How Can Crystals Help You Get In the Best Shape Of Your Life?

Crystals Healing Crystal Benefits of Quartz

Both wellness and spirituality experts have confirmed that crystals have the ability to reshape your life by changing your vibrational frequency around topics like health, wealth, relationships and more.

If you want to learn about how and why crystals work, please read this article from one of my favorite Crystal Mentors Judy Hall.

And, while crystals have been used for a long time in various manners like in making of clocks and computers, they can also be used to transform the human body!

Their potential to change the life of an individual cannot also be denied.

And I am going to explain to you why is that in the remainder of this article.

6 Ways Crystals Can Change The Shape Of Your Life.

1. Healing Effect:

crystal healing crystals
Crystals Can Help: Healing Effect of Crystals.

The healing effect of crystals can help in restoring the functioning of your organs and cells to their optimum levels.

Certain red stones like Bloodstone and Jasper can help in improving any imbalance in blood cells.

Amber, Carnelian, and Citrine are some of the yellow and orange colored stones that can help in reducing problems in your stomach.

Peridot and Green Aventurine are the green crystals which can help in the growth of healthy cells due to their healing properties.

Blue Chalcedony and Blue Lace Agate are the light blue colored stones which can help in healing the problems in your throat.

Amethyst crystal can be used to heal headaches, whereas women interested in becoming pregnant can use Unikite to increase their possibilities.

All of these crystals and stones can work effectively by aligning and balancing your energy levels if you were to carry them or wear them continuously.

2. Abundance Effect:

Abundance Crystals Can Help!

Crystals have been known to increase abundance.

There are several stones and crystals which can help you if you want to increase your prosperity abundantly.

You can wear Citrine and Green Aventurine for this purpose.

Also, you can surely attract money by keeping Pyrite in your wallet.

By wearing Citrine, you can be more careful with your money if you are facing a hard time and find yourself unable to hold money.

For business owners, you can increase the inflow of money in the cash register if you keep a Citrine or Jade in it permanently.

I you’re a job seeker, wear a Green Aventurine for good fortune.

And for the general public, if you want to keep fortune and good luck within arms reach then keep a money tree at your home, office, or business place.

3. Romantic effect:

Crystals Can Help In The Romance Department

To improvement your romantic life, there are several crystals and stones that can help you in getting your romantic life in shape.

Normally, you can increase your romantic energy by wearing any pink stone.

If you are single, your love can surely find you by placing two crystals of Rose quartz on the side of your bed.

For those in relationships, place a cluster of Amethyst besides a cluster of Citrine to improve your love energy as the clusters of these two crystals work together to shape and enhance your love life.

Also, Amethysts help in making you feel more loving and agreeable with your significant other.

Furthermore, Citrine helps in increasing your confidence in your relationship.

To feel suitable for a great relationship wear a Watermelon Tourmaline.

And, to calm your emotions in a heated relationship utilize the help of a Pink Calcite.

Lastly, you can increase your passion and romance in general just by placing Garnet or Rose quartz under your bed.

4. Career effect:

crystals can help quartz crystal point
Crystals Can Help With Career And Job Hunting.

If you feel stuck in your career, then you can reignite your passion by placing a large piece of Garnet on your desk.

For managers and bosses, you can energize your team with the help of clusters of clear Quartz crystals.

Get creative and buy a Bloodstone paperweight for your desk if for whatever reason your project is facing blockage at every turn, as it helps in removing obstacles appearing in your way of success.

Also, you can face changes like a new job, promotion or layoff with the help of Serpentine stone.

And, you can draw more clients and money to your business by placing a Jade stone in your money corner according to feng shui teachings.

I have a green jade stone laced with red ribbons at my desk.

The red keeps my passion burning while I am hard at work, and the green stone helps me attract more abundance financially.

5. Forgiveness Effect:

Rose Quartz Crystals Can Help With Forgiveness.

The inability to forgive others as well as ourselves is not a foreign subject, but crystal can help!

Certain crystals can help remove blockages and emotions like resentment, sadness, and anger. Rose Quartz and Rhodonite are the first ones that come to mind; they both can help in releasing your love energy; allowing you to face any situations with love and grace.

Also, Rhodochrosite can help in awakening your heart which enables you to let things go and not dwell over the past.

To heal childhood pains, use Smithsonite. To release a past traumatic event, use Malachite.

You can hold these crystals in meditation to experience their effectiveness while forgiving a person you were trying to forgive for a long time.

Lastly, you can give the person you are trying to forgive these crystals as a symbol of forgiveness.

6. Intuitive Effect:

Amethyst Crystals Can Help With Intuition.

Amethyst is used to increase intuitiveness.

Apophyllite and/or Angelite are the best crystals to aid in Angelic Contact.

Also, you can develop your intuitive power with the help of Moonstone, Azurite, Shattuckite and Apatite crystals.

Use any of these crystals while meditating to help increase your awareness and intutive insgint.

Place an Amethyst on your Third Eye Chakra to help keep your third eye clear and open.

In essence, crystals can help you get in the best shape of life on multiple levels.

Crystals Work In Many Ways!

They can improve almost all the aspects of your life including business, personal, love life, etc.

So, release your health problems, remove your blocks, and set yourself free towards a life full of love, success, and abundance.

Welcome the help of these colorful and beautiful gemstones.

With Love and Light.

Ps. Have you used crystals in the past? If so what kind and what have you used it for?

I love reading your comments so keep them coming.


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