Simple Guidelines to Successfully Achieving Your Goals and Aspirations

Tips to Successfully Achieving Your Goals In Life & Live Your Dreams

Achieving your goals in life and being able to live your dreams is a divine right for everyone! Yup, you heard that right!!

It’s a divine right! So, get excited because in this article, you’re going to learn why really achieving your goals in life is NOT a fantasy!

First things first, I am so honored that you’re reading this post🙏🏻

In addition, please accept my deepest gratitude for joining me on this wonderful journey. If you’ve been part of the fun since the beginning or you’re just starting here, remember to enjoy the ride, do the best you can do and forget the rest.

As most of you know, in 2013 I had a near-death experience that changed my life forever.

Shortly after that life-altering experience, I decided to leave my job in Washington DC and pursue my passion and dream of becoming a spiritual teacher and transformational coach.

Since then, so many wonderful things have transpired in my life!

But also, so many bumps and detours happened. And them some more lessons and extra blessings, too.

But overall, I do my best to welcome it all in—the good, the bad, and all the stuff that fills the in-between.

I love to share because I know that we can all learn from one another.

On top of that, we can teach either a thing or two in the process, too! So please get engaged in the comments section for deeper discussions.

So, please join me on a trip down memory lane to get acquainted.

I started this blog and accompanying newsletter and over the years it has grown to over 33,000 readers and growing.

Back in 2014, I also launched what seemed, at the time, like a small Facebook Page to share transformational teachings with people. However, NOW that page has grown to 840,000 Followers and counting!

Here’s a post acknowledging everyone who has been part of the Facebook journey – Click PLAY to listen to the message and get a wonderful view of the Red Mountains of Sedona, too!

Besides, I’ve been blessed to travel across the USA, Canada, Mexico and Europe sharing my story.

During my travels, I met so many unforgettable people and have been part of their transformational journey. These are precious memories I’ll cherish for the rest of my life.

Here are a few of my favorite moments over the years:

Meeting The Crystal Goddess Hibiscus Moon at The Tucson Gem and Mineral Show💎

Spending quality time and making memories with my mum, brother, and 2 nephews in England💖

Living the dream hosting various Arizona Retreats🧘 (Prior to the pandemic – I hope to host the next retreat in the later part of 2021 or early 2022 depending on scheduling and other logistical/travel restrictions)

sedona retreat center
Achieving your goals in life is NOT a fantasy!

Long story short, I LOVE my life and all the people who are in it!

Turning my passion for teaching about meditations, angels, crystals, and building heart-centered services to reality, is a dream come true.

I’m sharing all of this not to brag but to show you that achieving your goals in life and being able to live your dreams is POSSIBLE!

In other words, what I’m really saying here is that success is achievable.

And while the journey to success will always have its ups and downs, but there is one thing I’m extremely confident about…

And that is, if I can do it and I’m a war survival from Iraq who immigrated by myself at age 21 to the United States, so can you!

Below I’ll be sharing tips and mindshifts (mindset-shifts) to aid you on your journey. Let’s go!

1Fuel Your Passion With The Right Mindset and Attitude

Fueling your passion is key in achieving your goals in life & to live your dreams!

If I have to pick two word that describe success, I have to say its mindset and attitude.

Successful people have a growth mindset and an optimistic attitude about life in general. In her book, Mindset: The New Psychology of Success, Carol Dweck detailed the mindset and attitude of success.

From personal experience, I can vouch that if you cultivate a growth mindset and a joyous mental attitude, then you’ll be even closer to attaining your goals and manifesting your destiny.

Another key point to highlight is that life comes with its own set of challenges and disappointments. However, when your attitude is one of optimism and joy, achieving your goals and living your dreams is more attainable.

Focus on the journey and not the destination. Every step you take is a step closer to achieving your goals in life.

Besides, to manifest any level of financial success, create incredible relationships, and live the life of your dreams, you MUST let go of the old habit of trying to cheat success with some shortcuts.

What’s more, there are no shortcuts to success! And this leads me to the next point….

2There is No Secret Sauce to Success, Just Purpose Combined With Heart-Centered Action

To Achieving Your Goals In Life Successfully & Live Your Dreams Remain Centered In Purpose
To live your dreams fully, focus on being purposeful and take actions that fill your heart with joy!

Most people struggle with this one!

Even for me, it took me a while to find my footing around the topic of success and purpose!

On my journey, I was always looking for a shortcut. I spent much of my hard-earned money on fake gurus selling shortcuts that left me disappointed and, at times, BROKE.

You see, we live in an instant gratification world.

In one click from your PC or Smartphone, you can order anything your heart desires.

Combine that with a heavy media emphasis on consumerism and the latest trend, and now, you have a programmed society that wants success to be as easy as ordering a gadget from amazon or downloading an app on a smartphone.

Trust me that doesn’t work with success and attaining your goals in life.

There are no shortcuts to success. Gurus promise and sell shortcuts cause they know that society is programmed for quickness and ease. Don’t fall for that!

To succeed, you must be willing to do the work. And that’s where purpose comes in handy.

The most successful people have a sense of deep purpose that keeps them going even when things are tough.

Now, when it comes to purpose, most people think of people like Gandhi, Mother Teresa, Oprah, Tony Robbins, etc.

The truth is purpose comes from an inner drive to make a difference.

And for that, you don’t need to be the next social media sensation or achieve a grandiose thing. To make a difference, all you gotta do is live with a sense of purpose.

Take pride in everything you do, large and small. Show up with excellence. Always be helpful and kind. And lastly, be present.

And that leads me to the next point…

3Find Out What Occupies Your Mind?

What occupies your mind will if affect if you're Achieving Your Goals In Life Successfully. To Live Your Dreams Declutter Your Mind From Negative Thinking - motivation for life
Declutter your mind from limited thinking, to live your dreams!

To live your dreams, get rid of the habits of limited thinking and limited action.

Most people live their lives in a scarcity mindset. In my career as a transformational coach, I saw it again and again!

As I continue to work with people, releasing limited and sometimes negative thinking seems to be at the top of the list, for most people!

You see, success comes from knowing what’s living in your head rent-free. So ask yourself these two questions:

Is your brain occupied with thoughts of fear, doubt, loss, and hardship? Or is your brain occupied with thoughts of faith, abundance, miracles, and breakthroughs?

Start decluttering what’s residing in your head.

If it doesn’t serve you or add value to your life or others, it’s time to let it go.

And with this purpose in mind, begin facing your stories starting with that reside in your head.

The stories you keep telling yourself, they’ll haunt you for a the rest of your life!

Trust me, some crap I haven’t dealt with from my warzone days in Iraq followed me all the way to the United States.

I had to do some deep decluttering of what was living in my head. It wasn’t easy, but it was worth it!

The willingness to face uncomfortable situations/issues is key to transform fear into freedom.

And truth be told, whenever I wasn’t willing to face something, it came back to me in a different scenario, and sometimes it was even more severe and more painful.

You see, success is like a sport; you must plan strategically first in order to do well during the game.

And this leads me to the final point…

4Master Your Emotions To Master Your Life

To Achieving Your Goals In Life Successfully & Live Your Dreams Master Your Emotions
Your emotions play a big role in achieving your goals in life.

Most of the time, people get stuck in a cycle of emotional reactions. In this emotional addiction article, I went into the topic in detail. But for this post, I’ll briefly explain how your emotions affect your life.

As a human being, you’re more than what you’ve been lead to believe. My near-death experience confirmed that.

Being human is a wonderful thing! One of the BEST qualities of being human is having emotions.

Your emotions is like an inner GPS that tells you if you’re heading in the right direction or not when it comes to your goals in life.

When you invest the time to know how to work with your emotions, you’ll be able to create your life. Yes, you can design your life and even shift your reality if, for whatever reason, you feel stuck in life.

You are where you are for a reason!

Your old ways of thinking led to the same emotional reactions. And awareness is the key to notice that.

One wonderful way to become more aware of your emotions is by cultivating a mindful attitude. Through mindfulness, I learned how to manage my emotions and even dealt with PTSD and panic attacks.

If you’re new to the practice of mindfulness, please feel free to grab your complementary copy of this mindfulness meditation MP3 below:

Mindfulness is Wonderful to Help You Achieving Your Goals In Life Successfully & Live Your Dreams

So through mindfulness, you can carefully design a plan for the real-life that you want. Coupled with emotional awareness and you become a master of your TRUE potential.

And since you’re one of my readers, it’s safe to assume that you’re focused and set on achieving your goals.

So, be on the lookout over the weeks to come as I’ll be releasing more articles and different pieces of training on how to develop your intuition and design your game plan to achieving your goals in life and live your dreams.

If you feel like you’re traveling your journey alone, please join my FREE Facebook Group below. Connect with a network of thriving, growth-minded people. This group is the perfect support environment as people surround you on your transformational path. Plus, it’s FREE 😇

Unstoppable Tribe
Achieving your goals in life & live your dreams

Are you excited?

I know I am SOOOO excited!

Please feel free to email me at if you’re seeking 1-on-1 mentorship.

I look forward to serving you!

With luv, light, and gratitude,

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