In a funk or having a funky day? I got your back! Today I’ll show you how to get out of a funk easily and gracefully.
Hello, Hello, everybody; if you’re new to the blog, welcome aboard; you’re in for quite a treat!
And, if you’re a regular, please accept my heartfelt gratitude and a virtual hug!
Get ready to be energized as you find out five tested and verified solutions for how to power through a funky day and get yourself back in gear!
Believe me; you can flip any funky day into a great one! Especially when you have tools that can help!
My friends, having a less-than-ideal day is something that happens! So stop being too hard on yourself and learn ways to make the best out of your situation.
But before I share the five ways, check out this video that I created on the topic of turning things around:
@zanebaker1111 @zanebaker1111 No hashtags, meant to find all Divine Beings on a mission to transform fear into freedom and live life blessed and divinely guided ✨️🤍😍 . . . . . Discover the Power of Positive Change & Miracleworking Through Frequency Energy-Infused Filters and Meditation Experience Transformation with Customized Crystal & Reiki Healing Filters This Year Manifest Abundance & Miracles with Frequency and Energy-Infused Filters in 2023 Unlock the Magic of Personal Growth with Positive Intent-Filled Filters Elevate Your Well-being with Frequency Energy-Infused Filters for 2023 Find Clarity Through Frequency Energy, Reiki Healing & Crystal Filters in 2023 Harness the Power of Manifestation With Our Uniquely Crafted Filters Achieve Lasting Change: How to Transform Your Life With Energy Filters This Year Unlock your Inner Miracle Worker Through Frequency Music & Reiki Healing Filters in 2023 @zanebaker1111 ♬ original sound – 💚Zane: Vibes & Healing🌈🌟🤩
Now, let’s dive into the 5 proven and tested ways to get out of a funk.
Greetings, friends! We are thrilled to share with you some amazing tools to help you find peace, happiness, and success.
What makes these tools so fantastic is their straightforwardness; they take only a few minutes to incorporate into your everyday routine – even if all you have is 15 minutes or less. Let’s begin right away and start elevating your funky blues today!
1Acknowledge The Big Elephant In The Room

It’s important to recognize that having a bad mood or being in a funk is completely normal and okay. You shouldn’t be ashamed of feeling down at times; it doesn’t make you any less human!
People often invest too much energy and attention into the fact that they are feeling down when it doesn’t have to be this way.
Keep in mind that whatever you put your attention on will expand. Therefore, if you are concentrating all of your energy into dwelling on a negative mood, it’s only getting stronger.
Before you even realize it, the feeling of funk can quickly become an emotion and a full-blown funk lifestyle. (Let me clarify that I’m not referring to being a funk music lover when I talk about having a “funk lifestyle.” Rather, this is more like living in an endless cycle of negativity and dissatisfaction.)
Suddenly, you find yourself in an abyss that seems to have no end.
You’ve stumbled upon this article for a reason: to discover ways in which you can escape the rut of unhappiness and, instead, live a life filled with joy.
Don’t let gloominess and misery consume your daily existence; permit yourself moments of self-care that will consequently translate into an unbelievable lifestyle!
2Change The Scenery

When you feel stuck in a rut, I urge you to break the cycle of monotony. It almost always contributes when we get into that funk, so make it your mission to mix things up!
- Has the same monotonous cycle become your reality?
- Does it feel like you’re stuck in a loop of the same tedious tasks?
I strongly suggest you switch up your environment for the best possible outcome.
If you’re working in an office, it’s time to spruce things up and give your space a much-needed makeover. And if the weather allows, why not take this opportunity to switch up the scenery altogether by taking your workload outside? Completing tasks outdoors can be refreshing and inspiring with nature all around you!
Life can seem bleak when you find yourself stuck in a funky rut. But with an uplifting shift of mood, your funk will be no more!
If you’re fortunate enough to work remotely, bring your laptop and the essentials with you wherever speak to your soul. Dive into something extraordinary like treating yourself to a library session or an intimate cafe – two of my go-to spots before 2020’s disruption!
In conclusion, break away from the drudgery and revitalize your mindset with something new and fun!
3Have a Date with Mother Earth
This one is delightful and has become a treasured favorite of mine.
Need a little pick-me-up? Then get outdoors! Spending time in nature is the best remedy when feeling down or sluggish. You don’t need to be extravagant and buy expensive equipment—step outside and explore the world around you!
If you’re feeling down and out, get moving! Reinvigorate yourself by getting outdoors to lift your mood and vibrancy. During a funky moon, the energy can become stagnant, so take action to switch up your environment for an improved outlook.
I understand that nature sometimes seems out of reach for my fellow urbanites. But allow me to assure you that it’s worth the effort—especially on a funky day! Going outside offers a wealth of therapeutic benefits and can quickly renew your spirit.
As you walk around in nature, your body takes in fresh oxygen, which helps you feel good and stay healthy.
Also, nature has a lot of negatively charged ions that can improve your health and well-being as a whole.
Additionally, pollution fills the environment with positively charged ions, further upsetting our planet’s delicate balance.
Nowadays, many of us are spending more time inside than outside. Artificial light and radiation from electronics such as computers and cell phones emit EMFs that contain a surplus of positive ions which can be detrimental to our well-being if not managed correctly.
By contrast, when you’re outdoors in nature—the woods, a park, or any place near water or mountains—you are surrounded by the negative ions of nature. These work to balance out the positive ions in your body and the air around you. This gives you more energy.
To bring balance and harmony, we practice grounding (also known as earthing). To learn more about this technique, please read our article on the subject here.
So next time you’re feeling down in the dumps, grab a bottle of water and spend some quality time outdoors—it’s sure to make all the difference!
4Re-fill Your Cup

When I need a morale lift, simply refilling my cup of inspiration gives me the added pep and keeps my spirits soaring!
What am I referring to, you may ask?
To restore my energy, I commit to doing something kind for myself.
To put things simply, I take time for myself. My favorite methods to restore my energy levels on a difficult day include immersing in a crystal bath or treating myself to a massage.
It’s certainly been a while since I’ve treated myself to a massage, so why not take the opportunity now? If you’re feeling generous and would like to give us a gift of relaxation, we’d be delighted! One session costs $65 – Cash App or Venmo are both accepted at the handle ZaneBaker1111. We truly appreciate your thoughtfulness and want to show our gratitude. As a thank you, we will provide the gifter with an angel reading that is recorded for them to remember always.
Ps. Just look at how beautiful this crystal bath is—how could you not be enchanted?
@zanebaker1111 I am protected from my head to my toes 🧿🦋💚 Bath for Self Care and Protection 💜 @drteals_official is my favorite salt bath 🛁 Not sponsored, I truly love the brand 💜 Happy Full Moon In Pisces 🌝💎 #zanebaker1111 ♬ Chopin Nocturne No. 2 Piano Mono – moshimo sound design
If you can’t get enough of those comforting bathtime soaks, then make sure to download this guided meditation for even more relaxation! Listen and enjoy as the healing power of meditation is added to your bath.
Everyone has different tastes, and we should all embrace our unique preferences.
So, no matter what it is that you’re passionate about, do it! Don’t let anything stand in your way, and start living out your dreams.
Taking on too much responsibility for other people and not taking care of your own needs is a common cause of feeling overwhelmed.
No matter what you’re doing—working, studying for an exam, or taking care of your family and kids—if you do not take the time to replenish yourself regularly, chances are that, eventually, you will find yourself feeling exhausted.
So carve some time for yourself and do something that refills your energy cup.
5Feed Your Soul

I saved the BEST for last, and you won’t want to miss it!
I’m especially fond of this option because it’s so simple; all you need to do is grab your headphones and listen to some music! It doesn’t get much easier than that.
Music has the power to uplift and inspire like no other art form.
Did I ever mention how exhilarating music can be?😊
Music has the mesmerizing power to fill your heart and soul with inspiration, lifting you up and fueling your spirit. Especially when finding yourself in a funk or having a funky mood.
When we find ourselves weighed down with negative energy, it’s easy to feel like our body is a storage unit for all that tension. Letting go of these emotions through physical activity can help us make room for more positive vibes!
Today, I invite you to combat your moody blues by popping in some earbuds and tapping into the power of music. Throw on your favorite tunes and let go as you experience sheer musical bliss!
On the days when you just can’t seem to catch a break, don’t be afraid to let loose and get your groove on! Put on some of your favorite jams, and start dancing.
When those funky days hit, I turn to this playlist for some fresh vibes and irresistible beats. Check it out below:
This Spotify playlist is ideal for those who want to stay up to date on the latest music. You’ll be sure to discover something new with a mix of mainstream and underground hits.
If I’m ever feeling out of sorts or lacking energy, dancing to my go-to playlist never fails to lift my spirits and raise my vibration. It’s an effective way for me to shake off a funk in no time!
Finally, you should always remember that your mental and physical health is within your control.
If you’re feeling down, don’t wallow in it; instead, take the opportunity to turn your mood around and transform yourself from within.
Don’t let yourself stay in a funk any longer; put into practice the five approaches I shared with you today, and don’t ever forget that you are infinitely loved beyond what words can EVER express.
With love and light, until next time.
To conclude, if this article has been intriguing and helpful to you, let it be known in the comments section below! Your opinion matters.