Angel Messenger: Guidance From Your Angels for 2019

Angel Messenger is the #1 source for Free Online Divine Card Readings. Connect with your higher self, guardian angels, and spirit guides on the other side.

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Hello Divine Being of Light! Zane here, your angel intuitive guide and I am back today with another Angel Card reading from our Angel Messengers!

I have been meditating a lot lately seeking guidance on how to be of service to you in this amazing new year.

On Jan 11th, I got the message and I was guided to do an intuitive reading with a general theme in mind and then explore the specifics to help bring that theme into fruition for 2019.

I started the day with my regular practice of meditation.

I chose one of my favorite tracks from Rising Higher Meditation

Here’s the exact track I used if you would like to play the track as you meditate.
One of The Best Meditation Music Tracks I Have Experienced In My Life Since I Started My Meditation Practice in 2007. Angel Messenger Helper Track For Sure!

If this is your first time to one of my readings, WELCOME!

If you’ve been here before, then THANK YOU for your support and be ready for an Angel Messenger Reading that highlights what to expect and what do for 2019.

After I finished my meditation, I went and picked 3 Angel Card Decks from my collection that I felt guided to use for this reading and began the reading.

This pic below shows the exact decks I used, If you want to get your own please go here to grab yours:

Angel Messenger is here with amazing guidance - 2019 them angel Messenger
The cards were cleansed with Sage and Guarded by an Amertine and An Amethyst.

This reading was very different and unique as I kept getting the guidance to use one deck by itself for the general theme of the year and to use the other two to find out what specific guidance and action we get to do to make the theme a reality.

The Angel Answer Deck jumped at me for the general theme.

So I drew a card with the intention of what the theme of the year is for anyone who comes across this reading.

It doesn’t matter how you found me or this reading, if you’re here now then this applies to you.

The other 2 decks, the Angel of Abundance and Magical Fairies helped facilitate the rest of the reading.

As I mentioned, this reading was very unique.

Take a look at this pic as it’s the actual way the reading unfolded.

Angel Messenger Spread- 2019 theme angel Messenger
The top card is the general theme for the year. The rest is the guidance.

Now let’s dive into this Angel Messenger reading and see what amazing guidance we get.


2019 is your year of success.

Worry not dear child as this is your year for transformation and reaping the harvest of what you sowed.

Angel Card Reading - The Theme - 2019 theme angel messenger - success
Angel Messenger:
Success is coming, trust the process.

Go forward with the determination of a lion as nothing will stop you.

When temporary defeat appears simply know that it’s divinely timed and that it was meant to be this way.

Keep your thoughts positive and go after your goals and aspirations.

If you have a job, know that you have amazing things in store for you.

You might get the promotion you’re after or attract an opportunity that’s even more lucrative and with a higher return.

For business owners and those who are thinking of starting their own business, please know that 2019 is the year of the number 3.

What that has to do with owning or starting a business?

Well, keep reading.

Number 3 carries the vibration of exponential growth, expansion, and abundance. Also, number 3 is the number that resonates with manifesting and manifestation.

So go forward with that biz plan or start that business that you’ve been talking about for years.

The time for action is now!

Alright, now that we know the general theme for the year, let’s dive deep into how to manifest that amazing success with the help of the Angels of Abundance.


1. Block Out Distraction

Distraction is the enemy of success.

So if you want to manifest success in your life ensure that you stay focused and keep your eyes on the prize.

Creativity is key to success, so stay on task with your goals and keep track of how you’re progressing.

I personally stay organized and focused by keeping a goal journal.

2. Be Open To Receiving Help

If you’ve been stuck in your life, your career or any project you’re working on and been praying for a sign then be open to receiving help when it comes your way.

We tend to always want to be in total control especially when it comes to our life mission and purpose.

I know the feeling, as I have been there myself and let me tell you this:

Sometimes when you are focused on serving your life purpose and staying aligned with goals to help you achieve that, you tend to become a control freak and forget that you live in a world full of people who can be of help to you.

Sometimes the help might come from a person you know, other times it comes from outside sources.

Simply be open to help. A possible partnership might arise if the help you’re receiving is in full alignment with you and your purpose.

Here’s a tool I love using to help release my need to be in control:
Letting go of Control Via EFT.

3. Honor Thyself and Pay Yourself First

In life we tend to forget that we are the ones who are doing all the hard work needed for success.

We tend to pay our rent or mortgage, car insurance, and other bills first, we even go a step beyond and automate the process with Autopay.

But let me invite you to a novel idea that might come as a surprise for most people.

This month pay yourself first when you receive your paycheck.

It doesn’t matter what amount.

What matter is that the 1st person to benefit from your work is, guess who?


To further help expand the reading, here’s some extra guidance form the magical fairies:
  • Be patient please, great things come to those who do the work and know with faith that the results are on their way. Let go of doubt, fear, and worry and simply live in the now with the faith and focus that all is working out in your favor.
  • Your career can be an adventure if you think creatively, so think outside the box when it comes to your current job or career. On the other hand, if you’re looking for a new career, then one might be coming your way. Ask and you shall receive.
  • Your desires are manifesting so ensure that FAITH is the only thing you’re holding on to especially during difficult times. Transformation is on the way, after all, success is the theme of the year.
Additionally, this Card jumped out of the deck which means it’s meant to be part of the reading and the message doesn’t need any further explaining – please take a look:
Angel Messenger is here with amazing guidance - jumping card
Travel is in your future, it could be for work or pleasure, maybe even both.


Wow, what an angelic reading!

As you can see, success is at bay but you get to be more organized, stay laser focused and welcome help when it comes to you.

Even more, patience is needed as you work on manifesting your heart desires through your passionate work and career.

Stay positive and keep up the faith as you travel your journey!

I truly hope that you enjoyed these divine angel messenger messages.

Please share this reading on Facebook or Pin it to your Pinterest Board if you found the information helpful.

Lastly, let me know your thoughts about these divine angel messenger guidance in the comment section at the bottom of this post.

Angelic Luv,

BORING DISCLAIMER: For entertainment purposes only. As always when discussing topics of this nature, let me clarify this post by saying that I’m no doctor. And that I am in NO WAY considered as giving you ANY advice, medical or otherwise. I am neither telling you what to do nor am I guaranteeing any results. The way you consume and apply this information is YOUR CHOICE. Thank You!

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