How Do You Use The Law of Attraction & Get Real Results? (Step By Step)


If the law of attraction got you confused, then you’re in for a treat! Consider today’s post your guide on how to use the law of attraction [All you need to know edition].

Since the release of the movie The Secret in 2006, the law of attraction has been a hot topic of discussion.

Fast forward to today and the topic is still just as HOT!

And while I enjoyed watching the movie, it left so many unanswered questions for me. Therefore, I decided to write this article to explore whether the law of attraction really works and how to use it?

My goal for you today is to help you in:

  • Understanding what the law of attraction is
  • If you’re a beginner, learning how do you use the law of attraction for beginners
  • Not a beginner, awesome! I’ll be showing you how to apply the law like a manifestation ninja


When it comes to the law, there is no shortage of information on the topic. And, the last thing I want to do is add more to an already overflowing cup.

That’s why today I want to condense the MOST relevant and accurate information on the topic and create a juggernaut of a post.

Let’s dig in!

The Law of Attraction Used to Be A BIG SECRET.

The Secret was where it all began, despite being much more of a dramatization than a realistic depiction of the Law of Attraction. How To Use The Law of Attraction
The BIG Secret!

The law of attraction has been around since the beginning of time, but it was not shared publicly with the masses. It was reserved for the powerful elite ONLY!

The law was considered a *SECRET* that turns your mind into a MENTAL MAGNET…

A magnet that’s so powerful that once activated fully, it can help you to automatically draw friends, power, love, and money into your life, almost instantly!

I personally think that this is a bit of a generalized description.

The law of attraction is NOT some fairy dust to sprinkle on things and then magically fix them.

However, it’s a LAW that if understood and applied correctly, it has the potential to yield you AMAZING results!

So, what’s the real and true meaning behind it?

I’m glad you asked!

Simply put, it’s the law that’s built on the concept of “like attracts like”!

And since everything is made of energy, including our thoughts, we can influence our manifestation power by shifting our energy.

When focusing on our thought patterns “positive or negative”, we start to attract positive or negative experiences based on our thought pattern.

Don’t overanalyze it, it is really that simple!

Now that you have a better understanding of the law, let’s go the next phase…

How to Use The Law Correctly To Transform Your Life?

Does Law of Attraction really work?

If you’ve seen the movie The Secret“, I am sure you saw the line-up of uber-successful people that the movie featured!

They all made it sound that applying the law is as easy as ABC. And while the way the law works is effortless, there is still more to the story than what the movie shared.

I get it, the movie is only 90 mins long and everything under the sun related to the topic can’t be covered in one movie.

The movie in my opinion was the perfect appetizer that got so many to start doing their own research to understand and apply the law effectively.

I know when I first watched the movie back in 2007, I felt like something was missing.

My overthinking mind at the time was very skeptical! (My healing journey didn’t start till 2013 after my near-death experience, you can read more about that here)

I remember vividly this thought popping into my head as I was watching the movie….

“Come on, there’s got to be more to it than just thinking.”

Well, guess what? My overthinking mind was right…

There is more to it than THINKING!

I mean, surely you can’t just sit out there, do nothing but think, and expect all the good things to fall out of the sky and into your lap!

The REAL secret here is to CREATIVELY MANIFEST what you want into your life!


By understanding how the law of attraction really works!

In short, the law of attraction works! The proof lies in the success stories of “thousands if not millions” of people from all walks of life and all over the world.

Even Public Figures and Celebrities like Oprah and Ellen DeGeneres amongst others praise how understanding the law impacted their life and career.

The ones who are getting AMAZING results are following this formula:

Thoughts + Actions = Results

The formula of thoughts + actions = results is key!  How To Use The Law of Attraction the right way.
How To Use The Law of Attraction

A better description of the law of attraction and way less confusing one would be that the results you get in life are directly correlated with the type of thoughts you have.

And, if you really want to sum up why your life is the way it is currently (Please sit down if your standing)…

Your thoughts are the one to blame!

Did you know that your thought patterns are 100% responsible for the results you’re getting in life!

So, if you want to change your life, all you got to do is change the thought patterns.

But before you can do that, you must understand that your thoughts became the way they are “positive or negative” based on your subconscious beliefs.

Most subconscious beliefs stem from childhood experiences that got re-enforced over time, but that’s a different topic for another post. (If you want to learn more about how your childhood affect your beliefs, let me know in the comments, please)

So, in summary, your subconscious beliefs affect your thoughts. Then your thoughts affect the way you feel and express yourself emotionally. And that will eventually influence the way you take action.

Lastly, the actions you’ll take will lead you to the end results you’re getting.

So, it’s time for self-reflection…

Stop and ask yourself this question (Please don’t be too hard on yourself, this prompt is meant to help you get a baseline of where you’re at):

What Kind of Results Are You Currently Creating?

So, if the life you currently have is not what you really want? Then know that the thought patterns that you carry within you are creating your reality!

And, in order to create a different reality, where your results are AWESOME, your thoughts must be aligned and are 100% in congruence with the desired end results.

In other words, your thoughts are the “acorn seeds” which you plant!

So, make sure the “seeds” you’re planting are good, healthy and vibrant ones.

After you plant your seeds, water, feed, and nurture them with positive action over a period of time, and before you know it, you’ll grow a lush forest!

The seed only needs to be planted by deciding and cared for by letting go and trusting it will come! How To Use The Law of Attraction
Hope & Believe In Your Vision!

The Law is Simple: plant once, be patient and a budding new plant will grow.

By now you know that your consistent thoughts will eventually manifest themselves in the results of your daily life.

This law is universal, and it doesn’t discriminate. It makes it possible for anyone who knows how to use the law to live the life of their dreams!

So, remember this:

The thought seed that you “plant” into your mind when practicing the law of attraction will bring you results similar to the seed of that original thought.

Once you plant the seed, water, fertilize and nourish that seed with loving action!

Caring for the seed combined with trust, patience, and persistence will help that seed grow into a plant that will yield you so many amazing fruits.

Now, let me teach you how to stop the law from sabotaging your plans.

Make sure to use your ability wisely or risk manifesting more negative! Learn to trust and let go!
How to use the law of attraction to get what you want?

So, where most people self-sabotage their effort is when they let the negativity of life doubt their plan.

See, once you planted those beautiful seeds, there is no need to keep digging them up and re-planting them every few hours or days.

That’s why it’s key to take the time to be 100% CLEAR what type of seed you want to plant.

Once you decide what you want, and plant the seed, then your one and only job is to give the seeds TLC “Tender Love and Care” and allow the law of attraction to do its job.

For most people, the hardest thing to do is to be decisive in knowing what they truly want and to keep believing in it even when they don’t see immediate results.

But, that’s Ok! You’re human and now that you know better, you’ll do better!

So, if you find yourself feeling skeptical about your manifestation work, remember, it all begins with your subconscious beliefs!

So, for a while, as you re-align your beliefs and thought patterns, remember to remain calm and trust in divine timing.

Have faith that all is working out in your favor, and NEVER give up!

If you need some help cultivating faith, please grab this FREE guided meditation today and start using it for at least 21 days:

How To Use The Law of Attraction
This is the same exact meditation I use to keep me on track and it’s 100% FREE today!

In conclusion, the law of attraction is an effective way to shift your reality. And when you learn how to use the law of attraction correctly, then you’re bound to create positive manifestations in your life.

For as long as you keep planting the right seeds and following through with patience and persistence, you’ll reap a bountiful harvest in time.

Wishing you the BEST today and always!


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