How to Manifest Your Dream Life Using This Simple 4 Step Technique

Time to stop dreaming and get manifesting. In this post, I'll show you how I manifested many wonderful things into my life and how you can do that, too!


Have you ever wondered how some people seem to get whatever they want, while others work their tail end off and get very little in return? Well, wonder no more! Today we ganna talk about manifestation and I’ll teach you the 4-step technique that’ll show you exactly how to manifest your dream life from this day onward.

Are you ready?

Let’s dive right into it!

Before I teach you anything about manifestation, I got to make sure that you know what does manifestation means.

If you’ve watched the movie The Secret or heard about the Law of Attraction, I am sure you have heard the word manifestation tossed around everywhere.

Sadly, many people think manifestation is some magic act. You think of something, then POOF it’s there.

While that’s a nice way to think of it, manifestation in and itself has a scientific explanation behind it.

There is a scientific law known as the observer effect. Quantum physics’ defines the observer effect as reality is absent until that reality is perceived. This mind-blowing revelation tells you and everyone who’s reading this post that we have the ability to alter everything in the world simply by focusing on it.

Quantum physics tells us that nothing that is observed is unaffected by the observer. That statement, from science, holds an enormous and powerful insight. It means that everyone sees a different truth, because everyone is creating what they see. Neale Donald Walsch
How to Manifest Your Dream Life Isn’t Some Airy Fairy Magic Act.

So, by the virtue of this law, you can change your reality based on what you’re continuously paying attention to.

So, if you’re continuously focused on a long list of suckiness in your life, such as

  • I hate my job
  • My life sucks
  • Everyone is out to get me
  • People are _____________
  • Women are ____________
  • Men are _______________
  • Money is_______________
  • I never get what I want
  • Things never workout for me
  • Of course, it didn’t work out, have you met me…

The list can go on forever but I think I gave you a very good picture of what I am getting at.

 So, when you focus on what’s not working, by the virtue of the law of the observer effect, more things tend to be not working in your life.

And, at the off chance, you get a break, you will think it’s a fluke and that you just lucked out.

A really funny way this law manifests itself in our lives is when we think of a specific car and then boom, everywhere we go we see that car.

I am seeing Jeeps everywhere I go. And, I mean everywhere!

Last week, I ordered food to be delivered, and guess what the delivery woman was driving, A FREAKIN’ JEEP!

Crazy part is, I am not even a big jeep fan.

Don’t get me wrong, they are awesome cars and lots of fun to drive but I am more of an SUV kinda guy.

If you’re wondering why Jeep? I am part of a team that works on elevating people’s health through education and nutrition.

And one way the company rewards team members who are going above and beyond is paying for them to get a jeep.

So now I see jeeps everywhere I go 😂

Now, let’s put this law to the test for you over the next few days.

Right now, think of your favorite car. Over the next few days, pay attention to how many cars you’ll start seeing of that model.

Wanna test this law right now?

Thinks of the color red! Now, look around your environment and I can almost guarantee you that you’ll start noticing more red things in your environment that you haven’t seen before. Simply because you didn’t pay attention to the color red, in specific, before.

So, now that you understand the science behind manifestation, I am more confident in sharing with you the beautiful technique that’ll change everything for you.

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Your Dream Life Starts Here!

How to manifest your dream life from this day onward won’t be a question you’ll ask yourself about anymore.

Why? Because you are going to learn exactly how to manifest your dream life and then start applying it immediately.

Disclaimer: there are no claims being made here, I am sharing with you a technique that worked for me and 1000s of others who kept an open mind and applied it without judgment or attachment.

So what’s the big secret.

Honestly, there is no secret. There is just a lack of a step-by-step methodical application of how to manifest.

Even worst, there’s lots of nonsensical misinformation online that give the topic of manifestation a bad reputation.

So, before I go ahead and share the 4 step technique you, please promise me one thing!

Promise me that you’ll actually apply this technique.

After you finish reading this post, comment at the bottom, “I am Committed” that’ll tell me that you’re committed to applying this wonderful technique.

 How to Manifest Your Dream Life Technique

Here’s the four steps in short, then we will dive into each one in depth giving you examples of how to apply the step correctly in your life.

  1. Begin with The End in Mind
  2. Visualize with Emotions
  3. Write Your Goal
  4. Evoke the emotions daily

1. Begin with the end in mind

First Step To Manifest Your Dream Life Is Beginning With The End in Mind!

Many people when they want to manifest something in their life, forget ONE-KEY ingredient which is to “begin with the end in mind”.

What do I mean by that?

Let me explain…

Let’s say you want to manifest your dream house. Most people will just think about their dream house.

Others might go as far as finding pictures of that dream house and putting it on their vision board. If you’re one of these people, you’re at least ahead of the curve compared to others.

The truth is you gotta begin with the end in mind right here and now.

You gotta know exactly how having your dream house will make you feel.

How living in that house will affect you? Mentally, physically, emotionally?

The key is to tap into that feeling place, as feelings lead to manifestation.

How do you get to that feeling place? Glad you asked! You get there with visualization. And that leads me to the second step…

2. Visualize with deep emotions

So you did the first step and began with the end in mind. Now you know exactly the type of house you want and how that house will affect you on every level of your beingness.

Now, it’s time to amplify that by getting into that feeling place. And, you get into that feeling place by visualizing and meditating with deep emotions.

Here’s a pro mini-visualization session for you – read it first, then apply it on your own dream that you want to manifest:

Close your eyes and pretend that you already own your dream house.

Once you do that, then visualize yourself just getting back from a grocery store. See yourself opening the garage door of your dream house with your remote control. See yourself parking your car in the garage.

Imagine yourself taking groceries from your can into your kitchen.

See yourself putting what you have purchased in the pantry and other areas of the house where items need to go.

See yourself going to the living room and sitting down for a minute to breathe.

Visualize yourself in extreme detail enjoying your time in your dream house living room. You might be watching TV or reading a magazine, or drinking your favorite beverage, maybe a glass of wine if you fancy one 😊

When you do this exercise right, don’t be surprised when tears of joy starts rolling down your cheeks!

Because this type of practice, puts you in the feeling place of how living in that beautiful magnificent dream home of yours in the present moment.

Additionally, when you tap into that feeling and you know how it feels you will no longer wonder how living in your dream house will feel like.

So, once again the law of the observer effect becomes very active when you’re visualizing and actively focusing on the feeling of being in your Dream House.

Now, once you can clearly see yourself in that amazing life then you’re ready for the third step.

To Help You Visualize, Please Grab Your Free Copy of My Gratitude Based Guided Meditation MP3 Below:

3. Write Your Goal/Dream Down

This a step that many people start with before doing the first two step I shared with you above.

I believe this is a big mistake when it comes to how to manifest your dream life.

You see… If you don’t begin with the end in mind. And then, tap into that feeling place and activate the observer effect, writing the goal by itself becomes just a fantasy.

I personally believe that knowing how achieving the goal feels like before you can write it down is key!

Cause if you cannot even understand and know how you would feel when that goal is accomplished then that goal is just a big pie in the Sky.

Additionally, not knowing the feeling place cuts any connection between you and that goal.

But you are a conscious being, and you now know how to manifest your dream life the right way. So, it’s time to connect you to your dream.
  • Now, get a 3X5 index card and write your goal on it clearly and keep that goal on you and/or around you at all times.
  • For men, you can put it in your wallet, so then anytime you use your wallet it’s there reminding you of your dream life.
  • And, for the gorgeous ladies out there, the best place is in your purse or handbag. By having it there,  anytime you go anywhere, your dream is going with you.

I go a step further and have my dream goal pinned on my vision board.

Lastly, for all the minimalists out there, I figured a way for ya! Create your card, then take a picture of it and save it as a screensaver on your and computer. Then put the physical card somewhere safe.

The key is to be surrounded by that goal.

Most people have heard about the story of Jim Carrey carrying around a blank check for $10,000,000 for services rendered in the movie industry.

If you haven’t seen it, here is a video for you to check it out.

Manifest Your Dream Life With Writing Your Goals and Visualization.

If you noticed, Jim had his goal but he also visualized it actively and continuously. And this leads me to the 4th and final step.

4. Evoke the emotions daily

Back to the home example, I gave you earlier. Daily, evoke the emotions of how it feels to be in that home of yours.

Activate the state of being there when you are thinking of your dream home.

Please be cognizant and DO NOT sabotage your work by doing this!

When evoking the emotions, NEVER EVER  bring your current circumstances to your vision.

Thinking of how sucky your current home is and how much you hate where you live, is literally like shooting yourself in the foot.

When you do that, you’re letting the observer effect focus on how sucky your life is right now.

So make sure that you keep yourself in the high vibration of the good feeling emotion(s) of being in your dream.

Let that feeling be present in your body. When you tap into the feeling place, you can manifest anything you want in life. And I mean anything you want in life!

I used this method to manifest my dream house in Sedona back in 2018.

Then when I had to move to DC for business, I used this method to manifest the BEST option for housing. See, I had to move to DC within 10 days, and for any East Coasters, you know how hard it is to find a decent place at such a short window of time.

Right now, I am using this method to manifest my dream career of being a full-time teacher online.

I did that in the past but then left due to other opportunities. But, to be honest, they were NOT real opportunities but distractions that took me of my path😥

Now, I am back to teaching full-time as that’s my life purpose and my calling.

So my loves, if you were wondering how to manifest your dream life, now you know the answer!

Begin with the end in mind and then tap into the feelings of how it feels to manifest your dream. Then write your dream down and surround yourself with your dream.

Also, remember NOT to, not even for a second, entertain the thought of the lack of your dream in your life. Because by doing so you are letting the law of the observer effect to create the life that you already have.

So, when you catch yourself focusing on negativity, stop yourself right then and there and pivot to a more good feeling state.

So, if you are ready to manifest your dream life, I highly encourage you to apply this formula each and every day on any goal that you want to achieve. Regardless of how little or how large your goal is.

Start building your manifestation muscles and keep building them. Practice makes perfect.

I really hope that you loved this article about how to manifest your dream life.

If you did, please give this article a share! Share it with your friends and family members. I want everyone around the globe to start living their dream life.

There is plenty of abundance for all of us!

And, when we start to tap into the energy of manifestation, everyone can get what they want. However, many people do not get what they want, because they are letting the observer effect manifest exactly what they are focused on which is the lack of whatever they seek in life.

So start to manifest your dream life, TODAY!

For the visual people in da house, Pin this post to Pinterest and spread the love using the image below👇

How to Manifest Your Dream Life 2020 Using This Simple 4-Steps Technique
How to Manifest Your Dream Life This Year!

To a wonderful and magical manifestation!

Much Luv,

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