3 Reasons Why You Keep Attracting the Same Problems in Life


If you find yourself asking these questions often, then rest assured you’re not alone!

  • Why do the same things keep happening to me?
  • How on earth do the same problems seem to keep showing up, again and again, and for no apparent reason?
  • Why do I keep attracting bad relationships?
  • How do I stop attracting the same type of people into my life?

First, you’re not going crazy!

Second, you’re in luck because today I am going to put an end to this destructive cycle.

Let’s begin!

You are NOT what you think you are; you are what you think.

Read this twice and let that concept sink in a little bit before you continue reading.

If I told you that every thought, feeling, and emotion, regardless if it was positive or negative, manifests itself into reality constantly, would you still behave the same way you usually behave?

Most likely you’ll have one of two answers:

  • Yes, what I am doing is working, so I’ll keep doing it! Or,
  • No, what I am doing is not working, and I got to find another way!

Today, I’ll teach you how to create a new reality if you’re not happy with your current one. Or enhance what you already have if you’re content with it.

It’s a win-win really!

Why do I keep attracting the same problems again and again
Why you keep attracting the same problems in life all starts in your head!

See, as a human being, you play an active part in shaping and forming your world.

And how you do that all starts with what’s happening in your head.

The undebatable truth that many people still have a hard time accepting is that our lives are dictated by our thoughts.

What we think, is who we are. There is no way around it.

However, because of the hectic lifestyle that most people find themselves in, not that many people have time or energy to figure out what’s going on in their head.

That lack of awareness is very detrimental to one’s spiritual and emotional well-being.

Many of us walk through life in a daze, as if we are walking cluelessly through a dense fog, failing to see the beauty of life.

Also, many fail to realize that everything we need is inside us and that we are all inherently free, but somehow, along the way, we have forgotten that.

It took me a near-death experience to see and believe that.

I don’t want you to go through the craziness that I went through or come close to dying just to remember who you are.

There are countless ways given to us by God/Spirit/The Universe, and I want you to know these ways so you can stop the vicious cycle of attracting the same problems/people into your life.

First, get yourself a journal or notepad, and take about 10-15 minutes to answer these questions to the best of your ability and knowledge(Please be kind to yourself as you do this exercise):

  • Why do I keep attracting the same problems/people in life?
  • And, why do the same negative patterns keep emerging in my life?
  • Lastly, why am I unable to breakthrough/change that?

Once you jot down your thoughts and journal about these questions, then reflect on the 3 reasons why most people keep attracting the same crap into their lives!

3 Reasons Why You Keep Attracting the Same Problems/People in Life

1) Negativity Bias

Negativity Bias plays a role in Why You Keep Attracting the Same Problems or type of people into your Life
Negativity Bias plays a role in why you keep attracting the same problems or type of people into your Life!

If you haven’t heard of negativity bias, then this one alone will shift everything for you.

Negativity bias is when your brain assigns more value to negative events in your life vs. positive or neutral events. By doing so, you are constantly tipping the scale towards more negativity without even being aware of it.

In life, everything is energy and that includes the thoughts, experiences and events that you have while living as a human being.

And, anytime you go through a negative experience or a person negatively impacts your life, your negativity bias gets strengthened more and more.

And because like attracts like, if you’re constantly activating negativity, then you’ll attract more of it.

My friend, negativity is toxic; it defies and contradicts everything you’re aiming for and everything you want to be.

And because we live in a reflective universe, if we think/behave with negativity in mind, even if unconsciously, then that energy will come back at us like a boomerang. It’s up to you and me whether we want to continue living like that or not.

Trust me, I know how easy it is to be bitter & resentful towards people/events that impacted you negatively, but do you know what isn’t easy?

  • It’s not easy to forgive when harmed or wronged by others
  • Additionally, it’s not easy to live and let others live when negativity occur
  • And, it certainly hard as hell to love without judgment when crappy events/people keep showing up
And, therein lies the dilemma. Negativity doesn’t free you – it traps you!

It eats you up and stunts your spiritual growth, leaving you emotionally crippled.

All of this creates a vicious cycle of negativity that’s hard to break out of. That is why being negative is something you should most definitely avoid at all costs if you want to stop attracting the same problems/people in life.

Here’s a forgiveness exercise that helps clear negativity. 1000s of people have used it and so can you:

2) Fear is Subconsciously Controlling You

Do you ever catch yourself acting out of fear?

How many times did you not go after what you really want because of fear? Whether it’s fear of success or fear of failure?

Fear is, however, natural.

It’s one of the most common human emotions, but it’s also a very toxic, heavy and low-energy emotion.

Besides, fear is a justification. It’s a defense mechanism most people use daily to make excuses and justify lack of action/results.

Only those who accept and face fear are able to nullify it. Once you accept it – fear ceases to exist.

So, set yourself free of all expectations, and watch as you rid yourself of fear.

It is simply not there any more, it vanishes and then it stops affecting your life.

However, fear is sneaky, comes in all shapes, sizes, and forms and when its least expected.

It sneaks up on you, sometimes subconsciously, and gets inside your head, paralyzing and crippling you.

When we act out of fear, we act irrationally and aggressively and, oftentimes, end up hurting the people we love and ourselves in the process.

We are scared of rejection, we are scared of failure – we are, essentially, scared of life.

That is why most of us have the same problems arising constantly.

3) Lack of Presence

The lack of presence in life plays a big role in why you keep reliving the same problems again and again.

One of the biggest reasons most people keep attracting the same problems in life is the habit of living either dwelling in the past or worrying about the future.

Because of this, many people fail to be present in the here and now.

To simply exist in the present moment, I invite you to start thinking of it this way…

The Past is set in stone.

It has already happened and there is no way to change it. It’s over; let it go!

And what about the future?

The Future is yet to come. So free yourself from the need to know what might happen and focus on being present so you can ensure a positive future is the most likely outcome.

And, a legitimate question arises: how to be present?

Before I can answer that, I got to address what it means be present.

Well, simply put to be present means to live in the present moment or as I like to call it The Eternal Now!

Staying in the moment, puts you in sync with the energy around you. It allows you to be at one with everything.

In my opinion, to be present is to live.

Only when you are present, you’ll be able to truly live and experience life fully.

If you haven’t downloaded my Free Guided Meditation, this is a GREAT time to start as it’ll help you cultivate an attitude of gratitude in the present moment:

>> FREE Instant Access – Download Now <<

Free Guided Meditation

So my dear friend, do you want to let life pass you by?

The truth is no one wants to, but many do against their will. We let life slip through our fingers constantly, and then we wonder why we keep attracting the same problems or people/events. That is precisely why?

Your life is a manifestation of the thoughts that reside in your head.

The outer world is a manifestation of your inner world.

All the problems that arise in your life are just a bi-product of your own thought processes and the emotions that you dwell in.

Once you learn how to use the spiritual tools you have been given when you were born, you will regain control over your life.

It is up to you to decide!

Years ago, I decided that I will no longer tolerate the status quo or allow the same problems to keep ruining my life. That was the BEST decision I ever made and I can’t be happier!

Everyone deserves a shot at being who they’ve always wanted to be and so do you!

The time has come to take your life into your own hands and to stop the vicious cycle.

If you do, you will fall deeply in love with life again.

That’s not even a promise, it is simply a law of The Universe.

To a vibrant and abundant you!


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