Would you love to boost your energy levels and have more fuel each and every day to go after your goals and aspiration?
If you’re reading this blog, then I have a feeling that your answer is a resounding YES or as I like to say YAAAAS. 😄
Truth be told, as a transformational coach, the numbers one question I get asked all the time is how on earth I have all the energy needed to get goals/tasks accomplished and still have time and energy for fun and personal stuff? Like hanging out with friends, watching movies, or doing puzzles.
A fun tidbit about me is I am obsessed with Puzzles. Check out the latest puzzle I worked on at the time of writing this post 🙂
Ok, Back to How to Boost Your Energy!
In this day and age, things are moving and moving fast. What was new yesterday is old news today. Technology is advancing at the speed of light. Distractions are EVERYWHERE we turn! From the phones, we use daily to the tv we watch to the billboards that are filling pretty much every empty space you can imagine.
Our brain is constantly bombarded by 1000s of bits of data. All this trivial and sometimes useless data is taxing our mental capacity.

Let me explain…
See, everyone has the same 24 hours per day. Now, what you decide to do with these 24 hours differs from one person to another. We really need to boost our energy!
The same 24 hrs that you and I get are used in a very intentional way.
I Don’t Let the Day Happen to Me; I Face the Day With Intention.
Please know that I am not promoting the idea of becoming a robot who has a set of written commands that you go after in a sequential manner.
I am talking about designing your day for winning.
Today I’ll share with you how I have designed my days over the past seven years. And how that has led me to have more energy, gave me the time to work on and accomplish so many of my visions. Visions that were mere dreams just a few years back that are now my livelihood.
Things like:
- Becoming a teacher and working from home
- Supporting myself and my family doing things I am passionate about
- Serving humanity and making an impact
When you set your day intentionally, and you apply yourself with tenacious, persistent determination, then don’t be amazed if you start to:
- Wake up happier
- Feel more energetic
- Become more productive in both your personal and professional life.
How did I do it?
Intentional Daily Life Design.
I went from lost in a sea of dreams and obligations to becoming a master of my day and a captain of my ship.
When I really took a hard look at my life 10 years ago, I noticed the following:
- Income = not enough
- Relationships (love and family) = what relationships?
- Personal time = I had none
- Health = addicted to sugar
- Mental health = TV and social media diet
- Sleep = 4-6 hrs max
Also, I was addicted to Energy Drinks during the day to stay awake, and over the counter sleeping pills to fall asleep at night.
What I didn’t know then is by having that kind of a lifestyle, I was running my body ragged and causing myself to be fatigued.
I felt sluggish. Couldn’t start the day without a giant can of energy drink. Not gonna mention names of drinks as this is not a bash against energy drinks. I am simply sharing my journey with y’all so you can learn from me. I want to save as many people as possible from going through the pain of burnout that I went through.
Besides feeling sluggish, I was anxious all the time. I used to worry about the simplest of things. From did I lock the door to my APT in Washington DC? To did I turn the stove off before I left to work? All the way to worry about the big things like will I ever have a family? Or where to get settled? Or what to do if I became disabled and how I’d support myself in that case?
It Was a Hot Mess! I Needed to Boost My Overall Energy!
In a nutshell, I was part of the matrix. I worked 9 to 5 in a job that didn’t fulfill my purpose. Also, I lived in a city that I didn’t like, not even a tad. I was surrounded by people who hated their life, got jacked up on stimulants during the day, and drank during the night to escape their reality.
In 2013 I had a car accident that changed everything for me. It was the wake-up call I needed to really ask what am I going to do with my life.

The First Action I Took Is Taking the Time Needed to Answer the Question, How Do I Want to Live My Life?
I read books, journaled, asked myself, and meditated over what brings joy to my life.
Taking time to self-discover and self-reflect has enabled me to discover that I had no plan for my life and that I was merely spending all my energy to survive.
The reason most people are exhausted is that they are spending most, if not all, of their energy on things that don’t fuel their mind, body, heart, and spirit. Doing so will work for a while, but overwhelm, and burnout are the most likely outcome afterword.
What I am going to share with you next is a culmination of the past seven years. Years of studying, implementing, tracking, and improving my daily intentional design.
Intentional Living: How to Boost Your Energy and Feel Happier, More Confident and Productive
To create an everlasting transformation, we get to create a holistic game plan that caters to the mind, the body, the heart, and the spirit.
The reason I have TONS of energy every day is that I cultivate my mind, body, heart, and spirit.
So if you want to feel ENERGETIC from the minute you wake up till it’s time to retire to bed. And to do that without the need for stimulants or drugs, then create your own version of the intentionally designed day.
I became so obsessed with how I feel that I felt that I had to share this with the world. That’s how this blog was born in 2014. I was simply sharing my studying with people.
The Feedback From the Community Was Amazing.
Let me take a moment to acknowledge you for being part of our ever-growing community and for supporting me on my journey.
Working on things that gave me energy pushed me to do more things that I am passionate about. People’s feedback, both positive and negative, inspired me to grow and expand more. The more I applied myself, the better and more energetic, I started to feel about myself. Then, I discovered later that this is called Competence-Confidence Loop. This loop means the more good you feel about yourself, the more confidence you feel.
The truth is, people around the globe are suffering.
Depression is on the rise. Obesity is a pandemic. Illness and drug use and abuse are at an all-time high. So what’s the fix?
Holistic mind, body, heart, and spirit planning.
When you focus on these 4 key areas, you’ll start to experience more energy, more fulfillment, and more life.
I am going to share with you what I did in those 4 areas for two reasons:
- In hope to inspire you to start your transformational journey
- And also give you a guideline of how to create your own intentionally designed day that’s made to boost your energy and live with joy and bliss
We established by now that our mind is constantly bombarded by outside info. So to get more energy and own the day, you get to start the day by aligning the mind.
Here are 3 things that led me to be more mindful and allowed me to master my mind:
1. Feeding My Mind the Right Type of Foods
I became very intentional at what type of info enters my mind. Watch this short video I shared on the topic for full details:
2. Training My Mind for Excellence With Meditation
I am sure by now, you have heard about the benefits of meditation.
But in case you haven’t here I am sharing with you that meditation works. Meditation has enabled me to heal my PTSD, overcome ADD and anxieties. On top of that, meditation has trained my brain to remain on task when distractions appear. Here’s a short story about my healing journey with meditation. I hope it inspires you to begin your practice today:
3. Learning About How the Mind Works
By learning about how the human brain works, I was able to learn how to master my mind. I became obsessed with Dr. Dispenza’s work in the area of brain and neuroplasticity.
Old habits of drinking energy drinks and soda, along with eating unhealthy foods loaded with sugar and fake ingredients have played a major role at why I always felt drained 10 years ago.
Intentional Living has led me to learn about the Bulletproof Diet from the one and only Dave Aspery. I love his work and this is what I am following for the past 2 years. I highly recommend giving it a look!
I also learned about biohacking and became such a biohacking nut, from taking cold showers, to light therapy to barefoot walking, you name it I learned it and applied it into my life.
The Results, an Energy Boost and a Feeling of Overall Joy and Happiness.
Additionally, I learned about intermittent fasting (IF) and to date, I have been actively practicing (IF) for 3 years.
I also learned about the need for proper hydration and how most people are so underhydrated. I drink up to a gallon of water a day and lemon water is my new substitute for energy drinks or soda.
Last but not least, I learned about the importance of flexibility. Being flexible is strongly linked to longevity and overall wellbeing, that’s why I stretch every morning for 10-25 minutes depending on my schedule.
My quest for learning never ends, I still read and learn about how to better advance my techniques. Learning is a lifelong journey.
Don’t neglect your heart if you want to live life to the fullest.
Most people think love when they hear the word heart. And while the heart feels the power of love, it’s way more capable than just that. Besides keeping us alive, the heart has its own energy field and the new science from heartmath about the heart is quite fascinating.

Once I learned about the power of the heart, I started to craft my own daily heart practice. I added a loving-kindness meditation to strengthen my heart. I started to practice mind-heart coherence. Also, I picked up a daily journaling practice that has allowed me to process lots of trauma, heal my inner child, forgive past pains amongst other things that were weighing heavy on my heart and spirit.
While meditation helps the spirit tremendously, it’s another area where many people don’t spend as much time cultivating.
Spiritual cultivation through meditation, past life work, healing inner child wounds, forgiveness is some of the ways to raise your vibration which in turn lift you to a higher spiritual path.
Here’s a forgiveness meditation that can help you expand that heart and spirit
Alrighty, I hope this post added value to your life and inspired you to live a better life.
If you want to boost your energy, expand your consciousness and grow even further, then I invite you to check out The Ignite Your Life Weekly coaching.
Weekly, I, along with my best friend Geoff and my neuroscience friend Nick hold a 1-2 hour session that focuses on one of the four areas I mentioned above.
Inside Ignite Your Life, you’ll get access to LIVE people, real humans, not some recorded videos with some instruction.
I Am a Teacher at Heart and I Make My Living Teaching People.
So for Ignite, Think of It as an Adult Virtual Classroom Where We Join Each Week at a Specific Time, and We Have a Blast.
I hope I get to see you inside the member’s area where we will learn and grow together 😃
My intention is to give you so much value through this blog that you want to work with me in facilitating your personal transformation.
No pressure. 😉
Check out The Ignite Your Life and decide for yourself.
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