Happiness Defined: What Are The Things That Make You Happy?


How can you define something as elusive as happiness? In my opinion, happiness is defined by getting to know what are the things that make you happy in the first place. And then choosing to prioritize joy over unhappiness.

Generally speaking, happiness is a universal goal of almost everyone on planet earth!

Besides, most people want to live their life at peace and with joy and happiness at heart.

Happiness is such an important concept, that it’s mentioned in the famous phrase “Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness” in the United States Declaration of Independence.

But how do you define happiness?

The equivalent Greek word to happiness is “eudaimonia”.

Eudaimonia (also known as Eudaemonism) refers to having an innate good spirit or being in an overall state of being happy, healthy, and prosperous.

The famous Merriam-Webster dictionary defined happiness as being contented or in a state of joy.

famous Merriam-Webster dictionary  defines what being happy means
Happiness Defined According to Merriam-Webster Dict.

But when it comes to defining what happiness means, most people approach happiness too logically.

Many people think that there is some magic path that leads to happiness.

The truth is, choosing happiness is the path!

The definition of happiness for me is making a choice that sets you up for finding joy in everything else you do.

As a war survivor, most people might think I am the last person who can feel happy. And truthfully, life trials and, at times, tragedies are what pushed me to choose happiness.

Let’s be real for a second; if I allowed my past and the pain I witnessed and endured growing up in the war-torn country of Iraq to define my state of wellbeing, then the word happiness most likely won’t ever come out of my mouth.

Additionally, I learned that sometimes life deals you with a less than ideal hand, but the way you respond to that hand is the differentiator between a life of joy or misery.

Happiness Defined - I choose to be happy today! things that make you happy

Why so many people are unhappy?

In my career as a teacher and trainer, I met so many people who, on the surface, should be happy.

These people have GREAT education and jobs. Also, they’re blessed to live in safe countries surrounded by lovey families and friends, yet they were unhappy.

Then it hit me; most people haven’t chosen to be happy in the first place. Secondly, they never took the time to define what happiness means to them.

Honesty checkpoint: you probably can tell when you’re happy or not, but can you define what happiness mean for you?

Delving deeper is important!

Defining what being happy means to you as well as finding what are the things that make you happy can enhance your life.

Free Guided Meditation To Expand Joy and Gratitude

How to define happiness?

When I took the plunge to find what makes me happy, I approached happiness from 4 different perspectives that can create a well-rounded definition of happiness.

My intention of sharing these 4 prospectives is to help you on your happiness journey💚

1. Inner Joy

Living in Iraq with never-ending wars, a tyrannical regime, and being in a state of survival 24/7 certainly doesn’t inspire anyone to be happy. However, when I chose to be happy for myself regardless of what’s going on, my life got better (Even while living in a warzone).

Most rational people would think it’s selfish to feel happy when people around you are suffering. I personally don’t subscribe to that ideology. Just because misery loves company, that doesn’t mean I have to be that company.

When I became happy without a reason, people who were hurting began to gravitate towards me.

They felt that I bring a different energy to their life. This has allowed me to ease the pain of my countrymen and women in Iraq by offering a smile, a kind heart, and above all, a state of inner joy that’s infectious.

So, take the time to cultivate an attitude of joy and you’ll be amazed at how that will affect everyone around you.

2. Purpose

In my near-death experience, I witnessed firsthand what it means to be human.

Ever since that life-altering experience, I made it my personal mission to share with the world how living from a place of purpose can truly change your life.

Would you believe me if I told you that you’re not here by a mistake? It’s TRUE! All you gotta do is believe it!

Your existence on earth has a purpose and when you keep that in mind, you can summon levels of joy that are truly unmatched.

So ask yourself the question, are you living purposefully? Or are you letting life happen to you?

3. Impact

When I became intentional with how I lived my life, I couldn’t help but notice how much of an impact I started to make in my own life and the lives of others.

My friends, when you start to see how your thoughts and actions can transform your life, and therefore impact the lives of those around you, you won’t ever let negativity control you.

When I immigrated from Iraq to the United States, I applied this to my way of being.

I asked myself, how can I be of service and how can I make a difference?

My journey of discovery led me to realize the BEST way I can serve is by leading by example and becoming a teacher.

If you’re wondering what type of a teacher am I?

I am a spiritual teacher who teaches people how to connect to their spirit and remember their purpose.

4. Pleasure

If you’re not aware of the scale of consciousness, I highly encourage you to study this graph.

The scale of consciousness

In the scale of consciousness graph above, I showed you the different levels of vibration.

When you’re in the lower vibes of shame, guilt, etc., you become a victim of your circumstance.

However, when you attune yourself to higher vibrations (250 and above), you’ll be able to both attract and manifest your dream life.

So ask yourself today, from the graph above, what’s your current state of vibration? And is that state making you happy or not?

Being empowered is key to feel happy!

And to further empower you today, I want to share with you a gift😄

The Gift of Happiness!

First, I invite you today to choose to be happy for no reason whatsoever.

By applying the 4 prospective mentioned earlier in this post, you’ll liberate yourself to find more joy and happiness.

And to aid you further in defining what happiness means for you, you’ll find below an infographic from the AARP research center.

In that infographic, Americans [Age 35-80] were surveyed to find the things that enhance happiness.

Please take the time to study this infographic. Maybe even take some notes about what the happiest people are doing?

Let’s dive in:

Happiness Defined Infographic. Knowing the things that make you happy is key to finding happiness.
Happiness Defined

And for the geeky ones like me who want to see a high-res version of the image above? Your wish is my command; please go here for a high-res infographic.

It doesn’t surprise me that health, family and relationships are linked to higher levels of happiness.

In addition, it is not surprising that people tend to feel happier in their early 60s.

I believe that as we mature, we start to realize how life can be like a rollercoaster. And just like any rollercoaster, it has its ups and downs. The choice is ours, however. We can choose to feel miserable, or we can choose to enjoy the ride.

So, what are you choosing today?

Please let me know your thoughts in the comment section at the bottom of this post.

Also, sharing is caring, so please make sure to pass this article along to your friends & family members💞

Wishing you happiness and lots of joy,

(h/t @AARP)

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Express your joy by choosing it!

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