Get Your Daily Dose of Vitamin G

A daily dose of earthing/grounding is an incredible way to remain centered and improve your well-being💖

earthing science vitamin G

Is earthing science or fiction? In today’s post, you’ll learn if grounding (AKA earthing) or, as I like to call it, getting a dose of Vitamin G, legit or not?

In a previous post, I explained why I ensure that I meet my daily dose of Vitamin G.

For today’s post, I’ll take you deeper into earthing science and how to apply it in your life.

Also, I’ll share with you different ways you can practice earthing/grounding.

This post is coming soon, so please tune in soon for the updated version😇

To enhance your knowledge of Earthing/Grounding, I invite you to check these 2 books:

1. Earthing: The Most Important Health Discovery Ever! by Clinton Ober

I truly love this book! It’s very helpful to get the reader to fully understand what earthing/grounding is and how to use the practice for health and wellness benefits.

2. The Green Cure by Alice Peck  

Alice’s intensive research of grounding/earthing science makes the Green Cure book a great addition to any nature lover and mother earth enthusiasts. The old paradigm of always needing medicine to work with ailments is old news.

There’s a new kid on the block and it’s all about exploring natural ways to enhance physical and mental health and wellbeing.

Earthing is one of these ways. Get this book and tap into the benefits of Earthing.

So next time you feel sluggish or lacking energy, simply take your shoes off, sit in the grass, or walk the beach or the woods barefoot. Earthing is even backed by science.

Getting a good dose of Vitamin G is all you need for a natural yet effective pick-me-up for any given day.

I hope you found this earthing tip quite helpful and that you’ll come back for more😊

If so, please help me in spreading the word and sharing the wealth of knowledge with the world.

Much Luv,


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