The 3 C's of life choices, chances, changes. You must make a choice to take a chance or your life will never change. how to create positive change

How to create positive change in the world is a question I get asked frequently. Today I want to tackle this frequency asked question.

I pray that my answer does this question justice!

“Am I willing at this time to make the investment required to make a positive difference on what I am about to do?”

The above-mentioned question is so powerful! I have written it and taped in front of my computer at my “Ho’ffice” home office.

Why did I do that?

Well, it’s quite simple! To create positive change, we don’t need to look any further than ourselves.

Phew, almost forgot to tell you! I found the question mentioned above in the book, the One Thing by Gery Keller! An incredible book that I recommend you read! Get your copy below:

Ok back to creating a positive change and making a difference!

Most often, when we are trying to create change, we aspire to change others.

Whenever we do that, we give all our power away!

The truth is, we can’t control how others will behave or become. So to create any change,  it’s best to start with yourself!

How to Create Positive Change in The World?

Over the past few years, I have taken multiple steps to change myself.

And let me be clear, I didn’t change who I am! I simply changed things that I knew will make me a better person.

I didn’t change myself so more people can approve of me. When we do that type of change, it’s really NOT a positive change.

Cause when we change who we are in order to meet somebody else’s approval, then we are simply denying ourselves the gift of being our TRUE Authentic Self.

So on my journey, I taught myself to be more positive, to be more kind, to be more accepting of others’ shortcomings.

It was not easy, it was actually quite a trip, but I did it and it feels amazing.

Let me tell you a story that occurred to me a few years ago during the Xmas season, that stuck with me to this day!

It’s a story that put that put my new found positive change into the test.

Creating change in the world starts with ourselves
© Constantin Opris |

I was at the grocery store shopping and the checkout lines were too long to even describe.

One of the odd things I observed from living in The DC Metro Area!!!! Is that people associate long lines at grocery stores, Starbucks, and other services with “It Must Be A Good Place”.

Anyway, sorry for the rant! So, I was at the checkout line and I had the pleasure to deal with what felt to me at the time like the most negative cashier in the world!

I just felt her energy immediately as I stepped forward in line and said hi.

She gave me the coldest look and asked: “Are all these items yours?. I replied nicely, “Yes” and she said: “Well, ain’t you lucky?”.

I replied back “Well, as a matter of a fact, I am!”

And followed that statement with, “I am blessed enough to be healthy and alive and able to shop on this beautiful day”. She grunted back “that must be nice”.

So, I decided to put my positive change into practice! And, said, “ You know miss, it must be really tiring working here at the grocery shop, especially during the holiday season”.

She looked at me and I swear her eyes dilated! Then she said, “yes, it is – everyone is so busy and they want to run from one shop to another so they treat cashiers like dirt”.

At that moment, I honestly felt how that human has been used and abused by the shoppers and how she felt like she doesn’t matter.

How to create positive change

So, I replied, “ Shame on those folks!”

I took the opportunity to connect with her and tell her that she matters!

I also shared with her how to not let her energy get affected by other people’s misbehavior.

As we continued our talk while she was scanning my items, her energy shifted and she smiled. And, let me tell you she had a gorgeous smile! And then she asked me for my name. I told her, Zane. She said “Zane, thank you! You have really lifted my spirit!”

And followed to tell me the following…

You know what, Zane!? I was thinking to myself when you stepped up to the register that if you’re going to be another entitled brat! That I am going to give you a piece of my mind and I don’t care if I get fired over it.

I was speechless for a second, but not surprised.

Then proceeded to tell her a short story about how I respect people who are working during the holidays to provide us the shoppers with a pleasant experience. Also, I sympathized with her and shared with her that I know and understand her frustration because I did retail during the holidays in the past and I know how people can get.

Long story short, by the time I left she gave me a big hug and said: “God Bless You, Zane!”.

I said thank you, miss! And, she said please call me “T”. So, I said thank you “T”, and Happy Holidays to you and your family!

So, my friends, if you’re reading this, please be kind to cashiers, regardless of the season!

When you create positive change, you also create a ripple effect that goes on for a lifetime!

Here’s the proof…

So, as I was loading my purchases in my car, a gorgeous lady came to me and told me “Thank you for your kindness towards another human being”!

Then, she offered to buy me a cup of coffee from the coffee shop at the same plaza where the grocery shop was at.

I thanked her for her generous offer and told her that she didn’t need to buy me anything. And that I was simply doing my human duty. She was persuasive and followed up by saying: “it’s uplifting to meet people like me as they are rare nowadays.”

How to Create Positive Change in The World?
I was blushing from her compliments! And, agreed to her coffee treat and made yet another new friend!

Life sure gives us what we give to others.

So ladies and gentlemen, next time you are out and about… Pay attention to your surroundings!

You never know when the next friend is around the corner, or when you can truly help another human being in need.

My friends, to create positive change in the world, be the change you aspire others to be!

Lead others by your kindness and positivity and change the world one kind act at a time.

This is one of many stories that I’ll bring to you over our journey together.

Let’s begin today. Let’s create the change and be it.

So, what positive story did you hear/witness in your lifetime?


Ps. Read The Law of Attraction: Top 10 Wealth and Abundance Affirmations to expand your growth on the topic of creating positive change!

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