The winds of change never stop blowing! In these crazy times, we gotta find ways to master the change game and learn how to cope with changes in both our personal and professional life.
Before we dive into the meat of this post, where I am going to share with you ways to cope with change, I want to share a rhyme with ya!
This little rhyme kinda popped into my head this morning, I hope you like it…
Oh, the winds of change…
Always blowing and never slowing…
Oh, the winds of change…
Always helping me growing…
What do y’all think about this little rhyme?
When I typed the term “Winds of Change” into google, I found the following definition from the Merriam-Webster dictionary:

Throughout my journey, I learned that change is inevitable.
Also accompanied by change, or as I like to call it “Transition Period”, comes a sense of unease and uncertainty.
Sometimes, it feels as if part of us is dying – even if the change is for the better.
So, there is no denying that change is hard.
Any change is hard, wheatear it’s a personal change or a business/career change.
And dealing with the winds of change is even harder when that change is sudden or unexpected.
Like change alone wasn’t hard enough, now we have to learn how to cope with unplanned change.
However, the good news is, you don’t have to navigate the winds of change alone!
One of the things that we all have in common is we all go through change.
Hundreds, if not thousands, have gone through change successfully, and we can learn from these people a thing or two!
Many people have no clue how to cope with changes when they occur.
Well, that’s about to change today!
In his book, Life is in the Transitions: Mastering Change at Any Age the New York Times Bestselling author, Bruce Feiler, shares story after story of people who have dealt with change.
From coping with loss to getting sober, to overcoming abuse, and many other stories. I couldn’t put that book down!
The truth is, we are all connected, energetically at least!
And, when we learn how another human being has dealt with changes in life we can open ourselves up to healing to!
I highly encourage you to grab his book and read it! Very powerful message!
Ok, now let’s transition to a different part of this post which is to share with you ways on how to cope with changes.
Let’s dive in
How to Cope with Changes in Life?

What had the largest impact on my life when it came to change is when I welcomed the change.
Sometimes, I go as far as seeking change in the first place.
And, while navigating the winds of change, I learned that change is only temporary.
Besides that, change can be dealt with mindfully and gracefully!
But, how? You might ask!
I am glad you asked. Use this breakthrough formula:
1. Make a choice!
You’re a divine being of light. And, as a divine being, you have sovereignty and free will.
When it comes to coping with changes in life, practice your birthright gift of free will.
Look at that change, especially if it’s unplanned as an opportunity to grow.
Sometimes, when we get so busy with life and forget who we are as divine beings, our spirit longs to connect with us.
And, that’s when crap seems to hit the fan in our life.
I choose to look at it differently. Whenever the winds of change blow my way, I look at it from the eye of faith.
I choose to see the change as a reminder from Spirit that I have forgotten my purpose. That somewhere, along the path, I took a wrong turn, and now I gotta find my way back home.
Please be honest with yourself, today!
Take a minute for yourself and reflect.
Ask yourself, is the change you’re coping with a push from Spirit to guide you back home?
Have you been going through life like a machine, day in and day out?
Have you lost your faith? Your mojo and drive.
Need help with the art of self-reflection while coping with change? Check out my transformational video and be on your way to success!
Self-reflection is KEY to coping with changes in life! Give yourself the gift to reflect today!
2. Take a chance
When change occurs, I always use that as a chance to explore more change.
I know, it sounds ridiculous. But hear me out!
Change is uncomfortable! So, the next time you find yourself coping with change might as well make the change a chance to create more change.
Get all the uncomfortable feelings associated with change dealt with all at once.
Earlier this year, the Sedona Retreat I was hosting got canceled due to the pandemic. I was so excited about that retreat, I’d been working on it for almost a year, and then poof, in one day, it was canceled 😭
At first, I was devastated. Then, I was overcome by fear, because I had no idea how to tell the participant, and I was so afraid that I would get angry responses.
Our mind can dream up the worst-case scenarios in life, in like 2 minutes, or less!
However, when I broke the news to the participants, they were so gracious!
They were sympathetic, as they knew how long I’d been working on the retreat. And gave me deep encouraging words! The best thing even happened when I got this comment from my dear friend and retreat participant Christina:
She told me, “Zane, we are with ya for the long-run! So, don’t you worry! And when the time is right, we will have our retreat.”
I was crying tears of joy by the response of the retreat members.
So, then and there I decided to take that chance and make myself even more uncomfortable and launch my YouTube Channel.
I’ve been talking about it for years but was alway busy with something.
So with the retreat being canceled. Followed by most of life being canceled due to the pandemic. I chose to take that free time and add value to people’s lives and launch my channel to teach people how to cope with life changes and master their mind, body, heart, and soul.
Check out the channel here:
3. Welcome the change
Last but not least, whether you’re going through change or not, a welcome change.
When we get comfortable with change, we stop our brains from getting all crazy about the change.
Many times, when change is unexpected, we let our brains run wild.
We dream up worst-case scenarios like our lives depended on it.
Truth is, our brain thinks that our life depends on it!
You see, when things are uncertain, we activate the fight-or-flight response of our brain. That’s the response that the brain activates when our life is in danger.
So, while the change you’re experiencing may be significant, in the grand scheme of things, that change is unlikely to kill you immediately. But to our brain, once the fight-or-flight response is activated, we think of everything as if it’s going to kill us at that instant.
Sad but true! When I learned that, I became more conscious of it and started to cultivate a calm attitude, especially when going through change.
During times of change, I highly encourage you to meditate. Meditation keeps the brain calm and allows you to make better decisions.
If you’re new to meditation, or you love guided meditation, then you’re in luck!
Here’s a guided meditation MP3 track that I created to help you cope with life changes. It’s 100% free.
In essence, how to cope with changes and navigate the winds of change is a matter of attitude.
You can look at change as an opportunity.
Also, you can choose to look at change as a growth journey and give yourself the chance to test something new.
So, if the winds of change are blowing your way and you’re feeling lost, simply acknowledge the emotion.
Appreciate the journey and honor the struggle.
And always remember that this too shall pass.
P.s. Sharing is caring! Pin this post to help someone who might be going through the winds of change 👇

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