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A Super-Simple Strategy To Totally Stop Procrastination In Its Tracks

Success is an iceberg. On the surface, people only see confidence, wealth, beauty, relationships, and seniority. Learn the real truth about success.

5 Awesome Meditation Benefits Backed By Science

What meditation benefits are backed by science is a question I get asked frequently. Mostly by left-side brainers(analytical-minded).😄 Overall, when it comes to the topic of having a meditative practice, the benefits are undeniable. Without a doubt, meditation is one of the most underrated...

How To Celebrate International Women’s Day Like The Queen That You Are!

To honor and celebrate International Women's Day in style, I am writing this post. If you want to learn the history behind International Women's Day, please read this post. I personally don't believe that we need to wait till March 8th of every given...

Angel Number 333 and Its Meaning

Have you ever seen angel number 333 repeatedly and wondered why? If so, you're in for a treat as I will explain the number 333 meaning and why you keep seeing it? This past week, everywhere I went I saw angel numbers 333. I glanced at...

4 Easy Ways to Shift from Low to High Vibration Naturally

What if I told you that the secret to altering your reality lies in how low or high vibration are you? In a previous post, I shared how your vibrational state has a direct effect on your life. Also, in that post, I shared 11...

What Does It Mean to Be Successful? The Answer Is Simpler Than You Think!

"What does it mean to be successful?", is one of the questions I get asked the most in my career as a coach. And, truth be told, to be successful, there is no magic pill. There is no special elevator. You gotta take the stairs!!...

8 Ways To Stay Upbeat Even When The Sky Is Falling?

Did life get you feeling down? Don't you worry, I got you covered! Today I am going to teach you exactly how to manage your energy and be a master of how to stay upbeat under tough times. If you haven't lived under a...

3 Ways to Just Stop Caring What Others Think

Have you ever noticed how most successful people out there have at least one trait in common? That trait is, of course, the ability to not care what others think! Society does a great job demonizing people who are successful by generalizing sayings like,...

Angel Number 22: What Does It Mean and How Do You Interpret the Meaning?

Angel number 22 is a master number that signifies heavenly intervention and guidance. It tells you to open your heart, mind, and spirit to the angelic realm and allow God & the Angels to fill your life with love, peace, creativity, abundance, and joy. Angel...

What Is Meditation For… Really?

You probably have the gist of how meditation works!? But have you ever wondered what is meditation and what is meditation for...really! Today's I'll give you the full scoop about this wonderful practice! I have been meditating for well over 10+ years! Practicing the art...