The Art of Letting Go of Negative Money Feelings…


Everyone on earth need to learn The Art of Letting Go of Negative Money Feelings…

For most people, if you ask them how they feel about money, their response is usually not very positive.

I personally feel with all my heart that abundance is our birthright.

Sadly, not that many people feel that way.

That’s why I continuously write about the importance of positive thinking, gratitude, and letting go of negative emotions!

When you learn and apply these concepts you can improve your outlook on life and our overall abundance and wellbeing.

In today’s article, we will cover one negative emotion that many people to this day and age still suffer from and that’s “Negative Money Feelings.”

I am a big believer in the power of self-discovery, so let me start by asking you the following questions to see where your emotional state is at when it comes to the topic of money?

  • What’s the first thought that comes to your mind when you hear the words “Money” or “Rich”?
  • Do you believe that everyone is abundantly provided for, or you believe that there isn’t enough for everyone?

These are two critical questions to ask yourself!

Self-discovery about negative money feelings is key to uncovering hidden negative beliefs about money

I feel that most people shy away from the topic of how money makes them feel.

From surveying many people online and working with many in person, I noticed that most people feel dirty or like they are greedy if they discuss the topic of money.

If you currently feel or have felt that way, don’t worry, you’re not alone! I felt this way too, and for a long time till I learned how untrue my belief was!

Truth be told, that belief is silly, as MONEY is not a bad thing.

Money is just energy that flows, and if your energy around the topic is restricted, then that’ll reflect in your bank account.

And to make matters worst, most people nowadays believe in the need to compete in order to survive, instead of doing what brings them joy and letting the energy of money flow.

And to top that off, some might even argue that it’s not spiritual to talk about money. But, I can assure you you can still be spiritual and RICH!

Yup, I said it RICH.

If financial security brings you joy, happiness, and gives you the ability to contribute more then, it’s TOTALLY ok to ask for more money and abundance! And you shouldn’t feel guilty about asking for financial abundance.

The belief that you are taking from someone else when asking for more is merely the ego’s way to keep you in the lack mentality club and limited thinking cycle.

How do you feel when you hear the word money?

I, on the other hand, believe you can have anything you ask for; you just have to be open to asking and willing to receive.

There’s an unlimited supply for everyone!

We are all humans, we came the same way to earth and will depart the same way.

There are plenty of opportunities for success available for everyone.

No one is taking from anyone by simply asking for more.

We are all children of God/The Divine/Spirit/The Universe! And, blessings are abound for those who ask in belief and are willing to receive.

I love this book Ask, and It is Given by Abraham Hicks on the topic of giving and receiving.

I encourage you to read it if you haven’t yet.

Alrighty, now that I explained to you how we have the same access to the abundance flow, let me guide you on how to release negative money feelings with the help of these heavenly tools:

Tools to Help with Letting Go of Negativity Surrounding Money:

1. EFT

Emotional Freedom Technique or usually referred to as EFT is a very powerful method to release and let go of any negative emotions.

And when it comes to negative money feelings, EFT can be the BEST tool to start with.

So without further ado, start releasing your negative money feelings with this powerful EFT session from one of the BEST EFT TEACHERS Mr. Brad Yates. You can find more EFT sessions from Brad on his YouTube Channel.

Let’s begin:

Release Negative Money Feelings with EFT

2. Affirmations For Attracting Abundance and Money

Positive affirmations are one of my favorite tools when it comes to releasing negative money feelings.

Please find below my top 10 Abundance Affirmations:

  • I am abundant, creative, and energetic
  • Abundance is my birthright
  • I attract abundance in all areas of my life
  • Money is energy and I am in harmony with it
  • I am open to receiving wealth of all types
  • Blessings of all kind fill my life
  • I trust that The Universe/God is providing for all my needs
  • Money and abundance are welcome in my life
  • I have more than enough money to pay my bills and to have fun
  • More and more is flowing into my life on a daily basis

Repeating affirmations several times a day keep your mind focused on your target, strengthens your intuition, and reprograms your subconscious mind.

To make affirmation work better, recite them with faith and belief! Saying them out loud with conviction increases their powers, otherwise, you’re just saying words. Make it count!

3. Increase Your Energy Flow to Attract Abundance

Money is simply energy, just like everything else.

And, we all know that where attention goes, energy flows and then manifestation occurs.

So, make sure that your views on the topic of money and abundance are positive so you can flow positive energy into manifesting favorable results.

Keep a tab on your attitudes about money.

Here’s an exercise from one of my mentors on the topic of money and energy flow – give it a try:

The bill exercise to Release Negative Money Feelings is EPIC!
The bill exercise to Release Negative Money Feelings is EPIC!

Get a money bill, any bill!

It could be a $1, or a $20… I usually do this exercise with a large bill that feels substantial enough like a $50 or a $100 bill.

Also, keep a pen and piece of paper handy, too.

Take 3 deep breaths as you hold the money bill and gently gaze at it.

Next, ask yourself the question:

How does this money bill make me feel?

Write down any emotions you may feel or thoughts that may pop into your head even if it doesn’t seem to make sense.

Notice how your body reacts, any special visions you see in your mind’s eye, or words that you hear from your subconscious mind.

Write all of them down.

Then, ask the question: Money, what’s my relationship with you and how do I treat you?

Again, write down any thoughts, feelings, and visions you encounter.

Lastly, ask the question: How can I have more of you?

Sit in silence and listen as money speaks to you.

And, while this may seem unorthodox for many, to me, it is simply a self-discovery experience of how you feel now about money and how you can take active measures to alter your outlook for the future.

Repeat that exercise as needed until you become more comfortable with your relationship with money.

You deserve to be wealthy, healthy, and successful!

4. Active Visualization

One of my favorite tools when it comes to letting go of negative money feelings is active visualization.

I combine my affirmations with my visualization practice and create a powerhouse of a manifestation tool.

When an affirmation is stated, it stirs the emotional side of our subconscious mind.

The feeling part is in charge of our inner GPS.

So, whenever you visualize, affirm to yourself the experience that you want.

Here’s an example for an affirmation I use while visualizing:

“I am happily living my life purpose as I run my own home based business.”

You can use any affirmation that you like while visualizing. And If you’d like to be guided through a guided visualization session, check this out:

Active Visualization to Release Negative Money Feelings

In summary, abundance is a gift from God that we all have access to! If you’re lacking abundance then most likley you have some negative money feelings.

Use EFT, affirmation and visualization to clear any money blocks and watch as your money situation transforms.

Wishing you abundance and lots of wealth today and always!

Till we speak again, may the Divine in you always shine!


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The Art of Letting Go of Negative Money Feelings For Good!

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