The Power of Forgiveness, Crystals, and Journaling!


If you want to transform your life, combine forgiveness, crystals, and journaling into one practice! You’ll be amazed at how quickly things will turn around for you!

Don’t just take my word for it; apply this in your life NOW! Then come back and report your findings!😃

Ok, now let’s dive into how to apply the power of forgiveness, Crystals, and journaling.

As a human being, you are more powerful that you’ve been lead to believe.

You know what the issue is with this world? Everyone wants a magical solution to their problem, and everyone refuses to believe in magic." Alice in Wonderland Magic of Forgiveness

You are capable of creating your own reality. The only thing that’s stopping you is your level of consciousness.

If you want to shift realities truly, make lifting yourself to higher consciousness levels your mission. And If you want to understand the deep details about consciousness levels, read Dr. Hawkins’s book, Force. vs. Power.

The magic happens the higher you go! (No pun intended)

With higher consciousness, you can then tap into the creative force behind true manifestation.

In essence, you become a creator in your life instead of a passive participant.

Now to save you time, energy, money and lots of headache, I’ll share with you 3 concepts that’ll help raise your consciousness.

These 3 concepts will change you on a visceral level beyond your wildest imagination! But only if you’re open and willing to receive them.

So, get a cup of tea, coffee or your favorite beverage and let’s dive into the wonderland of self-evolution!

Are you ready to experience magic in your life?

Well, if you’re still reading then it’s safe to assume your answer is a resounding YES! So, let’s go:

1. Forgiveness Towards Self and Others:

Before you get turned off by the topic of forgiveness, let me assure you that I know how sucky forgiveness can be!

Especially when it comes to forgiving those who wronged us and made our lives a living hell.

However, without forgiveness, you can rest assured to remain stuck in the energy of the same thing that hurt you in the 1st place.

In my opinion, forgiveness is the # 1 solution to any mental, physical, and emotional block.

Having worked with 1000s over the years, I noticed that forgiveness is one of the 1st things to address.

Whenever someone is experiencing difficulty in pretty much any area of life, lack of forgiveness is usually the cause. If this article found you, or somehow you find yourself here, this is your SIGN!

It’s time to forgive all those who caused your pain or suffering. And while you’re at it, show some forgiveness towards yourself, too!

7 Reasons Why You Should Forgive and Forget. Power of Forgiveness | Forgiveness Quote

I know forgiving is difficult but without it you can’t activate the power of forgiveness.

And to activate the power of forgiveness fully, I’ll share with you an exercise that I learned years ago. I practiced and taught that same exercise for at least the past 7 years and growing!

Meet the “Burn Notice” Practice.

Let the power of forgiveness burn all the past away!
Let the power of forgiveness burn all the past away!

Simply, get a pen and paper and start writing a forgiveness letter to yourself.

In the letter, pour all your shortcomings, pain and suffering, past events and disappointments.

Write down anything and everything that disturbs your peace.

You know you’re doing it right when the mere thought of what you’re writing makes you want to vomit.

Explore your feelings and emotions as you’re writing that letter. Don’t hold back!

If you feel like screaming then scream. Tears coming down, let them roll!

Pour your heart out. Write the names of anyone who have harmed you in any shape or form. Be as descriptive as you like; this is a release process.

It doesn’t matter if they’re still in your life or not. Alive or dead! Write them all down. (Please know your limits, when an experience is too painful, just write down a name. No need to relive the whole traumatic event)

Please do this in a safe and private space where you’re not disturbed for at least 30 minutes.

Once you wrote the letter down, then burn it and turn the whole past into ashes.

That’s how the exercise got its name “The Burn Notice”.

Well that’s what I call it, not sure if that’s the official name or not.😃

Also, be careful when using fire to burn the note. For a safer alternative, submerge the letter in water and let the water cleanse the letter’s energy. (Please practice common sense)😉

To dive deeper into the topic of forgiveness, please read the 7 Reasons Why You Should Forgive and Forget. Also, to further your understanding of forgiveness, watch this training I created on the topic:

The Healing Power of Forgiveness

When you forgive, you become lighter. Let this healing practice raise your level of consciousness. Become energetically lighter with the power of forgiveness.

Remember, holding on to the past is not serving you no more! Let it go and welcome the energy of transformation.

2. Practice Self-Healing with Meditation and Crystal Work

The root of most ailments is stuck emotional energy. Mostly from past trauma or negative events.

Often, whenever we get sick, we take some medicine to help the body heal. But did you know that taking medicine alone is not the solution?

Please know that I am not some anti-meds nut, but more of an energy medicine enthusiast.

Throughout the years, I studied both traditional medicine and many alternative methods.

For those who are not aware, I studied in Iraq to become a medical professional (Long story for another time😃)

From studying both, I learned that medicine alone treats the symptoms of any given sickness. But the root cause of the sickness, in most cases, is completely ignored.

And that’s where I come in handy!😉

Sickness is simply a state of dis-ease. Meaning the body is not at ease.

While the doctors diagnose the symptoms and the meds help ease them, do some self-healing yourself.

Did you know that every sickness/ailment has a root emotional cause?

In many cases, when the root cause is addressed, the ailment fades away. That’s why forgiveness can be key to transformation. With forgiveness, you can release any unhealthy emotional energy.

My favorite book on understanding the emotional reason behind ailment and dis-ease is The Secret Language of Your Body by Inna Segal.

That book has taught me to look for the root causes behind any pain and ache the body gives.

The body is a big signaling machine that’s trying to get our attention! And your job is to pay attention to what the body is trying to tell you.

I highly encourage you to read Inna’s book to understand the power of self-remedying better.

To enhance your effort use meditation and crystals!

There is no denying that meditation is very powerful. If you haven’t started a meditation practice, please start now! Your overall wellbeing depends on it. For a FREE forgiveness energy practice and meditation, please go here.

Now when you combine crystals with meditation you create a very potent energy medicine practice.

Also, watch this training from Judy Hall (AKA the Crystal Godmother). In this training, she teaches you how to work with crystals for wonderful energy practices.

I have read many of Judy’s books and took many of her online courses to expand my knowledge on the topic of crystals. To further my studies, I also became a certified crystal practitioner and studied with the Goddess of Crystals Hibiscus Moon.

Now, I do energy clearing sessions to help aid with releasing stuck energy. This is a wonderful way to raise your vibration almost instantly. Also, during sessions, I give crystal consultation about what crystals can help your situation. If you feel an energy clearing crystal guidance can serve you, please book a session with me here.

3. Track Your Success With a Journal!

What gets tracked and measured consistently, grows!

To elevate your consciousness, you got to be aware of your levels of emotions throughout the day, week, month and year.

I know it sounds complicated and like its a lot of work, but NOT REALLY!

Get a notebook and start keeping track of how you feel, the first thing when you wake up and the last thing before you retire to sleep. On days when I am lazy, I just put an emoji to represent my mood/feeling.

After a week or two, you’ll be able to have a good understanding of how you’re feeling on consistent basis. The more you understand yourself, the better you become.

Journaling has been a staple in my spiritual awakening journey.

In this article, I explain why journaling works and how you can use it in your daily life.

Throughout history, successful men and women have been known for using journaling to self-motivate and keep track of goals and aspirations.

Last year, I used a simple notebook as my journal, and I filled quite a few journals over the year. This year, I decided to invest in the 6 pack of Brendon Burchard’s Journals to keep me focused and stay on track.

For a full review of Brendon’s Journal, please read this unbiased review with images to get the full scoop and make a very educated decision if that journal is best for you or not.

If you’re struggling and can use some divine guidance, please consider booking a session with me to discover what blocks might be affecting your life. Find my booking calendar below:

I TRULY hope you enjoyed this post about the power of forgiveness, crystals and journaling.

Please spread the word on social media and leave me a comment at the bottom of this post. I look forward to reading your thoughts, AHA moments, and breakthroughs.


With luv and light,


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