International Women’s Day: Celebrating Womanhood All Around The Globe With Divinity and Grace

International Women’s Day Crystal Grid HAPPY International Women’s Day

International Women’s Day Crystal Grid

On International Women’s Day, I want to take a moment to celebrate how far we have come as a society when it comes to women’s equality.

As a man, I am so PROUD to see my sisters in humanity breaking every glass ceiling conceivable and doing so many things that skeptics said women couldn’t do.

Believe it or not, to this date, so many people don’t know what’s international women’s day is or what’s it all about.

So in honor of Women’s History Month, I want to dedicate this article to this very special occasion.

Now, let’s dive into what this day is all about!

What is International Women’s Day?

International Women’s Day is a global celebration day for women’s achievement and for their striving towards equality.

On March 8th, all around the world, this day is dedicated to celebrating women’s achievements across multiple areas of life. From health to education to space and global transformation, to name a few.

To learn the deep history behind this day, please visit the International Women’s day dedicated website here.

And while the women’s equality movement has created a huge shift in our society when it comes to upleveling our thinking and our standard for treating women, women are still often under-recognized for their contributions to humanity’s advancement.

And today, I PERSONALLY want to take a moment to acknowledge all the women around the globe for all their contributions, no matter how large or small!

Ladies, without you, there wouldn’t be life on earth as your womanhood is the bringer of light and life.


I personally don’t wait till March 8 to honor the women in my life.

Appreciation of the women in your life should be a regular practice in my opinion. This advice is for men and women!

I mean can you imagine what a wonderful world we can create if both men and women express their appreciation towards one another on regular basis.

Most people think that since this is International Women’s Day, men have nothing to do with it.

I don’t see it this way, as men must take an active part in celebrating this day to stand in solidarity with our equal and divine counterpart.

Additionally, fellas, we must set an example of excellence to the other men by leading the equality front. Lead by example!

Women worldwide are our mothers, wives, daughters, cousins, friends, co-workers, and above all, sisters by blood or humanity, and we must show them that we CARE just as much as they do about equality.

In my opinion every day, we are alive is a celebration day for women and men alike!

Additionally, in celebration of this special day, I want to share this amazing crystal grid from my dear friend and goddess Lydee Ritchie who created this grid to celebrate women all around the globe for their grace and divinity!

International Women’s Day Inspired Grid:

International Women’s Day Inspired Grid  #ChooseToChallenge #IWD2021
Honoring March 8 with this International Women’s Day Crystal Grid #BalanceforBetter #ChooseToChallenge #IWD2021

The grid was created with the Intention of celebrating women’s achievement all over the world.

Furthermore, as we raise more awareness in the face of biases and take more aligned action towards equality for a better, balanced world for women and men alike, we create an energetic shift that helps all of us!

“On a spiritual journey, the masculine is the seeker, pursuer, and interpreter of life’s infinite wisdom. Yet it is unable to process, assimilate, and integrate such wisdom without the balance of the feminine energy.” – Matt Kahn.

Crystals Used For This Grid:

  • First, Center stone. Milky Quartz: to symbolize the nurturing nectar of the goddess.
  • Second, Amazonite: the stone of harmony and peacemaking; it awakens compassion. It is known to merge and balance the feminine and masculine energies within.
  • Third, Rose Quartz: the stone of love; it helps transform negativity into compassionate understanding and to give and receive unconditional love to all.
  • Forth, Labradorite, The gemstone of magic, awakens one’s innate magical powers. 
  • Fifth, Selenite, known as the “goddess crystal,” helps to overcome emotional and spiritual stagnation and give birth to one’s Higher Self, accessing the inner goddess.
  • The final crystal, Congo Citrine, “the great manifestor,” helps bring Divine Energy into form through intention and action. 
International Women’s Day Crystal Grid

This crystal grid was inspired by Quan Yin, the goddess of mercy and compassion. “The Book of Stones!” is also part of the creative process that lead to creating this grid.

Please follow Lydee Ritchie and her work on her website: 

Lydee also shared that, she wears larimar and moonstone on March 8th to honor the Divine Goddess within each and every one of us, regardless of gender, balancing the yin and yang.

Thank You Lydee for your contribution! The world is a better place because you’re in it😍

In conclusion, we all gotta celebrate International Women’s Day and raise awareness of the importance of harmony and equality.

Regardless of gender, promoting equality is the way to manifest harmony in society.

Thank you for joining me on today’s article in celebration of this wonderful and special day!

Please share in the comment section at the end of this article your thoughts about this article and the crystal grid shared above.

Much Luv,

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