Invest Your Money On Buying Experiences, Not Things. Why and The Science Behind It

Why You Should Invest Your Money In Buying Experiences and Creating Memories Instead of Buying Things


Hello friends, Geo here, and I am thrilled to share with you why it’s essential to invest your money in creating memories and experiences. Instead of buying stuff that might feel good at the moment but won’t have an everlasting effect.

I have circled around the globe 50 times so far and I can tell you from experience that while I spend so much money on buying things. Yet when I look back at my life, I remember the memories that these things helped me create, not the thing itself.

I remember buying my first digital camera, not because it was cool. I remember it because it helped me create so many amazing memories with my two beautiful babies.

Well, they are not babies anymore. My son is a fine young man who’s passionate about service and creating change in the world. And my daughter, the jewel of my eye, she’s a hair and make-up artist and she’s living her dream of creating beauty and art through hair and make-up.

Kids, If You’re Reading This; I Love You and I Am So Proud of You!

Kids, if you're reading this; I Love You and I am so Proud of You! Invest Your Money In Moments and Experiences
I love my kids!

So, most likely you’re wondering why am I writing about this topic? The truth is in my 50 years being on planet earth, I have noticed that many people when are faced with difficulties or tough times, resort to spending money to bury their emotions.

I know I was guilty of that myself. However, I learned to process my emotions instead of burying them alive. And in the process of learning that I also learned how to invest my money in creating memories and experiences instead of buying stuff.

The reality is, we live in a day and age where Instagram and Facebook accounts are showcasing the lives of their users like they are models with a limitless budget.

This Is Creating a Society of Stuff.

The minute that paycheck hit our bank account, we get busy buying stuff to get those likes and attention on social media.

So be honest with yourself and answer this question, where do you invest your money?

If you happened to be chasing instant gratification by buying things, then please keep an open mind. Next, I’ll share with you the importance of investing your money to create life experiences. Money can truly buy you happiness if invested the right way!

Let me share with you the science behind this!

The Science Behind Why to Invest Your Money on Buying Experiences and Memories, Not Things!

Zane Baker Quotes - Invest Your Money On Buying Experiences and Time, Not Things
Fill your life with experience, not things!

Recent research from Cornell Unversity confirmes that while buying things can make us feel happy and successful, yet it’s not everlasting.

New things are exciting but once we adapt to the new norm, they lose their appeal.

So, the next time you’re about to drop a hefty price tag on a new article of clothing, a trendy handbag for the ladies or sneakers for us guys, remember what research is showing.

The Importance of Investing in Life Experiences!

Now, it’s crucial to remember that while it’s ok to splurge on yourself every now and then, please be aware of it and don’t turn it into a habit.

Having worked with 1000s of people, and traveled all over the globe. From the Middle East to Europe, to South America and Brazil, I notice that the happiest people in this world have made it their life mission to not succumb to the societal pressure of shopping and unnecessary spending.

Instead, those people invest their money toward creating memories via travel, and experience that lasts and don’t fall into the adaptation trap.

You see, if you spend 2k on a trip let’s say to the Bahamas, you’ll always feel good when you remember that trip especially when times are tough. Yet, if you spent that same 2k on let’s say a gadget or an expensive handbag, and while it might’ve felt amazing at the moment, yet as time passes and especially when times are tough and money is scarce, we start to blame ourselves for our recklessness with money.

So if you’re still reading, then please get ready!

Today, I invite you to be a steward of your money and start to invest your money in your future and creating memories. Spend your money on what truly creates everlasting happiness in your life and not just instant gratification.

Just imagine, if more people start to invest in their futures more than buying stuff, life, as we know, will be more beautiful than anything money could buy.


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The Science Of Why You Should Spend Your Money On Experiences, Not Things


The Science Of Why You Should Spend Your Money On Experiences, Not Things

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