Why You Need to Reconnect with Nature (And What to Do if You Can’t)

how to reconnect with nature in this modern age

How do you reconnect with nature in this digital day and age?

In today’s modern society, we are constantly bombarded with distractions and noise!

On top of that, most people live in cities and suburban areas, furthering the disconnect between most modern humans and nature.

Moreover, finding access to nature in large or medium sized cities can be a bit difficult.

As a result, access to nature can be challenging for most modern humans, but that doesn’t mean that you can’t reconnect with nature.

How To Reconnect With Nature?

Reconnect with nature and keep close to Nature's heart.

To reconnect back with nature, we must first address the big elephant in the room…Technology!

Modern technology, while convenient, it has contributed to most people disconnecting from nature.

Nature is the environment that we evolved in as a species. Disconnecting from nature is like disconnecting from our human heritage.

Trust me; I get it! Why would you choose nature when you can have access to the MOST amazing entertainment available with a few clicks on your phone’s keyboard?

But at what cost?

Ease of Access to Technology Can Be Potentially Dangerous.

How is that the case, you may ask?

The reason it’s so dangerous is a scientific one.

By becoming a technology-driven society, we are re-wiring the human brain’s reward centers.

Extensive research shows the potential harmful effects of technology when misused.

Refreshing your Twitter or Facebook feed stimulates the brain’s reward center much faster than, let’s say, taking a walk out in nature.

It’s no wonder that most people scoff when they hear how important it is to reconnect to nature.

Undeniably, it’s really not that hard to notice how humanity has disconnected itself from nature.

This disconnect is leaving most people feeling drained and overwhelmed.

To put it another way, the impact of being nature-deprived and tech-driven affects your overall mind-body-spirit connection.

The reality of the situation is that living surrounded by constant buzzing and technology has serious implications.

Let’s go over some of the side affects of modern technology.

Why Too Much Tech May Be Hurting You?

Too much tech? How overusing devices may be hurting your body and how to reconnect back with nature
Living in a technologically advanced world, makes it even more important to reconnect with nature.

In recent years, researchers have begun to investigate how the use of digital technology may impact the brain, both helping or harming it.

The first factor that plays a major role over our wellbeing is digital NOISE.

Constant exposure to electronics like TVs screens, phones, computers, and other EMF emitting devices truly affect your wellbeing.

This is no longer just woo-woo talk. Science has confirmed how EMF affect the mind-body connection.

The constant noise generated by technology definitely interferes with your state of wellbeing.

Simply put, digital noise can have a serious impact on how you behave because it constantly interacting with you.

Truthfully, we are constantly exposed to the frequency of the buzzing electromagnetic field coming from modern technology.

The energy waves (EMFs) that our cellphones, microwaves, computers, Wi-Fi routers, and other devices emit have experts concerned.

Research shows that constant exposure to technology raises ADHD symptoms and interferes with social intelligence and emotional intelligence.

Additionally, when exposure to technology goes unchecked, it can lead to addictive behavior and social isolation. Not to mention its impact on sleep quality.

But all hope is not lost!

Reducing technology’s effect is doable when you reconnect with nature again.

Now of course, it’s very difficult to actually eliminate exposure to all EMFs. Especially because we are so dependent on technology for most of our every day needs.

On top of that, a lot of the time, it’s actually out of our control.

There is practically a cellular network tower within a mile radius of wherever you’re at, especially if you’re within the city limit.

So what can we do to protect yourself?

I’m sure you can guess by now.

The key is to reconnect with nature, and here’s why…

You Need to Reconnect With Nature!

You Need to Reconnect With Nature
Find time to reconnect with nature, you’ll thank me and yourself later!

Nature has a very positive and healing affect.

In some cultures like the Japanese, things like forest bathing or forest breathing are key for health and longevity.

Forest bathing, also called shinrin-yoku, entails simply being outdoors surrounded by forest trees.

Now humankind’s connection to nature has an even deeper evolutionary reason.

Edward O. Wilson’s biophilia theory suggests that humans are drawn to nature for evolutionary reasons. Stemming from nature’s long history of providing shelter, food supply, and other resources that, if vanished, life, as we know, will cease to exist.

if you’ve been following me for a while, you know that I am a big advocate for having a balanced life.

Technology is important but we must also balance that with exposure to nature.

This is why reconnecting with nature is so special!

Whether it may be taking a simple stroll in the forest or going for a serious hike, the benefits of immersing yourself in nature are endless!  

When you immerse yourself in nature, many different things happen.

From increased relaxation, to an overall feeling of positivity and joy, to feeling inspired to act, just to name a few.

Although being out in nature might feel unimpactful on the surface, the truth is you’re going through a transformation.

The almost miraculous healing powers of nature are amazing.

It’s been proven that the color green in nature has actual relaxing benefits when observed! But not only can nature de-stress you, but it can also raise your vibration.

Humans should feel right at home out in nature. Sadly, most people lost that feeling due to lack of exposure to nature.

You see, civilization is something relatively new on an evolutionary scale. But nature has been here all along.  

In other words, when we reconnect with nature, we’re in an environment that we’re hardcoded to be at peace in.

So next time you feel drained or emotionally down, just take go out in nature!

Soak as much nature goodness as you can and you’ll be amazed at how you’ll feel afterwards.

But this leaves one small problem to address…

What if You Can’t?

What to do if you don't have access to natural resources?
To reconnect with nature when access to nature is not possible requires some creative solutions.

If you survived 2020, I am sure that somehow you got affected by the lockdown laws that seem to have taken over the world.

So what to do if you don’t have access to nature near you, or it was illegal to even be outdoors?

Here are 3 solutions that can help!

1. Grounding/Earthing

One way to get the benefits of nature without being completely out in nature is to earth.

Earthing (AKA grounding) is the practice of going barefoot on the earth.

You can get all the positive effects of being out in nature by simply connecting to the earth.

Even during the lockdown, most people were able to find a small patch of earth to put their feet on. Earthing is a great way to reconnect with nature.

I lived in some of the densest cities in Northern America, and I always managed to find access to a small patch of grass or ground to earth. However, if for whatever reason, you can’t have access to earth at all, you can always use an earthing mat.

Where there is a will, there is a way.

2. Sound Therapy

In extreme scenarios (i.e., lockdown laws, extreme heat, or cold weather conditions), where having access to a small piece of earth is unattainable, using sound therapy is a great solution.

Researches found that playing a recordings of nature sounds can affect heart rate and alter connections in the brain.

So, when access to nature is near impossible, take advantage of the incredible resources offered to you online!

Resources to reconnects you with nature via sound. Listen to this nature sounds short meditation now and see for yourself:

To have nature sounds on the go, please make sure to download my totally FREE Grateful Morning Meditation Here!

3. Nature Imagery

Another wonderful way to get a dose of nature is by looking at nature imagry.

I love Sedona, Arizona! It’s my home away from home.

Whenever I feel a bit nostalgic, I simply go to google images and search for Sedona Views and spend a few minutes basking in the glory of Sedona’s red mountain formations.

Sedona has been such an amazing part of my healing journey that I even host retreats there. Check out these view:

A number of studies have examined the effects of viewing nature imagery in photos and videos on emotions and behavior.

In one study, people reported feeling 46% more inspired and 31% more grateful after watching a few minutes of the nature-based documentary “Planet Earth.” How amazing is that!

To sum it up, it times for us humans to get back to our roots and reconnect with nature.

Expose yourself to as much nature as you can find, and whenever access is not easy, use sound therapy and nature imagery to get your nature fix and reconnect with nature.

With love, light, and gratitude,

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