Free Angel Card Reading: What Do Your Angels Want You to Hear Today?

Welcome to today's pick a card reading. Today's Angel Card reading has NO-Time Limitation. Whenever you arrive at this reading, it means that's the right time for you! Happy Reading!


Hello, beloved! I am Zane, an intuitive guide, and welcome to today’s FREE angel card reading!

This angel card reading is centered on the energy of what your angels want you to hear today?

It doesn’t matter what time of the week, month, or year you see this post! The intention behind this reading is to be an energy update. So, it’s timeless and NOT time-bound.

Many times in life, we feel stuck, but with little help from the angels, we can get unstuck easily!

Did you know that the angels are always willing to help?

In order to help thought, you MUST invite them first. Otherwise, they’ll NEVER interfere with your free will

So today, with your free will, invite the angels to aid you with this free angel card reading.

There are three cards to pick from. Each card has a specific message that’s meant for you.

You can select one card and dive into the message of that card in specific. Or, look at all three cards’ messages and see which one resonates with you the most.

There is really no right or wrong away to work with the angels and their divine wisdom

Below, you will see an image that has three cards to pick from. 

FREE Angel Card Reading

Close your eyes. Take a couple of deep breaths—ground and center yourself. Allow yourself to be present, and then pick the number of the card you feel guided to select.

Once you selected a card, then scroll down to your chosen card and read the angel message.

If there is more than one card calling out for you, that’s totally OK, too!

Many people actually feel that the whole reading is for them because they landed on it in the first place. That’s your choice; trust your intuition on that. 

Now let’s dive into each card one by one.

Card Number 1: Steady Progress:

If you selected card number one, this card is all about steady progress.

Here’s a pic of the card. Take time to study the card then dive into the interpretation below👇

Steady Progress Card FREE Angel Card Reading
Steady Progress Angel Card

When people feel drawn to this card, it’s simply a nudge from Spirit that you’re on the right path. 

And to keep doing what you’re doing as it’s the right thing for you. Ensure that you remain at peace while focusing on progress, not perfection.

Don’t compare yourself to others!

Everyone is traveling their journey, and so do you! 

However, we’re all human, and sometimes we fall into the trap of comparison.

When you start comparing your progress to somebody else’s progress, that’s a deadly trap, my friend. 

And my dear one, even for me, with years of meditation practice and a near-death experience, I still fall into the trap of comparing myself to others every now and then.

Comparing yourself to others robs you from your joy. It shrinks your energy and keeps you blocked.

Being blocked energetically is no fun.

What you really want is to cultivate an energy of ease; instead. The steady progress card appearing here is simply letting you know that you’re on your path and you’re doing the right thing.

So, have a big vision for the future but focus on the task at hand and take things “step by step.”

Don’t look at the 10th step today when you really just need to start with the 1st step.

When this card appears, it’s a reminder that while on a deep psychological level, most people know that slow and steady progress is the key to long-term success. Yet, many still fall into the trap of comparing themselves to others.

When you see other people starting their business, reaching their goals, getting in shape, having awesome relationships, getting married, starting a family, remember to not compare yourself to them.

Comparison leads to disappointment as well as self-beating. (Speaking metaphorically here🙂)

Be honest, when was the last time you beat yourself up for NOT getting/doing what you wanted? 

I did it earlier this morning!

My goal was to have this blog published by 10 AM, and that didn’t happen. So, the first thing I did when I noticed I am beating myself down is putting myself on a timeout. Yup, I took 5 minutes to remind myself that I went unconscious and fell into the comparison and self-beating patterns.

When you lock yourself in a negative thought pattern, you actually start to create a vibrational vortex of manifestation stemming from that lower state of vibration. 

Please watch this video to learn more about the Scale of Consciousness and how your vibration affects your reality.👇
The Scale of Consciousness is Real!

So, from this day onward, I encourage you to take a timeout when you find yourself comparing yourself to others or beating yourself up.

Ok, back to this angel reading😊

This card also is a reminder to be kind to yourself. Often, we put ourselves under such high demands and expect so much of ourselves that if we don’t reach a specific goal or hit a particular benchmark, we become so antagonistic towards ourselves, and we start the blame game. 

Now, my dear one, I’m not saying that you need to be lazy and pat yourself on the back while expecting things to happen for you.

Not at all! There’s a HUGE difference between being motivated and wanting to push yourself harder and putting yourself down when unrealistic expectations are not met. 

Whenever the card of Steady Progress appears, I can’t help but remember the story of the turtle and the Hare. Check it out below if you haven’t heard it before.

If you selected this angel card, it’s simply telling you to focus on progress, not perfection. And to also allow things to manifest in divine timing.

And, if you really want to understand divine timing, then I highly encourage you to read this article. 

Action Plan:

So, if you selected card number 1 in this free angel card reading, here are two action items for you.

I intend to make each reading action-oriented. So, then it’s not filled with stuff you hear, but there is no action afterward. 

1. Bring the joy

You’re on the right path, so celebrate your wins.

Please sit down and ask yourself, “what did I do today that I consider a success or a win?” 

When you celebrate the little things, you cultivate an attitude of gratitude.

The more grateful you are, the more positive manifestation you create in your life.

2. What you appreciate, appreciates

The second thing that I highly encourage you to do is appreciate yourself.

You’re doing the best that you can with what you have. So, stop being too hard on yourself. 

You are AWESOME! Remember that!

If you enjoyed this angel card reading, then I know you’ll love my FREE Angel Meditation.
Feel FREE to grab your copy below:

Card Number 2: Acceptance

Alright, so you selected card number 2 in this three-card spread angel card reading.

And your card is all about acceptance. Take a look at this card right here👇

Acceptance Angel Card
Acceptance Angel Card

I took this pic myself, and it shows my beautiful Mandevilla in the background, one of my favorite summer flowers. So read this card to see how it feels for you, and then continue reading as we decipher the card for you.

The acceptance card comes up in readings whenever discord or disharmony is present.

Also, this card represents the acceptance of self and others in a divine way.

See, my dear friend, when we were children, we accepted things with a childlike innocence.

Having that as children enabled us to really trust and not judge. It also allowed us to see things in a fluid manner and with less rigidity.

However, as we started to grow up and had some scars of life, we began to look at things in strict ways.

That being said, as adults, if we really want to be happy in life, we gotta start accepting things the way they are.

Now, please do not misinterpret the message of acceptance and equate it sticking your head in the sand. Not at all! Acceptance doesn’t mean condoning the behavior or the action or the thing that you or somebody else has done. 

Acceptance means you accept things the way they are, and if they are not right, you take action to correct them. And if you cannot change or correct them, you cut your losses and move on. Cause otherwise, you will continuously be stuck in that lower vibration of contention.

Additionally, this card appears whenever we are judging somebody else. 

And, right now, especially if you have survived 2020, there are so many things that trigger judgment. Things like:

  • Wearing a m@sk vs. not wearing a m@sk 
  • Political affiliation right-wing vs. left-wing
  • Believing vs. not believing in v@ccines 

And these are just a few. 

So instead of passing judgment, I highly encourage you to focus on yourself. Accept yourself the way you are. Cut others some slack but create firm boundaries.

Pro tip:

The minute you catch yourself judging others, I want you to stop and ask yourself the question:

“If I was in a similar position, and I was being judged the way I am judging this person, how would I feel right now?”

When you let go of judgment, you will be able to start noticing the beautiful things in life.

Imagine if…

When you look at a person, you don’t see color, political affiliation, religion, etc. But instead, you see a human being, a being who is living life to the best of their ability.

And you look at them from the eye of Spirit/God/The Universe, without judgment.

When you do that, you start to cultivate the love vibration that dwells in the heart that will enable you to see things in a different light.

When you see people in a positive light, guess what happens? You create through the law of cause and effect, an effect of positivity from others towards you!

It’s a win-win!

This is what happy, confident, and productive people do!

If you enjoyed this angel card reading, then I know you’ll love my FREE Angel Meditation.
Grab your FREE MP3 below:

Action Plan:

I am ending this free angel card reading for card number 2 with action steps to help you grow emotionally and spiritually.

Below are 3 action steps that you can implement this week:

1. Be aware 

Awareness. Pay attention to yourself anytime you’re judging yourself or others. And practice what I shared earlier in the “Pro Tip” part and question how you’d feel if you’re being judged in that instance?

2. The law

Practice accepting others the way they are! Not the way you want them to be or the way that you think they should be. The more accepting you are of others, the more you attract others who are accepting of you. That’s the law of attraction for you!

3. Cultivate patience

Practice patience as you permit yourself to be yourself while allowing others to be themselves, too.

We’re all a divine expression of Spirit/God/The Universe. We came to this physical reality to express ourselves to the best of our ability. And, if somebody is way out of alignment with your values, and you find it difficult accepting them the way they are, then start setting boundaries.

Card Number 3: Time to go

Hello, beautiful soul! If you selected card number 3 of this free angel card reading, then your card is “Time to go.”

Time To Go Angel Card

This card is one of my favorite cards because it literally feels like a kick in the butt by Spirit and the Angels.

In life, whenever I find myself hesitant, procrastinating, and second-guessing myself, this card appears. 

Its appearance signifies intentional action. And in most cases, it’s an action we don’t want to take. Like, leaving a job that zaps our energy—or ending a relationship that has served its purpose and things of that nature. Please allow me to illustrate that to you with a personal story.

In 2017, I moved to Washington, DC, from my favorite place in the world, Sedona, Arizona

Fast forward to early 2019… I started getting divine guidance that I have served my purpose in DC and that it’s my time to return to Sedona. 

Sadly, I didn’t honor that guidance, even though at the time, I had the resources, energy, time, and money to do so. 

Instead, I stayed in Washington, DC, and didn’t follow my intuition.

Additionally, around that time, I felt the urge to leave my high earning coaching position to become a full-time spiritual teacher.

When I transitioned to teaching, the income wasn’t as stable.

And for those who are not familiar with Washington, DC, it’s costly. Outrageously costly! So, I wound up literally exhausting all of my resources and all of my savings.

To make matters worse, events transpired that forced me to move out of Washington, DC. in the summer of 2019.

Things were so tight, that I couldn’t even get myself back to my home state of Arizona.

Life wanted to serve me a BIG FAT, HUMBLE PIE!  

I am so BLESSED that I have TRUE FRIENDS who supported me as I began to rebuild my life from scratch.

My dear one, if you’re still reading, please don’t do yourself the disservice when you feel that something has served its purpose, but you keep hanging on.

If you feel that a job has served its purpose, then transition! When you feel the connection is gone in a relationship and you worked on things with your partner, but there is no hope in sight, it’s time to go!

I read a book called “Light is the new black,” which is all about trusting our divine light. In that book, the author Rebecca Campbell talked about the “niggle.” She defined the “niggle” as those feelings that are consistently pushing us to act.

Back in January of 2019, I was being niggled. The niggle was like, “Zane, it’s time to go back to Arizona; it’s time to go back to Arizona,” but I didn’t follow that niggling feeling, and I stayed in DC instead. Things transpired in DC in such a dark way that I was forced to depart DC abruptly.  

That was one of the MOST negative experiences of my adult life. I am healing slowly but surely and permitting myself to learn. 

Ok, back to what this card represents!

This card appearing for you simply means that you are at the end of a journey, and you know that you are at the end of that journey, and you need to close shop and move on with your life.

Another aspect of this card signifies to stop thinking and start doing.

Start putting things into action mode.

Whenever you feel crippled by doubts and fears, surrender to God/The Universe and let Spirit guide you.

That’s how I navigated myself out of despair back to clarity and began to align my self with my life purpose and life path.

So surrender all of your negative feelings to God/The Universe and let go of guilt, judgment, pain, suffering, and all the things that have happened that might have caused you all of these feelings.

It’s time to let go and heal. 

Here is a specific video I created called the art of forgiveness; I highly encourage you to watch it because I shared ways to cultivate an attitude of forgiveness and letting go in that video.

And if you find the word forgiveness triggering, please remember that forgiveness doesn’t mean accepting or condoning what people have done.

Forgiveness is approached here from the energy space of releasing the hold that past events have over you. So, then you can move forward and NOT be paralyzed by the past. 

The past is a teacher, not a prison — it’s time to free yourself.

Action Plan:

For card # 3 of this free angel card reading, you’ll have 2 action items to pick from and implement.

1. The power of forgiveness

Start practicing forgiveness and letting go. Please watch the video about the art of forgiveness that I shared earlier in this post. Harness the healing power of forgiveness.

2. Lean on the Archangels

Suppose you have certain things in life that you are struggling with releasing and letting go of. If that’s the case, I highly encourage you to work with two archangels that are extremely helpful with releasing and letting go.

 1. Archangel Azrael 

This archangel helps people in distress or under a lot of heavy emotions like guilt, worry, or grief.

2. Archangel Michael

This archangel helps you with finding strength and courage.

Free Guided Meditation

In essence, the angels are always here to help you. All you gotta do is be open and willing to listen. 

In today’s free angel card reading, you got three messages from the angels about the importance of steady progress, acceptance, and letting go.

I pray that this reading served you well and added value to your life.

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With love, light, and gratitude,


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