Greetings, Divine being!! I am Zane, and today I want to welcome you to the discernment gift from the Angels of Light!
Today’s angel card reading is a timeless energy update that came directly from spirit through the Angels of Light.
Firstly, I meditated for 30 minutes using a binaural beats meditation MP3.
That same meditation is available for you at 0.00 cost here if you’d like to download it. (My free gift for you🤗)
Then, after my meditation, I pulled 3 cards from the Angels of Light Oracle Cards to see what messages the Angels wanted to share with you.
In addition, I channeled extra special messages for each card to give you more insights and guidance.
Pay extreme attention to the 3rd card that hold’s the key to the discernment gift that all of us MUST unlock to become spiritually guided.
Also, if you’d like to have a full flip-through of this oracle deck, feel free to watch this video that I created for this deck in specific:
Somehow as humans, we started to believe the lie that we are separate from Spirit.
Spirit is always within and the angels are one powerful way to activate that spirit within.
Practice calling on the angels of light for help. You must invite the angels to help; otherwise, they’ll never interfere with your free will.
So today, with your free will, invite the angels of light to unlock your discernment gift.
This reading consists of three cards. Each card holds special messages to help you activate the spirit within.
You can select one card and meditate on the messages of that card in specific. Or, look at all three cards’ messages and discern which message is the one that you need to hear right now!
Basically, there is really no right or wrong way to work with the angels and their divine wisdom.
Now, let’s dive into each card and unlock the divine messages encoded within each card.
Card Number 1: Curiosity
Here’s a pic of the card. Take time to study the card then dive into the channeled messages below👇

The angels of light are very playful and today they encourage you to heal the child within. To be open and willing to live life fully!
When you allow past pain and suffering to block your energy in the Divine Present Moment, you dim your inner-light.
Let your spirit shine by being curious and open to possibilities.
To put it another way, as adults, we have forgotten how much fun we used to have as children.
Today, I and the angels encourage you to get in touch with that inner child and to start having fun again.
It’s time for your inner light to shine!
When you give yourself permission to enjoy what you do, you awaken your spiritual gifts.
We all have a purpose of being here on earth. Sadly, somewhere along the path, we got lost. Lost so bad that many people nowadays don’t even know why they are here?
Time to change that!
In other words, be playful this week and really open yourself up to signs and synchronicities to be more playful and curious.
If you’re not sure how to explore your curious side, then don’t you worry! I got you!
Action Plan:
Action item number one:
Make a list of the top 5 people you admire the most. And start to dig deep into their lifestyle:
- What do they do for a living?
- How do they spend their alone time?
- When in a social setting, how do they behave?
- What books do they read? Or don’t read?
- Where do they live, and why they live there?
- What do you admire the most about them?
In essence, by studying others and paying attention to what you find interesting/fun, you’ll find out hidden gems that you can explore.
Action item number two:
As a child, how did you used to spend your time?
Do you remember? If not, take the time to go down memory lane? And if by any chance, you can’t remember, ask family and friends for help.
Disclaimer: If you suffered from childhood trauma, please consult a professional. This is not medical advice or advice of any form. This is simply guidance shared for educational and informational purposes.
Our childhood is a treasure trove of ideas to explore.
I re-kindled my love for puzzles as well as coloring books by doing this exact same exercise I am sharing with you in this post.
Here’s my latest coloring job:

Here’s my latest puzzling job:
Action item number three:
Write this mantra on a post-it or at the top of a page in your notebook or journal, and remind yourself of the wonders of life.
I explore the wonders of life!
If you’re enjoying these Angels of Light messages, then I know you’ll love my FREE Angel Meditation. Grab your MP3 below👇
Card Number 2: Flexibility
Take a look at this card below👇

Alright, the second message from your angels is all about being flexible.
Just like the tree branches bend with the wind, be flexible.
Additionally, being rigid, blocks your flow and create stagnant energy.
With the never-ending cycle of change, being inflexible breeds negative programming.
Besides, always remember that having a plan means having a game plan and not a set in stone step-by-step formula.
As an intuitive coach, I see so many people suffer from inflexibility.
When we accept the FACT that things always change and make peace with it…
Then, we have a better chance of finding new ways to tackle any given situation.
When the pandemic hit, my business came to a full stop.
During that tumultuous period, most people didn’t have the extra cash to spend on meditations and online training.
So, instead of allowing myself to get stuck over that fact, I remained open.
I focused on adding value and one thing lead to another, and now I am part of a team that’s focused on helping people become healthier, wealthier, and more in alignment.
So, if you find yourself stuck or unable to find a solution to a specific thing in your life, then the 3 action items listed below will come quite handy for ya!
Action Plan:
At this point, you are aware that the angels of light are always here to help you! So, if you find yourself stuck or lacking the inspiration for creative solutions. Then apply these 3 action items:
Action item number one:
Expect Miracles.
I know what you might think, “But Zane, I am stuck, what miracles are you talking about?”
My dear friend, if you can’t even believe that a miracle is possible. Then, let me assure you that remaining stuck is going to last way longer than you might like.
The next time you find yourself stuck, repeat this mantra 11 times:
I am open to miracles!
Action item number two:
Call upon the help of the angels of light. Ask for their help and guidance for creative solutions. Also, remain open to possibilities as things arise. In addition, don’t block your gifts by being inflexible. Let life flow through you.
Action item number three:
Repeat this mantra daily whenever you find yourself stuck. It certainly works if you’re stuck mentally, emotionally, financially, or any other way that we humans are famous for getting ourselves stuck into…
I am FREE and Flexible!
If you have enjoyed this reading so far, then I have a gut feeling that you’ll love my FREE Angel Meditation. Grab yours below👇
Card Number 3: The Discernment Gift
Hello, my lovely friend! I know I teased about this card at the start of this post.
And if you made it thus far, then congrats! You’re letting the angels of light guide you!

I love the discernment card because it usually comes as a reminder that we are not honoring our divine self.
In life, we’ve been conditioned since childhood to be nice and polite.
However, being nice doesn’t equate to allowing others to be disrespectful or being dishonorable towards us.
As a recovering people pleaser, I used to let people walk all over me.
I felt horrible by their treatment but at the time I didn’t have the gut to face those who were being unkind to me.
So, I just bit my tongue or even worst, I laughed it off.
Anyone here, been there?
By laughing it off or biting my tongue, I was perpetuating that type of toxic behavior.
In truth, I had to learn a lot about self-worth and self-love to break that cycle. Maybe I’ll write about that in a future post – do you like that idea? Please let me know in the comment section at the bottom of this post.
You see, when the angels of light bestow upon you the Discernment Gift, you better listen.
Without self-resepct and self-honor, we cannot shine in this world.
Additionally, if you let others disrespect you, take you for granted, put you down, blame you, or any other form of unkindness, then you’re allowing crap to manifest into your life.
The angels might be all light, but they know that we humans, every now and then, might need a kick in the bum! So today, the angels ask you to honor yourself! Seriously!
Start to trust your inner guidance when faced with an unsettling situation.
Action Plan:
Like the first two cards in this reading, the 3rd angel card comes packed with 3 action items, too.
Action item number one:
Start practicing discernment daily by starting to allow your gut feelings to be honored.
Every time something occurs in life, you have an inner knowing of it being right or wrong. Start to TRUST that feeling.
It takes practice, so please stick with it.
Action item number two:
Ask the angels of light to aid you with accepting yourself as well as honoring your self-worth.
Read books about the topic of confidence and self-worth. My friend Lisa wrote a beautiful book called The Self-Worth Path – I feel it can serve you.
Also, this video from Brendon Burchard really helped boost my confidence and taught me how to step fully and authentically to sharing my gifts with the world:
Action item number three:
Repeat this mantra daily and for life! The Discernment Gift must be cultivated daily.
I trust my intuition!
In summary, the angels of light wanted to share with you and me three gifts.
Those gifts are, the curiosity gift, the flexibility gift, and the discernment gift.
Apply these gifts daily! Repeat the mantras shared under each gift, and welcome the divine wisdom into your life.
I pray that these 3 messages brought you peace and tranquility.
Please consider sharing the light with your family and friends on Facebook & Twitter.
And, if you’re a Pinterest fan, please consider pinning this post using the image below.

With luv, light, and gratitude,
Angelic Light,
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