Is grounding or earthing hype or holistic?
Grounding (aka earthing) or as I like to call it “getting a dose of Vitamin G” is becoming trendy nowadays.
However, with all the crazy fads out there and having tried so many over the year, I was a bit of sceptic.
To me, jumping on trends that don’t work is disappointing. Not to mentation the waste of energy, time, and money!
But when a trusted teacher and friend recommended the practice to me, I decided to give it a try and WOW!
I am the first to admit, grounding is NOT a fad!
It’s a practice that’s routed in science and it’s very beneficial.
And while you might’ve heard a lot these days about ‘grounding,’ but do you know what grounding or earthing really means and how VITAL it is for your overall health and wellbeing?
What is Grounding or Earthing?

Grounding, or earthing, is the art of connecting the human body to Big Mama Earth via the skin. (It’s a practice more than an art, but I love to romanticize the idea of living life like its an artistic expression of the self)
Living in our modern world has really disconnected us from nature in general and the Earth in specific.
Even worse, we spend most of our days in shoes with plastic or synthetic insoles, making it near impossible to get in touch with Mother Earth’s energy field.
The Earth’s energy field is very powerful, but more on that later in this post…
As a kid growing up in Baghdad, Iraq, playing outdoors barefoot with friends was my childhood’s example of a good time.
Sadly, most kids don’t seem to play outdoors anymore, especially in modern or advanced societies. Kids nowadays seem to spend more time on digital screens than playing outdoors or with other kids.
Furthermore, a study finds children’s screen time has replaced outdoor activities. (If you’re a parent, please read the findings of the study. And if you’re not a parent, please share this study with parents that you know)
I don’t know about you, but for me, that’s very alarming!
Honesty checkpoint!
As an adult, when was the last time you were out in nature barefoot?
Be honest with yourself and me! And please remember that the question prompts I have in my posts are meant to help you bring awareness to habits that often go unnoticed.
When I lived in Washington, DC, there were times when I wouldn’t see nature for weeks at a time. (Thank God that’s not the case anymore). If you’re living in a major city, I am sure you can relate.
Is earthing scientifically proven?
Mother Earth’s electrical current is quite beneficial when it comes to wellness. But that doesn’t answer the question of is earthing backed by science?
Today, we’ll answer that question once and for all!
A growing body of research is confirming the real results of grounding on the physical body.
The health and wellness effect of grounding is becoming even more undeniable!
Scientists can no longer ignore the accumulating research on earthing, or grounding.
Earthing is a simple, natural, and accessible health strategy to work with inflammation and immunity.
Research explains that the living matrix (or ground regulation or tissue tensegrity-matrix system), the very fabric of the human body, appears to serve as one of our primary antioxidant defense systems. This living matrix requires occasional recharging by conductive contact with the Earth’s surface to be optimally effective.
In layman terms, the Earth is the “battery” for all planetary life & grounding or earthing helps recharge and balance the body.
Why is Grounding vital for your health?

Is earthing really beneficial?
Short answer is YES! But let’s dig deeper as to WHY it’s beneficial?
Both Earth’s and the human body’s surfaces are conductive. Earthing brings the skin in direct contact with the Earth’s surface, enabling the body to have a vital electrical connection with the Earth.
By connecting to Mother Earth, you tap into the Earth’s massive reservoir of negatively charged free ions.
The human body is positively charged.
Coupled with pollution and the body’s regular functions, we release an excess of positively charged ions and free radicals into our systems.
Grounding, in a nutshell, balances the positive/negative imbalance in the body’s cells.
Besides, living in our modern world makes the need for grounding even more essential.
As we live our lives, we swim in electromagnetic frequencies released by our beloved WiFi, Smartphones, PCs, microwaves, and other essential appliances.
These electromagnetic frequencies affect the electrical circuits inside the human body. The human body is comprised of 30 trillion cells. That’s 30,000,000,000,000, written out!
This creates an electrical disturbance that can play a vital role in how the body functions.
When you ground yourself, you reduce the levels of disturbances significantly.
Mother earth acts as a massive electrical shield around the body when we are grounded — protecting us from the EMFs emitting from modern living appliances.
But… How do you earth?
OMG, this is the EASIEST part!
Get barefoot and sit on the grass or the earth. (I love grounding outdoors in nature as that helps me immerse myself into Mother Earth’s Negatively Charged Ions.)
Another way is to take a dip into a body of water like a lake or the ocean.
If you live in a city or an urban setting where access to nature is scarce, using an earthing mat can work just as effectively. This is the mat I use personally. This is not a brand endorsement; I TRULY love & use the product daily! Get Yours Here!
Now, no article about earthing or grounding is complete without addressing this question…
How long does earthing take to work?
I am going to let Dr. Laura Koniver, M.D answer this question. Please watch this short vid👇
The Wellness Effects of Earthing?
Moreover, recent scientific studies discovered evidence of the substantial physiological changes that earthing can produce on the human body.
The effects of earthing are numerous.
From the general feeling of wellbeing to the more dramatic effects of easing pains, reducing blood pressure, managing arthritis, and other maladies.
Please know that this article is written for educational purpose only. Please consult with your doctor whenever you’re exploring alternative ways to treat any health concerns.
With that said, the next time you feel a little sluggish or lacking energy, kick your shoes off and get your bare feet in the grass, the sand, the earth, or any body of water. (Please ensure that you’re practicing earthing in an area that’s not sprayed by any lawn/farming chemicals. Also, if you’re going into a body of water, ensure it’s clean)
In short, grounding, going barefoot, earthing and getting a good dose of Vitamin G is a natural yet effective pick-me-up for any given day.
I hope you found this post helpful, but most of all, that you’ll put it to use! (And let me know how it feels in the comments!
With luv, light, and gratitude,
P.S. If you’re interested in taking your practice of mindfulness and natural alignment further, check this out!
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