Quiz: Can We Guess Your Personality Based on Your Taste in Music?

music type and your personality quiz

Music is quite magical! It connects people from totally different cultures and backgrounds. But did you know that your personality and music are deeply connected?

How crazy is that! Let’s dig deeper.

In a recent psychological study, it was found that your personality is linked to your music type.

So in a sense your music taste can tell a lot about you as a person.

Whether you like Metallica or Lady Gaga, Adele or Jay-Z is probably dictated by your personality type and traits.

You thought that was interesting, it get’s even freakier!

The researchers also found that listening to a certain type of music regularly could influence your personality.

Think about it, you could be changing simply because you tend to gravitate to a certain music type.

So, if you’re not sure what’s your taste in music can tell others about you, then this psychology based quiz might be just what you need!

This test will reveal to you how other people see you based on what types of music you listen to.

Results are instant, free, and so accurate that it might freak you out.

So, let’s have a go:

WOW, what a fun one!

So what did you get?

I got this “Zane, You are Reflective & Complex!”

Apparently, I enjoy reflective, nostalgic, and complex music.

Individuals who like my style of music type tend to be talented and creative in nature.

This is so TRUE for me, I love writing and creative work, hence all the posters and quote images I create on my Zane Baker Facebook Community. Check this example below:

Also, based on the test I am open to change and I embrace travel, being outdoors, and living life for experiences and memorable moments over material possessions (though having what you desire is always a plus).

OMG, this is so true too!

I live each day to the fullest and I do enjoy having nice things in life, but I don’t let them control my happiness.

Lastly, based on the results of my test, I place great importance on inner-peace as well as individuality and equality, and people of my music type and preferences also tend to prefer a sophisticated and desirable lifestyle and tend to give thought to personal appearance.

Well, truth be told I do like to dress up and take selfies when appropriate so I guess my results are on target for the most part!

Here’s a selfie from St. Louis when I went to visit my brother 🙂

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Hugs and kisses to all ??? All smiles IN St. Loui ?❤?

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But hey, enough about me, what were your results?

As always, don’t be afraid to share your results,  so let me know in the comment below what your results were and do you agree with them?

With Love, Light, and Gratitude,

P.S. Enjoyed this music based test? Then you’re in luck, cause I have more for you here.

P.P.S. Sharing is caring. Please invite your friends to take this quiz.

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