3 Ways to Just Stop Caring What Others Think


Have you ever noticed how most successful people out there have at least one trait in common? That trait is, of course, the ability to not care what others think!

Society does a great job demonizing people who are successful by generalizing sayings like, “Oh, they just don’t care!”.

But the truth is, being around successful people most of my life, I noticed that majority of successful people care more than society gives them credit. And, don’t get me wrong, I had my running with successful people who were just “as*-holes” but these types are not the majority.

I noticed that majority of successful people care about how to create a better world and they know that they can’t please everyone.

So, they go on with their lives taking action towards their dreams and visions while remaining kind to others in the process.

On the other hand, most everyday humans, get put on the spot by their own minds, exaggerating the feeling of being judged by others. How are we supposed to accomplish great things in life if all we’re thinking about is what others are thinking about us?

I am simply asking you to stop and ask yourself, RIGHT HERE & NOW, in your current life situation, are you running the show of your life? Or other people’s thinking affecting your ability to live your life peacefully?

Be honest with yourself! There is no judgment here. This exercise is meant to give you a baseline of how you’re currently living your life.

Read More: 7 Reasons Why You Should Forgive and Forget

If you find yourself caring so much about what others think, then I encourage you to keep an open mind and continue reading.

Let’s face it, being preoccupied with what others think is not going to get you anywhere!

It’s an unhealthy habit that’s can turn toxic if left unchecked.

The good news is that there are loads of ways to release that type of habits.

In order to stop caring what others think while remaining humane and kind, you need to re-train your brain.

Below, I’ve compiled three of my favorite tools, I’m sure they’re going to be extremely useful to you, too!

3 Ways to Stop Caring About What Others Think While Remaining Kind & Compassionate

1. Practice Mindfulness Through Meditation and Affirmations

Meditation is a great tool to stop minding what others think of you.
Meditation is a great tool to stop minding what others think of you.

Becoming mindful is an incredible experience. The ability to be in tune with the world around you, in a way, it’s about being in a constant state of flow.

Mindfulness allows us to stay calm, regardless of what’s going on around us. Naturally, this also applies to what others think! Practicing mindfulness is the gateway to stop caring what others think of you.

Mindfulness is awesome, but just… How do we practice mindfulness?

There are a few ways to effectively develop mindfulness, but the absolute best, number one way to increase mindfulness efficiently and without too much difficulty is meditation. There are a few ways you can meditate for mindfulness, one of the easiest to get into is guided meditations.

But before you head out meditating, let’s talk about what exactly meditation does to your body and mind.

According to WebMD, meditation can not only significantly relieve stress, but it’s also been proven to improve the practitioner’s immune system and lower their blood pressure. To be honest, this is just the tip of the iceberg!

When it comes to the heart, soul, and mind, meditation leads to an increased awareness of the world around you. But more so than that, meditation and mindfulness increase awareness of the world inside you. This is exactly why mindfulness meditation is key when it comes to not caring what others think.

By being aware and fully conscious of ourselves, we naturally stop seeking and thriving off the approval of our peers.

If you’d like to learn mindfulness with me, please check my Mindfulness for Beginners Course here.

Combine meditation with affirmations and you’ll have quite a powerful way to re-train your brain and claim your sovereignty. For more about affirmations please go to our affirmations section here.

2. Be Driven by a Meaningful Purpose

Have a purpose and you'll naturally  stop caring what others think.
Have a purpose and you’ll naturally stop caring what others think.

The second key element to not caring what others think is to not only be driven by goals, but by a higher ultimate purpose!

I’m not talking about “getting rich”, but something that you could be proud of accomplishing in your life. Something that will make you proud to have lived, something meaningful. 

Meaning is so important because it transcends the now.

It’s one of the strongest forces out there, and it’s quite sad that we’re never taught about it.

Having meaning in your life is like flipping a switch in your mind.

Suddenly, what others think becomes much less important. What you’re going to accomplish with a meaningful purpose drastically outshines and overtakes the sheer thought of caring what others think. It’s hard to explain, but it just works!

Read More: The Mindful Body: 5 Ways to Thrive in Your Daily Life

Of course, the problem is… Just how do you find a meaningful purpose to strive for?

From both personal experience and those before me who found their purpose in life, I learned that you don’t find your purpose.

Your purpose actually finds you, so might as well not worry about it.

Instead, live your life as if you’re already serving a greater purpose. Focus on doing things that give you joy and make the world a better place. And before you know it, your life purpose is revealed to you sooner than you might’ve expected.

Trust me, you’ll get there if you haven’t yet, so don’t worry!

3. Surround Yourself with Good People

Surround yourself with good people who uplift you!
Surround yourself with good people who uplift you!

Doesn’t this make sense? After all, you wouldn’t have to care about what others think if you surround yourself with people who don’t judge you or want you to be someone you’re not, right?

Exactly! But there are so many more benefits to surrounding yourself with the right people.

Among those great benefits is the ability to mutually support each other. This applies not only to being in a loving, caring relationship, but good friends are an incredible help when it comes to helping you achieve your purpose.

Good friends will raise your vibrations, just as you raise theirs, and that’s essential to stop caring what others think of you or about you!

Read More: 9 Signs You’ve Found “The One”

If you’re finding yourself surrounded by people that are frequently and unfairly disappointed with you or expect you to change, it might be time to reconsider the people that you surround yourself with.

It’s the unfortunate truth that some people will just refuse to keep an open mind when it comes to change. Of course, some people change but your aim should always be to make it your priority to surround yourself with positivity.

Prioritize having positivity surround you in life when you can, and you’ll see incredible growth and results!

Remember that the most important ingredient to stop caring what others think is YOU.

When you’re more mindful, driven by purpose and surrounded by good people, your life becomes a reflection of that.

Just watch as both your confidence skyrockets, and you’ll achieve incredible things, too!


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3 POWERFUL ways to stop caring what others think

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