit Realm.

So, after being comforted by the angels, I responded, I don’t know why I am here.

That’s when the angels smiled and pointed for me to look North. (Don’t ask me how I knew where North was, I just knew)

Near-Death Experience Zane Baker Choose Faith Over Fear

That’s when I saw the lineup of Prophets and Divine Beings who have come here before us to bring us together as one human race. But somehow, power, greed, and control infiltrated those Prophets’ messages and turned their words and divine messages into control tools for the masses.

It was shown to me that it really doesn’t matter what path you choose to get closer to God. For as long as your mission to become one with God, God will reveal the truth to you.

You see, most people who think they are faithful are following a set of rules of a specific doctrine and calling that faith.

It was further explained that TRUE FAITH is when you realize that you’re God’s child and you’re NOT alone.

Having faith over fear means having an inner knowing that God will see you through anything, no matter how big or small it is. That’s the type of faith I am talking about.

Honestly, I have a hunch that sharing this story might ruffle some feathers and get some people upset, but please know that’s not my intention. If there’s one purpose to share my story with you today, it’s to rejoice in the knowledge that God Loves You!

Furthermore, it was shown to me how God’s love is TRULY unconditional!

As a human, you’re bound to make mistakes, but God is not waiting for you to die so he can punish you for those mistakes. Any discretion you might have will be balanced but not in the punishment way that most religious figures preach.

While here on earth, you’re meant to experience life with all its facets; the good, the bad, and the ugly. You’re also meant to live with God’s love and peace in your heart.

When you experience that love and peace within, then it’s your job to express that same love and peace towards yourself and your fellow brothers and sisters in humanity.

When love is your TRUE guide, even when you make mistakes, you’ll have the chance to correct them and be forgiven.

As humans, we’ve been conditioned to believe that making a mistake will haunt us for the rest of our lives. Especially if that mistake has to do with NOT following the word of God based on what religious leaders are telling us.

That’s wasn’t my experience when I almost died.

The voice of God said, do right by others, and I’ll do right by you.

And at the off chance, you did someone wrong, then with humility and love in your heart, right that wrong. If you don’t right that wrong, then wrong will be done unto you. That’s the balancing of deeds. If you don’t correct a wrong, then you’ll carry it with you, and it will affect your life.

I was saved by the grace of God during this fatal car accident!

I had a million questions to ask, but that was all I experienced before the medics brought me back to life, and BAM, I was back on earth surrounded by ambulances and police cars.

You see, I was involved in a huge accident that shut down the main highway in the DC metro area for almost 4 hours.

Here’s a pic of my car that was totaled on that day!

After processing what has occurred, I had a longing to be in that loving place with God, the Angels, and the Prophets.

Life felt unbearable. To be honest and vulnerable, I wished that I did die and didn’t return to the crazy world we all live in.

But if there is one thing that keeps me going to this date, it’s the knowledge that God loves me and all of us and to live life to the fullest until it’s time to leave this physical reality and join God again.

My dear friend, I wanted to share this with you to give you peace in your heart and to help you transform any fears you may have about God into peace and love.

If you identify with a specific faith, religion, or doctrine, that’s totally ok. This post is not meant to persuade you to abandon any belief system you may follow, but instead, it’s meant to help you learn that God loves you and to have a “faith over fear” mindset about life.

Having that near-death experience has strengthened my faith and set me out on a mission to feel the love and peace I felt in my near-death experience while I am physically alive.

And that’s how I became an avid believer and practitioner of “The power of prayers.

I think of praying as a sacred time to spend in the presence of God.

Prayers to me is a form of connecting with God while still being a human on earth.

When I pray, I imagine as if I am making a phone call to God/The Divine/Source Energy/Lord/The Super Power/Love or Whatever you like to call it. (God doesn’t care what name you term you use, TRULY!)

During prayer, I imagine having a 1-on-1 session with someone who always understands and never judges.

PURE love is what praying makes me feel!

I love to think that whenever I call God… God says, “Awesome; it’s Zane calling!” I certainly hope so because I call God a lot!

Especially when I am under lots of pressure!

And, who isn’t under pressure?

Life is very demanding, and while life is a journey, it’s still filled with ups and downs. And let’s be real, there are more downs and struggles than ups… But with faith over fear as your mindset and trusting God, all is and will be well!

Faith is what’s needed during times of toughness and uncertainty.

Below, I am going to share with you my favorite method to release stress.

Meet the “Stress Release Through Prayer” Method or SRTP for short😃

The method goes as follow:

Pray. Discuss with God. Release fear. Strengthen Faith. Then Take Action.

Whenever I feel stressed in my personal or professional life, prayers is my mode of releasing fear.

I try to incorporate “praying” in all parts of my life even the most intimate ones.

Prayer is our form of communicating with the ONE Divine Power that knows all. That same power is always here to guide you and me, to make better choices and, best of all, console us when we fall.

It is important to cultivate that communication channel.

It enhances your relationship with God, and that, in return, will fill you with joy and lightness, which will permeate into every part of your life and being.

Through “prayers” you will find peace to reduce your daily stresses while weathering any storm.

Through your relationship with God, you will find the strength to take inspired action that will get you unstuck and back on track.

Below, you’ll find 10 ways to practice prayers throughout the day to strengthen your faith over fear muscle:

1. Start-of-the-day prayer: before you even get out of bed, give thanks for the gift of life upon waking up.

2. Pray whenever you feel stressed on time. Say a silent prayer for tranquility and peace as you move forward with the day.

3. Call upon God to reveal to you any areas where you’re out of alignment with your core values and beliefs.

4. Also, call upon God’s assistance to guide you throughout the day and to show you if the actions or attitudes you’re exhibiting are in alignment with your TRUE higher self.

5. Another way to incorporate prayers into your day is to look for opportunities for growth during hardship.

Let me elaborate on this one, as it might be confusing. For example, you are in a “not-too-good” situation that is frustrating and quite upsetting. Instead of sinking into the negative emotion, lift your head and ask God, “What’s this situation is trying to teach me?” or “How can I learn and expand from this experience and strengthen my faith?”

6. Additionally, if you run your own business, use prayers for that, too! I always ask God for guidance whenever I am going into a new venture. Also, I ask Spirit to bless all the effort and work that I put out to the world to benefit from whether it’s via writing, or different forms of artwork of Fb and Instagram, or spiritual coaching and angel readings, or the live events that I host in Arizona(Pre-pandemic – I hope to get back to these soon), etc.

7. Meditative prayer: meditation has been God sent to me! My aim during meditation is always to be in the presence of God. I ask for a “faith over fear” mindset and strengthen my connection with God as I continue my meditative prayer practice.

8. Give your burdens to God: whenever you feel overwhelmed, go to a quiet place and have a quick prayer session where you ask God to help ease your suffering. It’s quite tangible; you’ll feel it too – give it a try!

9. Pray for the benefit of others. Whenever I hear or see someone requesting prayers or positive energy, I pray on their behalf. Also, when driving and I notice an accident, I immediately call for Divine assistance for all who are involved.

10. End-of-Day prayer is when you give thanks and gratitude for all you have received and ask for guidance and love to carry you over to the next day!

So, on a scale from 1-10, where you at on the Stress Meter?

How stressed are you? Use prayer to strengthen your “faith over fear” mindset.

Since you’re here already, rank your stress level right now.

One (1) everything is fine and dandy; ten (10) everything is crappy!

Be honest with yourself! There is no right or wrong, there is only tracking your stress level so you can work with it better.

Now, try some of these methods I shared with you to keep the communication channel with God going.

Fill your heart with Divine guidance and clarity!

Try them and see how your stress meter starts to come down!

Remember, it is okay to call/pray for just about anything. You don’t need to wait for big things to happen to start praying.

Oh, please share with me your favorite form of prayer in the comments below.

Let’s try to grow this list to 20, but I’ll need your help for that to happen!

With love and light,

Ps. Please pin this post to your favorite board using the P on the top left of the image below:

Having faith over fear is the way to turn doubt into the fuel to transform your life.
Express faith over fear with the Power of Prayers.

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