What Does It Mean to Be Successful? The Answer Is Simpler Than You Think!


“What does it mean to be successful?”, is one of the questions I get asked the most in my career as a coach.

And, truth be told, to be successful, there is no magic pill. There is no special elevator. You gotta take the stairs!!

To be successful takes REAL WORK!

via me.me

And while most people can agree with me that in order to achieve anything, you gotta put in the work.

At the same time, what being successful means differs from one person to another. Heck, the meaning of success changes as we age, too!

Living in a major city and being part of the hustle and bustle meant success to me in my early 20s. Now, I am in my mid-30s, and I can assure you that’s not the meaning of success to me anymore.

So long story short, the answer to the question I opened today’s article with is…

What it means to be successful differs from one person to another, and at times even changes as we grow older and hopefully wiser😃

Since the answer is not a one-size-fits-all, I invite you to shift your mindset when it comes to the question of what it means to be successful. And instead, ask yourself this question: How can I be more successful in life?

To help you answer that question, I want to share with you a formula that’ll enable you to find success in whichever venture you delve into.

There’s a phrase that my dearest friend, mentor, and now business partner Geoffrey always says and it’s “Tenacious, Persistent, Determination is all you need to win”.

And it’s true, with tenacity, persistence, and determination, nothing life throws at you will stop you from reaching success and manifesting what brings your heart joy!

Below, I am going to share with you THREE TOOLS you want to add to your arsenal of self-development and growth.

Combine these tools with tenacity, persistence, and determination and you’ll be set for long-term winning! Let’s dive in!

1. Have An Actionable Game Plan

Having a game plan is key to long-term success and to being successful.

But before you can have a game plan, you must be 100% clear on what is it that you want to achieve in the first place.

To aid you with both gaining clarity and setting-up a game plan, please watch this short video from one of my favorite mentors, Mr. Brian Tracy – This 7 Mins video will change everything for you:

Start a game plan for your success.

2. Remain Focused, Yet Flexible

Once you’re 100% clear on your game plan, it’s time to take that plan from theory to reality.

Break the plan into small actionable steps and go at it with laser focus.

It’s highly important to remain flexible when executing any plan. Why? Cause a plan is meant to be a guideline to keep you focused and not a set in stone roadmap.

Most people fail to see their plans through because they get discouraged when things don’t go as planned.

I can share with you from personal experience that to be successful in any aspect of life, it requires you to be flexible.

So when things don’t go according to plan, take time to re-visit your original plan. Access the situation and be open to change things up and keep moving forward.

3. Keep A Wining Attitude 

One of the best pieces of advice I got from my dad is: “Success starts with your attitude.”

That one advice has yielded me so much growth and transformation over the years.

The one and only Jim Rohn, summed up how the power of attitude determines long-term success in all areas of life in this quote:

Attitude drives actions. Actions drive results. Results drive Lifestyles.

Successful people have a can-do attitude that enables them to see any plan/project to its finish line.

And, while having a positive attitude, in general, is important to being successful. But having a can-do attitude is THE KEY to be successful.

So as you work on your goals and aspirations, keep checking how your attitude is?

In summary, the only person who can determine what success means to you is YOU!

Never let anyone define what success means for you.

To be successful in the long run, be clear about what you want, set-up a game plan, and go at it with a positive attitude, tenacity determination. But always remember to remain flexible. And, that my friend, is what’ll set you apart from the rest of the world!

What are you thoughts on this topic? Do you have other tools or strategies you utilize to manifest success?

Please share your thoughts with me in the comments section below.

To your success,


zane baker be successful
Ps. Please pin this poster to Pinterest:
What does it mean to be successful? 3 tools that'll change your life

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