Archangel Michael Messages

Hello divine being of light, Zane Baker here energy intuitive and angelic guide! And, today I have 4 Archangel Michael Messages to share with you.

These messages are meant to bring peace & comfrot, and to guide you over the next few months as the year progresses.

I have meditated using this meditation and worked with the energy of Archangel Michael today to specifically bring you these 4 divine messages to help you in the here and now.

There is a divine wisdom available for each and everyone of us, but many of us are still blocked.

I pray that today’s 4 Archangel Michael Messages help each and everyone who’s reading this article.

I have worked with the Archangel Michael card deck and selected four cards. Then, I have meditated with the 4 cards to connect to them before I channeled a message for each card.

All 4 messages can be of help to you, however, I encourage you to select one message by closing your eye and taking three deep breaths and then open your eyes and select one of these 4 cards.

Zane Baker 4 Channeled Messages from Archangel Michael
Select One of the 4 Archangel Michael Messages

The card you selected is the one that’s the most relevant to you. The other 3 are guidance and wisdom to aid you as you travel your journey here on earth.

This journey here on earth was meant to be fun and full of adventure, but somehow we lost touch with that inner child and became stagnant and lacking enthusiasm for life.

For a soul remembrance, please watch this video that I created on the topic of remembering our soul’s journey:

Remember Your Soul’s Journey!

Before we dive into the messages, I want to highlight that the images of each card are meant to be a snapshot of what the channeled messages are all about.

So, without further ado, let’s dive into the 4 divine messages from Archangel Michael.

Message Number 1: Lean On God & The Angels for Support

Here’s a pic of the card that I took in my garden. Meditate on the card then dive into the channeled messages below.

Lean on God and the Angels For Support. Zane Baker 4 Archangel Michael Messages
Archangel Michael Messages: Lean on God and the Angels For Support.

Hello, divine being a light! I am Archangel Michael and it’s an absolute delight to be here with you at this juncture in your life. Welcome this divine wisdom into your heart.

It’s time that you remember that you are not alone.

Here, in the spiritual realm, we see what’s happening on your planet.

We notice that so many of the humans who are residing on this orb that you call “Earth” are living with a sense of separation.

Many of you are disconnected on many levels!

You are disconnected from your heart, from your soul, from your spirit.

And, you’re also disconnected from one another.

Additionally, You’re disconnected from the earth you reside on. From the Angels and the guides who are always here to support and guide.

For so long, you’ve been living in a left-brain society. And, I know that science has proven that the left brain vs. right brain is no longer the way to explain how the brain works.

However, the truth of the matter is there are certain segments of your brain that are being activated anytime you do a specific thing.

And, the majority of the actions that are being done in the societies that you live in right here and now are activating parts of your brain that are on the left side of your brain.

That’s the analytical/logical side.

So, you are focused on money, on security, on creating the life that you want and these are all things that activate the left side of your brain.

The sad truth is not everyone in your society right now are doing things that are activating the right side of your brain.

It’s key to have balance.

Your right side of the brain gets activated when you are in a state of creativity, relaxation, and flow.

Be honest and ask your self when was the last time you:

  • Went on a walk, out in nature?
  • Read a book by the beach?
  • Immersed yourself in a creative project?
  • Played some relaxation music and meditated?

It’s key that you are being honest with yourself. It’s ok if you haven’t done any of these things in a while. But, it’s NOT ok to ignore your most fun and creative side. Especially, not after hearing this message.

Here are a few ways to reconnect back to your heart and spirit and activate your right side of the brain, too:

1. Prayer

Please keep an open mind! I know that prayers have been hijacked by different organizations and is being as a tool to control. To control people’s actions, beliefs, and affiliations.

But prayer is way purer than what your society has made it to be.

Prayer as a tool in and itself has no attachment. It’s simply a way for you to connect back to the source energy that created you.

When you pray you tap into your creative side, remember that. You’re NOT alone.

2. Meditation:

Meditation is another simple form to calm your mind and activate the right side of your brain.

So you can really connect to spirit and allow yourself to find creative solutions.

All it takes is 5 minutes a day to really start seeing the deep benefits of meditation in your life.

So, connect back to your heart and spirit through the arts of prayers and meditation.

3. Nature:

Connecting back to nature and taking time to be by yourself without any stimulation or distraction is healing for the soul.

Learn to be present with yourself. Many people have forgotten how to be present with themselves because they are always busy connecting themselves to outside stimuli.

Humans continue to distract themselves through Social Media, emails, family and friends, food, sex, entertainment, and other forms to avoid being present with themselves.

To help you begin a meditation practice, please feel free to grab this guided meditation 100% Free – Access anywhere in the world:

Instant FREE Digital Access
So, it is time that you connect back to your spirit and remember that you are Source Energy manifested in this human experience.

Connect back to your heart and the earth that you reside on.

Learn to expand your wareness and be present with yourself.

Elevate your consciousness so you ascend above the fears and whenever in doubt lean on God and the Angels for Support!

Message Number 2: Your Inner Guidance is Real and Trustworthy

Here’s your pic of the card that I took in my garden. Meditate on the card then dive into the channeled messages below.

Your Inner Guidance is Real and Trustworthy Archangel Michael Card
Archangel Michael Messages: Your Inner Guidance is Real and Trustworthy

Hello, dear one! This is Archangel Michael and I’m so delighted to share with you this specific message that I know will help you in your current path.

As a human being, you have a divine gift of inner wisdom!

It’s like an inner GPS that’s once activated you will never feel alone and you will never feel like you cannot make a decision.

That inner GPS is activated through connecting back to your spirit and remembering that your mind and heart are meant to work in Unison.

The society that you live in has disconnected you from your heart.

This is what I’d call a brain functioning society.

And while the brain serves a very important purpose in helping you manage your earthly life, the heart is the way to actually guide you through the fork roads, the difficult situation, and the hard choices that you will encounter as you’re traveling your journey.

Many times as human beings, when you are faced with a situation and a decision needs to be made, you may feel paralyzed.

When looking at things from the brain perspective, you might get paralyzed because you are calculating all of the things that could go wrong, all of the things that could not work out, all of the things that could bubble up and blow up in your face.

But, the truth of the matter is if you harmonize your mind and heart together, then you allow your mind and heart to work together and that’s when you tap into a wealth of inner wisdom.

Doing so, aids you in making heart-centered and guided by your spirit decisions. Please know that I am not denying logic. I am simplifying giving you a key to work alongside your logical brain.

Each and everyone of you, has a highly intuitive sense.

Some of you are clairaudience, so you can hear the messages and the inspiration. Others are clairsentience, so you feel the inspirations and the messages in your body.

Some of you are claircognizant, so you clearly have an inner knowing about what decision you need to make. While other are clairvoyant, so you’ll receive insights in your mind’s eye and you’re able to take action on those insights.

For so long, your society has disconnected you from your heart.

Being disconnected from your heart, blocks your mind-heart harmony.

In your scientific world, this mind-heart harmony is called mind-heart coherence.

Learn how to tap into this powerful gift today!

Create coherence between your mind and heart today!

Ensure that you learn about this so you can tap into the source of energy that will enable you to travel your path much, much easier than traveling it alone or from the brain side!

Always remember that there is inner wisdom within you and that it is OK to trust in that inner wisdom.

The more you practice mind-heart coherence and you start taking action based on your intuition, the more you strengthen the muscle of trusting yourself.

And whenever you find yourself lost, call upon my heal and repeat this prayer:

Dear God, please help me to clearly hear, see, feel, and know the Divine guidance that I have asked for. Allow me to keep my ego out of the way so your wisdom can come streaming through me … for my own benefit and for those around me. Amen!

Message Number 3: Ask Archangel Michael To Help With This Situation

Hello, my lovely friend! Please meditate on this card and then dive into the channeled messages below.

4 Archangel Michael Messages
Your Message: Ask Archangel Michael To Help With This Situation

Hello, beautiful being! This is Archangel Michael and I’m so glad that you are asking for my assistance in whatever is happening in your life, right now.

For always know that I am only one request away from being with you!

S, if you are going through some difficulties, if you are traveling a specific journey and you’re unsure what’s happening or how to move forward I’m so glad you’re finally seeking my support and my help!

I am always available to help all those who are open and receptive to my help and assistance.

I will help you if you seek my help, but I will not interfere with your free will of making your own conscious choices.

Also, know that when you seek my help, I am not interfering with your choice/decision.

Simply, I aid you to raise your vibration a little bit higher so you can make a decision that is stemming from love, compassion, and gratitude instead of a decision that might be based in fear, lack, or judgment.

As human beings, many of you fall into the trap of tiving from the lower vibration of being.

Start to understand your consciousness level! Be aware of when you let your emotions run wild and you start manifesting from fear, doubt, and other lower vibration emotions.

So, right here and now I want you to stop and ask yourself; how are you feeling?

Tune into you body, how are you feeling in your body. Take your time, don’t rush.

Once you sense the feeling, you’ll know what you’ll be manifesting from that feeling.

So, if you feel good, then be aware that the manifestation will come from this feeling good energy.

On the other hand, if you’re afraid for your money, your health, your relationship and that is the most dominant vibration and the most dominant emotion, then you are going to manifest the outcome from that light.

Hi, there, Zane here, please watch this training to understand how your vibration affects your reality.
Archangel Michael Messages: Your Vibration Effect Your Realty!

Since you were guided to this message, I want to leave you with one final thought!

You create your own reality!

It’s 100% true. You can get anything you want in life! But you cannot get it from the same vibration that created the lack of it in your life in the first place.

So starting today, I urge you to start visualizing the life that you want.

Visualize yourself as already having what you wanted to manifest in your life. This literally is the way to bring to fruition whatever you seek in life.

Begin with the end in mind. Visualize the end, feel the feeling in your body, and don’t forget to harmonize your mind and heart.

And whenever you feel like your emotions are running wild, just call upon me and I’ll be right then and there with you helping you have the courage and faith to step forward into the higher realm of positive vibration.

If you’re enjoying these divine messages so far, then I have a gut feeling that you’ll love my FREE Gratitude Meditation. Grab yours below:

Instant FREE Digital Access

Message Number 4: Honor and Trust Your Feelings

Hello, beautiful one! Please meditate on the card below and then dive into the channeled messages right under this picture.

4 Archangel Michael Messages
Archangel Michael Messages: Honor and Trust Your Feelings

Hello again, Archangel Michael here and welcome to the final message.

This message is all about honoring your emotions.

For so long, you have lived in a society that looked at emotions as a bad thing.

People who are emotionally expressive are being labeled as emotional or as lacking stability. But the truth is, as a human being, your emotions are your most important asset.

The way you create your life is through your feelings. And feelings are simply emotions expressed.

Your emotions is the way you bring forth anything that you want in life.

So, right now, it behooves you to truly start to address your emotions instead of stifling them and shutting them down.

As angels, we see what you’re doing and we know it’s not working, for you or humanity!

So, we are encouraging you now that it is safe for you to feel!

It is safe for you to trust those feelings as being part of you. And then start processing them.

Many humans when they feel a feeling, instead of learning how to process it, they shut it down!

When you shut your feelings down, you’re burying your emotions when they are at their peak.

Thousands, if not millions, have buried feelings of despair, anger, resentment, jealousy, envy, and many other feelings.

Any of those feelings mentioned and many others, if they are not processed and addressed, they will live within you.

These feelings are subconsciously alive and well, inside you.

It’s time that you start honoring your feelings and express your emotions.

Please don’t misunderstand this message as an open invitation to lash out. This is NOT the guidance.

The guidance is to start understanding your emotions and feelings and to start processing them.

Stop activating the subconscious feelings of anger, jealousy, hatred, and other feelings by NOT learning how to heal those feelings.

There are many ways to heal deep wounds and heavy feelings.

You can practice forgiveness, you can work with a therapist, you can work with an energy practitioner.

The way you choose doesn’t matter, but what matters is that you learn how to process the feelings.

So, in short, beloved human, it is safe for you to feel, NOW!

And whenever your emotions are getting too much for you, always remember you’re not alone. God, I and the legions of Angels are always here to help you.

All you gotta do is be open and willing and you will be amazed at what starts to manifest in your life.

Hello dear friends, Zane here, one book that helped me tremendously in learning how to process my feelings and emotions is Feelings Buried Alive Never Die by Karol Truman. (Get your copy below)

I highly encourage you to get that book and start understanding your emotions and the long term effect that they play in your life.

In summary, these 4 Archangel Michael Messages are meant to guide you on your current journey.

Consider them 4 gifts from one of the most powerful angels that exists.

The 4 messages are loaded with Divine Wisdom that is timeless!

Feel free to return to these messages whenever you need a quick pick my up from Spirit.

I pray that these 4 messages from Archangel Michal brought you comfort and joy.

Please consider sharing this Divine Wisdom with your family and friends on Facebook & Twitter.

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Archangel Michael Messages
Enjoy These 4 Archangel Michael Messages

With lottsa of luv, divine light, and gratitude,


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