I can see abundance everywhere around me. Thank You God! Amen!

Hello Divine Being of Light!

Today, I want you to consider me as your divine manifestation coach! So, sit down, relax and let’s get manifesting!

This post is a divine message all about abundance and manifestation. Treat it with love!

In my 10+ years as a coach I have seen it and heard it all!

Some say things like “Zane, I really want to work with you but I can’t afford it in my current situation”. Others tell me they have the budget and would like to get a coach to support their growth, but when it comes time to actually doing it, they don’t follow through.

It doesn’t surprise me to be honest, as most people still have negative money beliefs and paradigms.

Furthermore, many people are stuck in a lack mentality when it comes to money, wealth and abundance.

That’s why I felt compelled today to create this abundance toolkit and deliver it to all those who can use it 100% FREE.

Abundance is our birthright, but that’s not how most people feel about it!

Life seems to be a combinations of struggles and shortcomings, intermingled with good moments.

But the truth is, that’s a belief we adopted and it’s not really the way it is!

So, it’s time that your remember this birthright and get your money mindset corrected and activate your abundance.

Let’s get started:

The Ultimate Abundance Toolkit To Transform Your Money Situation

Tool # 1: Having The Right Mindset

Wealth is not just a state of being.

It is, first and foremost, a mindset and a feeling.

If you do not think and feel wealthy, you will never truly be wealthy.

This is also the reason we see so many people in this world do crazy things like- win the lottery and within a few years, lose it all and they wind up right back where they started before they bought that ticket, hoping to score it rich.

The # 1 thing that has contributed to me leaving my broken mindset behind and upleveling my mindset is understanding that there are two types of mindsets.

In her book, Mindset: The New Psychology of Success, Dr. Carol Dweck explains how your mindset can make you or break you.

I highly recommend you read her book, but till you get your hand on that book, here’s a wonderful tool that highlights how to cultivate the right mindset from Dr. Dweck:

The above infographic (originally created by Nigel Holmes) highlights the essential lessons of having a “growth mindset” from Dr. Dweck’s book Mindset: The New Psychology of Success

Tool #2: Having The Right Abundance Vibration

To attract more abundance into your life, I want you to start thinking of abundance as form of vibration.

Nicola Tesla said, if want to find the secrets of the universe think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration.

So if you want abundance in your life, you gotta start vibrating on the same vibrations of wealth, plentitude and abundance…

Believe it or not, one of the best ways to develop an abundant mindset is to develop gratitude!

Lucky for you, I’ve crafted a totally FREE guided meditation that helps you develop just that!

The guided meditation I recorded for you will take you on a 9-minute gratitude journey to help you activate your abundance factor and open your energy centers to positive manifestation.

>> Download Your Copy here <<

Grateful Morning Meditation CD Cover
Abundance Toolkit

On top of the meditation above, here’s a special session that I did on the topic of how your vibration affects your reality. I highly encourage you to get a notepad and take some notes as you watch this short video:

Tool #3: Having a Healthy Relationship with Money and Abundance

Here’s a mindset that I invite you to entertain: “You’re in a long-term relationship with money!”.

Let’s be real, money is an important part of life. Sadly, most people don’t cultivate a healthy relationship with money.

Most people are very clingy and emotional when it comes to money. If that’s you, that’s ok, all you gotta do is be aware of that and start to shift your relationship.

When it comes to money and abundance, it’s best to cultivate a long-term relationship with money. Treat money as you would treat another person, treat it with love, honor, and respect.

Anytime you receive or spend money, you’re furthering your relationship with it. So, be honest with yourself, how’s your current relationship with money?

And no worries, here is an abundance affirmation to recite to heal your relationship with money – it’s best to recite while meditating or in a state of relaxation:

Abundance Toolkit - Abundance Affirmation Meditation
I had a blast creating this poster to add to the Abundance Toolkit

Manifest Abundance
Ho’oponopono Manifestation:

Tool#4: Having a Limitless Mind Abundance Toolkit

The mind is famous for highlighting how limited we are as humans. But that doesn’t have to be the way!

Whenever I want to expand my mind and my vision, I immediately go to RIVER OF DREAMS which is my favorite visualization meditation! That meditation makes me feel limitless by the time I finish doing it.

The River of Dream meditation is created by Jason Stephenson who’s one of the leading teachers when it comes to guided meditations.

Start attracting WEALTH into your life with this Guided Visualization Meditation:

Tool # 5 – Having The Right Attitude of Gratitude

Gratitude is a Must-Have tool in order to live abundantly.

This tool from Jodi Gale will help you cultivate an attitude of gratitude. Please click the image to enlarge 😊

The Gratitude Multiplier Chart
20 Ways to Practice Gratitude By Jodie Gale

I hope you enjoyed this abundance toolkit!

I promise to make more toolkits like this one and share them with you in the near future.

Please let me know which tool you liked the most in the comment section below.

To a more successful and abundant you!!


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Abundance Toolkit - 5 tools to manifest more abundance in your everyday life

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