Words of Encouragement and Strength To Get You Through Difficult Times

Enjoy these words of encouragement and strength from the angels of light👼


You are in the hands of the angels of light who have words of encouragement and strength for you.

There are angels around you at all times, providing guidance in times of need.

Asking the angels for help is the best way to receive divine angel guidance.

In today’s post, you’ll have the gift of selecting a card and receive words of encouragement and strength from your angel.

Humans can always benefit from a little inspiration to jump back into action, especially after a hardship or setback.

So, close your eyes, take a deep breath and select a card from the 3 cards spread below.

words of encouragement and strength from the angels of light

Pick the card that appeals to you the most without overthinking it. Feel free to choose more than one card if you’re drawn to more than one!

Many people enjoy reading all messages and using their discernment gift to know which messages are meant for them.

There are free energy updates on my website as well as angel readings, each of which is intended to impart important messages, as well as help readers develop their intuitive abilities. 

By re-igniting your intuition, you will be able to better understand what your angels are trying to tell you.

Alright, without further ado, let’s delve into the full meaning of each of the 3 cards.

Card Number 1:

Take a moment to read the words of encouragement and strength the card brings. Then, tap into the energy of the card and see if you can receive further guidance. Keep an open mind and a playful spirit.

Imagination angels of light card
Words of encouragement and strength for positive outcomes.

Receiving this card is a sign that you’re too much in your head.

Make it your priority to check your though-patterns. Your thought patterns affect your life.

Having negative thought patterns can lead to unnecessary stress and anxiety.

Although thinking patterns can become habitual over time, awareness and practice can be used to replace negative thoughts with more positive ones.

Here are 3 ways to activate more positive thoughts.

1. Creative Imagination or Visualization

Visualization is the process of creating pictures in your mind to help you achieve a specific goal or objective.

On the surface, it makes sense – you imagine yourself doing something, and then… you do it! But does visualization really work?

Despite what may seem to be new-age hype, there is substantial scientific evidence supporting the effectiveness of visualization. (Read this Research Paper: Neuro-Science Behind Visualization to understand the full insights)

So, spend time daily visualizing achieving your goal or objective. The more you practice, the more you strengthing your neural pathways to think in alignment with your goal.

Lastly, have a faith over fear attitude and remain optimistic about life. All is working out in divine-timing.

2. Crystals

Crystals can help promote a sense of joy, hope, gratitude, love, as well as shielding you from negative energies.

Working with crystals strengthens your intention to be positive by stimulating a positive vibration within your energy fields.

Thus, if you are looking to activate your positivity and chase your goals while remaining in the divine present moment, these 5 crystals will definitely help you👇

5 raise your vibration crystals

3. Affirmations

This imagination card comes with a beautiful affirmation. Please read this affirmation 11 times a day to attract positive and benevolent outcomes.

I Picture positive outcomes for the highest good.

Shift Your Thoughts, Shift Your Reality Meditation MP3:

Card Number 2:

You’ll find hope and strength in the words of encouragement on this card. Once you have done reading the card, try tapping into the energy of the card to receive further guidance. Remember to be playful and open-minded.

Acknowledgement angels of light card
Words of encouragement and strength for being authentic

This card is a direct sign for you to BE YOURSELF.

You are here to be yourself – to be authentically, YOU. 

There has never been another you before this moment, and there never will be.

That is why who you really are is who you are meant to be. Being someone you are not, serves no purpose other than creating an entirely false self.  It is important to be yourself at all times.

Here is a post that will help you connect with your higher self. 

If people realized we were born exactly as we are, humanity would undergo a radical shift. 

During my near-death experience, I realized how to live authentically and with purpose, and I have since made it my mission to teach the world how to do the same. 

Most people fear that if others knew who they really are, they wouldn’t be accepted.

My heart goes out to you – I know how that feels!

Although I’m a spontaneous guy who likes to joke around and wear onesies on the weekends, when I worked in Washington DC 10+ years ago, I felt the need to hide those aspects of myself in order to appear more professional.

The near-death experience I had led me to realize that it was time for me to be 100% myself.

By giving myself permission to be myself, I noticed how important it is for me to also let other’s be themselves, too.

However, the nagging voice inside most people’s minds tells them that if they are authentically themselves, no one will love them.

That’s so far away from the truth!

Regardless of our flaws, who we are is the kind of person God created us to be. 

Our best selves come from accepting who we are, as well as being true to our nature when we come into contact with others.

To embrace and accept yourself as you are, repeat this affirmation daily.

I acknowledge who I truly am.

Here’s a guided meditation to help you expand your joy and cultivate a loving outlook on life.

Free Guided Meditation To Expand Joy and Gratitude

Card Number 3:

This card offers words of encouragement and strength that will help you move forward in life. Upon reading the card, you can meditate on it to tap into its energy and receive more guidance. Approach the situation in a playful and open-minded manner.

Detachment angels of light card
Words of encouragement and strength about letting go.

This card is a sign that it’s time to let go and detach.

Detachment is the process of letting go

Letting go of something/someone/feeling is part of detachment.

It is a way to release difficult people and difficult situations. 

You can gain an objective perspective on your professional and personal relationships by letting go of past experiences and future expectations.

During our childhood, we relied for the most part on our caretakers to provide for us.

The American Psychology Association states that parental and caregiving relationships are crucial for a child’s development.

As we get older, however, things change, hopefully for the better. 

People usually experience problems when they become too attached to everyone and everything in their lives.

The importance of striking the right balance between individualism and belonging to a group cannot be overstated. 

The key to overcoming dependency is detachment.

Here are a few ideas to help you with that:

1. Whenever you find yourself in a situation of co-dependence, the angels are ready to help. Simply ask for Angelic guidance.

2. It is sometimes recommended to seek professional help from a therapist. Asking for help is not a sign of weakness. Our mindset needs to change. By suppressing our unresolved emotions, we do no one any good.

3. Ho’oponopono is another tool I use to release any emotional attachment to people or specific situations (past, present, or future).

The Hawaiian practice of Ho’oponopono is centered around forgiveness and love. You can learn more about how Ho’oponopono works by watching this video👇

4. Repeat this affirmation for instant release and cultivating freedom:

I release everyone and everything. My spirit is free.

In essence, the angels shared not one but 3 messages filled with words of encouragement and strength.

Fun is what makes life worth living.

In saying that, the angels are encouraging you to open your mind and heart to wonderful experiences, to accept and love yourself exactly as you are, and finally to let go of anything that does not serve you anymore.

Don’t wait for the world to recognize your greatness, live it and let the world catch up with you.

Much Love,

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