11 Divine Messages Your Angels Want You to Know Today and Every Day!

The angels are always with you, no matter how stressed or afraid you are. In this post, you'll read 11 comforting and inspiring messages that are meant for your eyes.

Divine Messages: 10 Divine Inspiration and Prayers From Your Angels

Today, your Angels want you to be aware of these 11 divine messages as well as divine inspiration and prayers!

If you’re new to receiving divine guidance, please know that the angels are ALWAYS speaking to you!

As a human being, you can receive divine messages. However, most people have forgot about that wonderful GIFT from Spirit.

During my near near-death experience (NDE), I had the most beautiful experience with the angels.

Ever since I was a child, I always felt the presence of the angels, but after my NDE, I have become the biggest ANGEL believer.

But, first things first, let me answer the million dollar question…

How Do The Angels Communicate With Humans?

The angels are always in contact with us humans. They send divine messages in the most subtle of ways.

As I mentioned earlier, most people are not even aware of this gift.

But since you’re reading this post then it’s safe to assume that you are more aware of your energy and your environment.

The angels are creatively limitless and that makes the ways they communicate with you quite fun and playful.

To get your attention, the angels use your preferred learning style to send you divine messages.

Your Journey, It may be long, but so as long as you believe in Angels, you will never feel alone. Divine Messages 10 Divine Inspiration and Prayers From Your Angels

Visual Divine Messages:

So ,if you’re visual (seeing) person, you might start finding coins.

Or all of a sudden, you’ll see feathers or butterflies everywhere and sometimes at the oddest of place.

Besides, the angels can be “not too subtle” visually! You’ll literally meet someone named Angel/Angeline/Angelica or see the word written in a book or on a billboard sign.

Also, the angels are known for giving visuals that you see in your mind. Those visuals can come in the form of divine inspiration and prayers or scenes of certain events/situations.

Auditory Divine Messages:

If you’re auditory (hearing), you may hear a song about Angels or suddenly hear the word angel everywhere you go.

The funniest story about auditory messages happened to me a few years back…

I was stuck in a very toxic situation, so I asked the angels from a sign. And within 24 hrs, BAM!!! I get a call from a friend who told me; Hey Zane! I know how much you love angels. And I saw this little angel gift that I believe you’ll love.

Then, I asked my friend, did the gift has any words on it? My friend responded, a matter of fact, it did. I asked my friend to tell me the message, and WOW!!! I started crying immediately. The message was exactly what I needed to hear at the time.

Feeling Divine Messages:

If you’re the feeling type, then you might feel the energy of the divine messages pulsing through you or feel goosebumps.

With feeling messages, you just get a knowing that you can’t seem to explain.

Regardless of what way you’ll receive the divine messages, simply TRUST YOUR INTUTION!

Alrighty! Now that you’re aware of how the angels communicate with you, it’s time to share with you 11 divine prayers and inspiration to aid you on your journey.

If you happen to see this post, consider this your divine sign from your angel!

11 Divine Messages From Your Angels.

1 – Angelic Love and Light

2 – Blessings Upon Blessings

3 – Expect Miracles

4 – Angelic Blessings Are Coming Your Way

5 – Don’t Give In To Worry

Divine Inspiration and Prayers Gift

6 – Prayers Work

7 – You Are Loved More Than You’ll Ever Know

8 – Let Go and Grow

9 – Your Time Is Coming

10 – Turn To The Angels For Help

11 – Spread The Inspiration

Related Reads: The Gentle Way – How To Get Angelic Assistance

I TRUST that these 11 divine inspiration and prayers found you well!

Looking forward to hear which one of the 11 divine messages resonated with you the most.

Please let me know in the comments section below.

Angelic Luv,

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